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Alpha's Bullied Mate

Alpha's Bullied Mate

Author:Ice Angel



Kendra get bullied a lot for being wolfless , for being too small and thin, for being non-athletic and the school nerd. When she walk into a room, she feels everyone’s disapproval. Associating with her is as bad as getting some sort of incurable disease. But she’s not entirely without love, she has a loving mum and the Alpha princess loves her dearly. You don’t tell your heart who to love, and Kendra's heart chose wrongly as the boy she loves more than life itself, Alpha Chase, is deeply involved with another. On Chase’s birthday party, Anna dares him to kiss Kendra in the full glaring of everyone during a truth or dare session. Something, he reluctantly did but later punishes her for not backing out. On the other hand, Alpha Leo has become her sweet obsession. A mature man who’s aura tames her. Uncertain if what she feels for him is love or just an infatuation, she could not resist the strong pull willing her to submit to him. Kendra's life comes crumbling down when she stumble upon an assassination of the Luna in the throne room during a ball. She’s alleged to have a hand in it and is thrown into the dungeon. Penalty for murder is death, but the king has chosen to pardon her because of her late father’s loyalty and servitude, but not without a cruel punishment. She is to live in the palace as one of the slaves. Alpha Chase has turned cold, a rapscallion brute who is intoxicated by his possession of power, he vows to take revenge on his beloved and bury whatever feelings he has for her. Kendra wakes up every day to his burning hatred. Alpha Leo is not only taking it upon himself to claim Kendra as his mate, he has felt the surge of power within her, he has breathed her fire and knew just how much power is locked in her tiny body, he is ready to risk it all to help her realize just how much Power she commands. Kendra can feel it in her gut that the killers are in the palace. She works on exposing the real culprits to clear her name. When things gets too complicated, and the murder mystery remains unsolved, she decides to flee the palace and to never return when she could no longer bear Chase’s torture. Fleeing Stormhalt Moon Pack, she vows to never return, but Fate has a way of putting in front of us that which we try to leave behind. Secrets from her past which will completely and totally alter the course of her life more than she had ever imagined comes knocking at her door. Years later, power slips out from Chase’s hand into the hand of the enemies… A prophecy of a new Protector is made, and the weight falls on her shoulder. Reminiscing on everything she’s been through, and with a baby growing in her womb, will she go back to safe the same people that rejected her, or will she let them perish?

My nerve endings tingle with pleasures as I writhe on the bed, my hips bucking gently, hot pressure in my belly start to unfurl, burning through my vain at every lap of his tongue on my center.

“Mmh… you taste so good”. A low growl tearing out of his throat as he rises from between my legs, lips kinked in a knowing smile. His face is cruelly handsome, his thick bright blond hair gleaming and silky under the dim light. “ I could get use to doing this to you everyday.” His words, a promise of more to come.

His deep icy-blue eyes that looks like it could freeze me to death bores into mine. Holding my legs widely apart, he kisses his way up to my chest and settles the length of his body against mine. I feel his rigid length pressed hard on my thigh, throbbing, straining for me, and suddenly I want it,  i want him thrusting into me, filling the deep and boundless ache that I suddenly feel.

“ You’re so fucking beautiful, Kendra.” He drag his fingers across my breast to pinch my nipple, his eyes hovering over my face. “ Beg, Kendra. I want you to beg for me to take you”. His voice low and rough. He cups the side of my face and allows his thumb to trace the line of my lips. " I want to hear this sweet mouth of yours begging me to fill your little kitty up."

“please”. I mumble. “Please give me an orgasm”. My voice shake and I feel tremor of desire run through me.

He smirk and pin my wrists over my head before trailing hot kisses down my neck and chest, his tongue teasing my nipples through the lace of my night dress. His fingers trace an electric path up my spine, then reach to push my dress up. I let out a soft growl as his tongue flick out to tease the peak of my bare breast.

“ Yes… yes… please don’t stop.” I gasps, grasping the pink sheets beneath me, a desperate attempt to anchor myself as a wave of ecstasy break through me… “ Fuck! Yes, Chase”.

Our lips come together in a passionate kiss. “ you’re mine, Kendra. All mine”. He moans into my mouth, kissing me senselessly. By the time he pulls his lips away from mine, we’re both out of breath. Looking into my eyes he asks, “ whose are you?” his eyes sparkling with so much longing. “ whose?” he drops a soft kiss on my lips.

“yours. I’m yours, Chase.” I whisper, and the flood of arousal sweeps over me, trickling from my folds down my thighs.

As if my affirmation released a beast inside of him, the dam of his self-control beaks, he spear his fingers through my hair, pulling on it as he kisses my lips with a brutal passion. With a sudden shift, he thrust his length inside my already flooded core in a one hard stroke that leaves me boneless.

I gasps as I look up at him. “Chase… please”.

Our soul's link seems flaming hot, I sense his mind listening, understanding what my body wants without a word. He grip my throat with only the tiniest threat of pressure and covers my mouth with his… and just as the wave is about to break…

Beep.    Beep.    Beep

I bolted upright in bed, gasping for air. “ what the hell was that?” My nerves are quivering, my skin is sweaty, my heart is trying to pound out from my chest. I can’t believe I just made out with Chase in my dream. It felt so real and so good. Either I've been thinking a lot about him lately, or I really need to see a doctor for a check-up.

Coco, my cat raises a sleepy head, blinks at me, then climbs into my lap and gets comfortable. 

“ Hey, Coco,” It rolls on her stomach, and meow as if she understands my mood, but settles her head on my knee and I stroke her fluffy fur gently. “ … are you alright, Coco? Mama just had a very weird dream.” I smile as Coco pouts. “ I know girl. Too sad he will never be mine”.

“Kendra!” my Mum shout up at me. “You’re running late for school!”

I gasps like a beached whale. “ Crap! School! I have to get ready, Coco.” I quickly put Coco down and rushes into the bathroom for a quick bath.

Once I am done having my bath, I throw on my usual outfit, a green turtle-neck long-sleeved top on a blue jeans. Checking myself in the mirror. “ same as always”.

Maybe I am an adult now but, I sure don’t look any different. Same nerd every Dick and Harry in Stormhalt Moon Pack want to take a swing at.

Taking a long deep breath, I grab the pink backpack I’ve had since I was thirteen from the rack and shrug it up my shoulder. Although the leather is starting to peel, it’s difficult to let go. It was the last gift I received from my Dad before his Heroic demise. He died protecting the Alpha from assassin's suspected to be from one of the many Enemies of our pack.

I head downstairs full of feeling that my whole life is about to be different. Maybe, I get to finally find my mate and have my first kiss. I climb down the stairs to find my Mum cooking over the stove. An apron knotted around her waist as she warm some butter in a pan.

“ Oh! There’s my birthday girl. Happy eighteenth birthday Princess.” She holds my both cheeks, squeezing tenderly, she kisses the top of my head.

“ Thanks Mum”. Picking a purple apple from a mini basket on the counter, I settle down into a chair. “ What are you making for breakfast.” I bite down on the apple.

“Pancakes. Your favorite.” I watch as she concentrates, delicately drizzling toppings and then flipping each pancake. “ I will make cupcakes for your birthday, you should invite your friends.”

“ I don’t have friends, Mum.”

“What do you mean you don’t have friends? What about Anna?”

“ Today is Chase’s eighteenth birthday too and they’re throwing a party”.

“ Oh my… you should go, Kendra. I will find you a dress”

I roll my eyes inwardly and shake my head at her resolve, like I have anything appropriate in my wardrobe for High school parties. I still haven’t gotten over the humiliation I faced at Ellie’s sixteenth birthday party that Anna talked me into going with her. I was the butt of joke, for being a party pooper.

Pushing a plate of pancakes and omelette forward, “ hurry up so you don’t miss the bus”. She untie the apron and walk back to hang it on the peg beside the shelves. “ you haven’t said anything about the party, Kendra.”

“ I don’t want to go, Mum.” My voice is firm and impenetrable, but trust my Mum to always be pushy.

She shoots bazooka at me, “ why? I want you to make more friends. Go out and meet the others.” She hands me a glass of milk and walks off murmuring words I cannot make out but I am certain she's complaining to herself about my nonchalant behavior towards making friends, she always do.

I frown my irritation and hold the food in my mouth for a brief moment before sipping from the glass of milk.

My Mum always worry about not seeing friends around me, except for Anna my best friend of course. She is the Alpha's daughter and Chase’s kid sister. Not having too many friends in our pack is not a personality trait and sometimes I have to absorb that I am not Shackled to what my Mum sees.

She wants me to blend in, to get along with others, to party, and to always be in happy places but, i am ashamed to tell her that I get bullied in such gatherings. I understand her worries comes from a place of concern, the more antisocial I am the harder it will be for me to find my mate.

I shove the last piece of meal into my mouth, and breeze out to the bus station.

Soon, I’m on my way to school, the only senior on a sky-blue rickety bus full of noisy freshmen and sophomores. I look at my Samsung phone that is a decade out of date, tells me that I’ve got twenty minutes to be in my first class.

The details of my dreams are fading but the physical effect still lingers. I cannot seem to stop thinking about Chase.. I mean, I've had a crush on him since we were children but the boy just never looks my way.

I'd think of him and Moon over his pictures while I touch myself at night but, the increasing desire to have him between my legs making me squirm underneath him has doubled in the last few days.

The bus stops at a red-light, I hear a deep rumble as a flamed red motorcycle pulls up in the lane. Chase! My heart skipped a beat as I see him behind the wheels looking like a demi-god in a black leather Jacket on a black jeans. His girlfriend and childhood friend, Ellie is sitting pretty behind him. Her hands circled around his waist, chin resting on the nape of his neck and her bra-length blond hair moving in tousle waves.

Chase and Ellie is in a classic High School relationship. The quarterback and the school Star athlete and his cheerleader girlfriend. One time Stormhalt High junior prom King and Queen. How dreamy?

Chase is your typical all-American teen. Popular and full of confidence, he is every high school girl’s dream, and Ellie have him wrapped around her little fingers.

Judging by the calm, assured way they're both relaxing on the motorcycle, with Ellie's body pressed against his, what was a rare, thrilling experience for me must be an everyday thing for them.

As if he can feel me staring, he meets my gaze just for a moment. My breath catches at the intensity of his gaze, an arrogant look that says he’s a predator and I’m the prey. He’s absolutely fucking gorgeous. The traffic light turns green, and he guns off.

Get a hold of yourself, Kendra. Somethings are better left as dreams and some dreams never come true. I whoosh out a relieving breath as the bus come to a stop outside the prestigious Stormhalt High. I shuffle my way off the bus.

Students hugging, shaking hands, conversing and laughing with each other but I seem invisible as none notices me, and suddenly I’ve never felt so alone. I’m being stupid but , I just thought that if I turn eighteen, I’d be someone worth noticing. I was so wrong. Somethings just never change.