It was one Friday night after school, Friday the 13th to be exact. I was at a sleep over with 3 other friends; we did something that i regret deeply and hope i never experience again. I just remebered i havent introduced my self yet, my name is liam amd im 16 years old. I have short black hair with bangs that occasionaly cover my eyes. I normaly like to wear black and grey. Im the tallest in my class. Anyway i better get on with the story.
Friday 13th at school
I was walking to my to break to meet my friends, zack, anna and lily. I rounded the corner near the door that leads outside and thats when i saw lily standing near the door. She was a short girl with long, curly blonde hair and wore a pink shirt on that said “kiss me in single” on it, and a short pink skirt. She was 16 aswell.
“lily!” i shouted
“hi liam!” she said whilst walking towards me
“where are the otheres?”
“their outside waiting for us” she replied
“then lets go!” i said whilst walking to the door
We walked silently side by side over to where our two friends were.
“hey liam and lily!” zack shouted
Zach was a medium sized basketball player with long red hair in a pony tail. He wore his basketball kit as always. He was 17 a few months older then us.
“hi guys!” i replied
“finally you arrived i was about to die if zack said any more stupidness” said Anna whilst rolling her eyes.
Anna was a short girl with short brown hair. She always wore grey ripped jeans and a plain grey T-shirt with a black jumper tied around her waist. She was 16. She was also one of the smartest people we knew
“anyone busy after school?” asked zack
We all shook our heads.
“then lets have a sleepover!” replied zac enthusiastically
“sounds like fun!” lily said
“whos house?” asked Anna
“my parents are away for the weekend so we could use my house.”i replied
“we could watch horror movies and play scray games!” anna suggested
“perhaps we shouldnt.” Lily replied nervously
“dont be a scardy cat! It will be fine” zack replied
“so everyone my house 6:30 tonight”
They all nodded and went to go to our next lesson of the day. A few hours later it was nearly the end of school and we were all exited about tge sleepover tonight.
My house 6:30 pm
I was setting up where we were gonna watch some movies. I had 4 bean bags and a big bucket of popcorn, with some horror films. I heard the door knock so i went to answer it
“we are here!” Anna said as soon as i opened the door
“i can see that, now everyone in”
They all walked in exitedly expect lily who looked a little nervous. We all sat down on a bean bag a put on the first movie.
After a few movies
“what time is it?” asked zack
“almost 12 o-clock” i replied
“lets play a few games!” said Anna
“are you sure you want to” Lily said whilst gripping onto her pillow tightly
“we'll be fine” i said whilst putting a reasuring hand on lilys shoulder “so what we playing?”
“i have an idea” said Anna whilst looking at something on her phone “lets play the closet game! Its supposed to take us to a new Dimension!”
“sure” zack replied
“how do we play?” i asked
Anna began explaining the rules and told us what we needed. Zack went to get a candle
which is one of the things we need
whilst i went to empty a closet. Once everything was sorted we all stood outside the closet.
“firstly we get in the closet” she said and we all got into it whilst having to squeeze together “then we light the candle”
Zack lit the candle
“now everyone times their age by tem then count up to that number.”
We did as she said and halfway threw we ket hearing weard noises, people screaming, babies crying, class breaking and people banging.
“everyone finished?” asked anna a bit more scared then she was when we started
We all nodded
“then lets step out and we should be in the new dimsion”
We did as she said and when we got out everything looked the exact same but we knew it wasnt.
“are you sure i worked?” Lily asked nervously
“me and liam will check the other rooms you two stay here” said zack
“do i not get a say?” i replied whilst walking behind zack
We exited the room and decided to split up to check all the rooms because its quicker that way. The first room i went into was the bathroom. As soon as i stepped inside the door slammed shut behind me. I frantically turned around and attempted to open the door but it wouldnt budge. I turned around to see if there was anything i could use and that was when i saw it. A pale figure in looking at me through the mirror. It had long Black hair covering up its face but i could see its blood red eyes. Its hands amd mouth were bloody. I froze, i didnt know what to do, but i something or someone pushed me from behind so i was closer to the mirror. Then unexpectedly in shattered, flinging glass at my face and arms. I ran to the door and luckily it was open, i rushed to the room where i know the other are.
“Liam what happened?!” asked lily rushing over to me as soon as i got it
“Anna how do we go back to our own Dimension?” i asked shaking
“you didnt answer lilys question!”
I explained to them what happend whilst lily cleaned the cuts on my face and arms.
“so we really are in a different Dimension” Anna said
“wheres zack?” I asked whilst looking around the room
“he hasnt game back yet” Anna replied whilst biting her nail
“he could be in danger!” i shouted
We rushed out of the room and began searching for zack. We entered one of the bedrooms and what we saw was what we never expected to see there was zack hanging from his neck by a rope swinging. It looked like he hung himself. We froze just staring at zack. I snapped out of it amd grabbed a chair and got zack down. He was dead. Anna and lily were in tears.
“how?” Asked Anna throught tears
“we should go” i replied trying my best not to cry
“what about zack?” Lily asked
“we’ll leave him until we can find out how to get back to our own Dimension”
We left the room in silence. When we went back to the room we started in there was a strange figure waiting for us. It was tall, it had green Spikey hair. It wore a long black cloke and had this menacing smile on his face.
“well im assuming u found your friend” the thing said whilst still smiling
“what did you do to him?” i asked struggling to keep my anger from showing.
“we killed him”
“why?!” asked Anna furious
“this is what you get for entering out Dimension” it replied “now all of you are going to get killed tonight”
I instantly stood in front of the girls protecting them from the stranger.
“then let us go back to our own Dimension!” i yelled
“i'll pass”
It took a step towards us
“stay away” Anna said stuttering
It lunged towards me knocking me down then it dissapeard into thin air
“liam!” Lillt aaid whilst rushing towards me
“im fine”
All of a sudden another figure appeard infornt of us but we knew who it was.
“zack” Lily said
“but your dead” i replied confused
“im here to tell you how to get back to your dimension”
“you know how?” Anna said jumping up
“yes now shut up and let me explain i dont have much time”
We instantly stopped talking and listened to what zack had to say.
“first of all, you need to find tge candle and lighter, then get into the closet; times your age by tem then count backwards from it” zack said “however, you need to be careful, there are alot if entitys in this house that want all of you dead”
“wait where is the candle amd lighter?” asked Anna
“like i said you need to find it”
“any idea where they are? I asked
“nope” he replied “well it seems like ive ran out of time, good bye you guys i Love ya”
We all said good bye and zack dissapeard.
“right, we better get going” i said determinaly
“where will we start?” asked Lily
“no idea”
We exited the room and walked down the stairs. Suddenly something pushed lily from behind and she fell down the stairs.
“Lily!” Anna screamed
Lily landed at the bottom of the stairs, injured. We rushed down and instantly went to her side.
“lily please say your not dead!” Anna said shaking
“im not dead just in alot of pain” Lily replied whilst attemting to stand up but she fell on the floor
“thank goodness your alive”
“yeah but i think i twisted my ankle” She replied whilst pointing at her ankle that is in a different position from where it should be.
“ill give you a piggy back” i said whilst putting her on my back