
Let’s Read The Word

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Bella is a seventeen year old High school teen with a disease called prosopagnosia also known as face blindness a rare disorder that makes one have the inability to recognize faces...she has her two bestfriends with her...Nathan and pamella ...she also have her mum and little bro ....she lost her dad to a car crash ...he died while saving her and that's how she got her disease. There is rafael a transfer student who falls in love with her , tries everything possible to win her heart. later on finding out her best friend is in love with her . How does she cope with her disease? Who does she accept in her life? Bella is a fun filled Teen fiction novel. Please vote, share, comment, like, send your gifts. Happy reading. Thanks~Author

Bella , Bella, Bella"My dad called my name ... "I'm so sorry ...i was never really there for you and your brother"

I thought i was having a hallucination but i wasn't was a dream .

I am Bella Neil, a seventeen years old high school kid ... Let me go back a little in the introduction i will be eighteen years old in  three months time. And i have a rare disability called prosopagnosia also known as face blindness, i can't recognize face Or my face .

My accident happened four years ago when me and my dad was on our way to a carnival ...our car collided into a bus dad died while saving me...blocking me from all the Glass and the collision, he died instantly.

Before my dad died i was a rich and spoilt kid dad was the owner of kohli steel and lines ...a major dealer with steels and material for constructions. He was more like a womanizer and gambler...But he made sure he gave his family money.

I live my life just like every other teenager about to graduate from high school in 6 months.

I was at my bestfriend's house , Nathan Macdonald , We have been friends since childhood...that was when we were four years old. We do everything together and he's not the only one who do , pamela Erin my bestfriend , she went on a vacation with her family.

"My mom's at it again" Nathan said.

"Comeon, going to harvard is big a deal"  i pinched him , "i will be alright ...besides cambridge or harvard ...i will be fine "

I assured him.

"You are my bestfriend and i love you , i wouldn't want you to be anywhere you are all by yourself"he was looking so cute with his puppy eyes.

"The earlier you realize that we are no longer kids , is the day you grow up."  I teased.

"Besides we have more than half a year to have fun together , we can have do much fun during summer" i wasn't just saying those to make him feel better , i meant every word.

"Yeah..but our fun won't last". he cried.

"Neither will i stay in school forever ". i said.

He replied me with a smile.

"I prepared a bucket list ...Full of fun content. " I said handling the paper over to him.


1. Go skydiving .

2. Play guitar while mrs humprey is in


3. Get Matching BFF's tattoo.

4. Go to a paint and wine night.

5. Get mini-pedis.

6. Set each other on a blind date.

7. Take a cooking class

8. Have spa day.

9. Go on a camping trip.

10.Go on scary roller coaster ride.

11. Throw a dinner party.

12. Stalk each other ex' s on social     


13.Go to disneyland.

14. Go to a bonfire.

15. Go wine tasting .

16. Go on a double date.

17. Pretend to be insane and see a             therapist.

18.  Make a photo memory scrap book.

19.  Join a bookclub .

20. Go bee hunting.

21. Have a pajamas day out.

22. Go to a driving movie.

23. Attend a music festival.

24. Prank call .

25. Wear matching outfis for aweek.

26. Have a cut crafts day.

27. Write a letter to be opened in           the nearest future.

28. Steal from a Clothline stall.

29. Order a food and make a fuss.

30.  Learn Quran.

"Wow, but isn't all these too much?" Nathan asked looking so off board.

"No it isn't, this for summer " i said

"And there might more ". i added.

"You are so scary right now" He said with a smirk .

"I know right ... Opps i have to go now , mum will be home in a few hours, i have to prepare dinner " i frowned .

"Okay see you at school" he said .

"Won't you see me off ?", I asked.

* * * * *

I arrived home , but mom was already back from work and she was also preparing dinner.

"Hi mom, you are back so early" i said with a full mouth while munching some oats .

"Yes i am " my mom replied me .

"How was work?" I asked frantically.

" Hectic as usual" my mom replied me in a low tone.

" Can you stop littering the whole place" i yelled at my little bro


. " I am going up want to shower".

Donald is my little bro of 9 years old and in grade 4 . He is so cute with his sea blue eyes ...always letting me yell at him.

"Okay when you are done , Come down and help me with dinner" my mom said .

Some minutes later* * * * *

" So what do you have in mind for dinner?" I asked.

" How about macaroni and cheese" my mom said.

"Yummy mum , what's the special occasion?" I asked.

"Guess" my mum said.

"Mum, you know i am not good at guessing, what is it mum?" I asked out of curiosity

Everyone was in suspense* * * *

"I got promoted today" my mum said with smiles all over her face . " And i am here to celebrate with my family" she added.

"Wow mum...that's

wonderful ...congratulation" i said hugging her .

"Mum i have something for you" Donald said .

"What is it baby" my mom replied starring at me ...

"Squat mum" he said giving my mom a peek on the cheek and handling her a airplane made out of paper.

"Thanks baby" My mom complimented him.