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The Sovereign's Protection

The Sovereign's Protection

Author:Qween Boj


Steamy Stories

He was a prince, she was a dancer. He became a slave, she became a wife. He was crowned king, he crowned her HIS QUEEN. BUT IS THAT ALL? IS THAT REALLY ALL? To save the people of his kingdom, Prince Harvey Nectar Walter, the only son of King Walter III, and heir to the throne of Kuvhob kingdom, embarked on a dangerous journey to a kingdom--Honia kingdom-- whose king was determined to wage war against Kuvhob. The prince worked as an undercover slave in the palace of King Clinton Rodham, where he met a lazy dazzling lady, Jewel, with whom he fell in love. Alas! She was King Clinton's woman--she was the king's wife. An untouchable woman. A woman he shouldn't think of having. The love between the two strangers was bound to either destroy them or mould them. EXCERPT * The king knew she purposely chose the hideous gown to spite him. He let out a chuckle. "Who chose this dress for you?"He asked, narrowing his eyes as he sat on his bed. "The woman in charge of the wardrobe?"Jewel rolled her eyes. His dick twitched at her defiance.* *** * He is my husband, we are to be married soon.* *** *A fake husband…* *** *I don't like his beards!* *** *You are heir to the throne, please don't do this.* *** *Dip three fingers in your cunt* *** *The king is an illiterate* *** *What do you think about the girl* *** *She is mine.*


There once lived a kingdom called Kuvhob. The kingdom of Kuvhob was known for its strength and power; far and near its borders. It was ruled by numerous powerful kings whose praises were sung generations after generations. These rulers conquered war after war; battle after battle- they were leaders of honour, glory and prestige.

Among these rulers lived King Walter III. He was named by his father, King Walter the second, who was named by his father, King Walter the first. Walter the third was a man of timbre and calibre. During his reign, he led the people of Kuvhob kingdom with utmost dedication and wisdom. He was known by many for his bravery and good leadership; he was also known for his beauty. King Walter was, as many defined him, a demi-god. He had an angelic look that made people who came in contact with him gawk. He was married to Amelia Shita, a princess from Usiu kingdom. Amelia was the third sister of King Barma Shita of Usiu kingdom; she loved flowers.

Usiu kingdom was a neighbouring kingdom of Kuvhob. People from the two kingdoms engaged in the exchange of goods and services- sometimes, trade by barter. This relationship ensued among these people due to the friendship between their kings. Walter and Barma became childhood friends since the day King Walter II rescued Barma from drowning in the river that flowed between the two kingdoms- Rowan river.

King Walter III fell in love with Amelia the first day she stepped foot inside his palace. She was there with her brother, for Walter's coronation; after the death of King Walter the Second. Funnily, the two got married the following week. Barma was pleased to have his good friend as his in-law. The marriage between his sister and Walter strengthened the friendship between them. A year later, Queen Amelia gave birth to Princess Sheba; two years after Sheba's birth, Harvey Nectar Walter was born. Amelia named him Nectar because she believed he brought sweetness into her life, and Kuvhob kingdom at large. Indeed, the people of Kuvhob were pleased with the birth of their prince. Even King Barma of Usiu was overjoyed. Everyone's joy knew no bound.

Right from birth, he had a striking resemblance with his father. He was beautiful- more beautiful than his father. If not extremely careful, one would drown in his ocean blue eyes. His father noticed he not only had his beauty, but he also had the deadly beauty of his grandfather. As Harvey grew older, he grew more beautiful. He had a killer smile; a beautiful face. But when annoyed, his beauty grew dark, which made the palace maids afraid of him. He had an aura that attracted people and kept them away at the same time. It made people keep a rational distance when around him; one could only ogle at him from a distance.

At age seven, Harvey knew how to shoot arrows perfectly without missing his target. At age twelve, armed with his bow and arrow, he would climb mountains, go into the forest, hunting. At age sixteen, he could train with the palace soldiers, with the sword made for him by his father; he was trained by the soldiers to be able to put a person to the sword. Age eighteen, he would sometimes sneak out of the palace, disguised as a commoner, just to listen to rumours spreading among the natives of Kuvhob. One time, he heard a rumour about himself.

"Are you for real?" He gaped at the old man that was sitting opposite him.

The two were sitting in a bar that was opposite a brothel, drinking their lives away.

"You don't know?" The man retorted, dropping his now-empty cup on the small table between them.

"I'm telling you, he has three eyes." He added drunkenly.

"wow," Harvey chuckled.

Even he didn't know that about himself.

"Do you know what his third eye looks like?" He asked keenly.

He pretended he was very interested in what the man was saying.

'i'd love to tell you but," the man gave him a knowing look.

Harvey knew exactly what the man wanted; money. One thing he learned about commoners was that nothing was free with them. You need money, you pay money. You need food, you pay with money. You need information, money.

He dipped his hand in his pocket, smiling at the drunkard in front of him. He brought out a few coins and handed them over to him. Instantly, a grin appeared on the man's face, displaying a decayed set of canine teeth. After counting the coins, he dipped the money in his pocked shirt's pocket.

"Come closer," he said, signalling to Harvey with his hand.

Harvey moved his upper body forward, hovering over the table.

"No one knows what his third eye looks like, but I heard it's bigger than the remaining two." He paused for a while. "A friend of mine that works in the palace said that the crown prince's third eye is located at the back of his head; he sees everything happening behind him." He added, whispering in the boy's ear.

Harvey did not know what to do-- whether to laugh or shout- he was helpless. What the drunkard just told him was funny, and at the same time, sorrowful. Sorrowful because he just wasted his money on a rumour that was not pukka.