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The 90s: The True Heiress Strikes Back

The 90s: The True Heiress Strikes Back



In her last life, she was disfigured by her own uncle and aunt and sold to Myanmar! Reborn at the age of eighteen, she vowed revenge. First, she helped her parents become wealthy, then aimed for a good university. Unexpectedly, she achieved her minor goals with ease and made a billion! At this point, her biological parents sought her out. Turns out, she was a wealthy heiress, just replaced by a nanny... There's also a cold and aloof deputy commander who said he will protect her; once she grows up, he will marry her!

"Auntie, what are you trying to do!"

Lin Xuxu was tied to a chair, horror written across her face as her young aunt Qin Hong approached her with a kettle of boiling water.

Qin Hong sneered, "Xuxu, do you know what I despise about you the most?"

"I apologize." Lin Xuxu, trembling with fear, pleaded, "Auntie, let me go right away, I'll change whatever I did wrong! I'm begging you, let me go!"

"I hate your face. Born to such a pathetic life, yet your face is fit for a high-born young miss."

"Just looking at it makes me sick."

As she spoke, Qin Hong poured the boiling water directly on Lin Xuxu's face.


Lin Xuxu screamed, the areas scalded by the boiling water agonizingly painful.

Soon, from her face to her neck, there wasn't a bit of skin that was not damaged.

Qin Hong's laughter grew more frenzied: "This hideous figure of yours suits your wretched existence, indeed."

The next day, Qin Hong arranged for a dilapidated boat to transport Lin Xuxu to Myanmar.

With severe injuries to her face, Lin Xuxu couldn't tend to her wounds. She was discarded at the very bottom of the decrepit boat, barely clinging to life.

She survived only on scant sips of water and some leftover rice, living on a thread.

She thought she was nearing her end and, overwhelmed by the bleak outlook of her future, contemplated suicide.

A large dog, emerged seemingly out of nowhere, appeared before Lin Xuxu. The dog seemed to have been starved for days, salivating continuously at the sight of her.

Lin Xuxu was trembling with fear. No matter how much she struggled, the canine clamped down on her arm...

A severe suffocating feeling made her extremely uncomfortable. She quivered in despair, refusing to close her eyes even in the face of death!


Accompanied by a shrill scream, Lin Xuxu woke up abruptly from her nightmare.

She sat upright in bed, her forehead slick with cold sweat and her body trembling. Subconsciously, she reached for her neck and found it free of wounds.

Her face wasn't in pain, and her eyes, nose, and mouth were all fine. Wasn’t she supposed to be disfigured by boiling water?

Lin Xuxu was surprised to find herself home instead of on the ship heading to Myanmar…

No, what just happened was not a dream!

These were her actual experiences!

She rushed to a mirror, and there she saw her familiar self, oval-faced, with shining large eyes, a delicate nose, and skin as smooth as jade. She was a beauty, even at such a young age.

Between her confusion, Lin Xuxu noticed a calendar hanging on the wall. It was the 10th of April, 1998.

Isn't that when she was eighteen years old?

In a split second, she realized that she had reincarnated!

And just in time before the onset of any of the tragedies!

She couldn't understand why her aunt despised her so much when they hardly even saw each other for years.

But her aunt was adamant in driving her to the brink!

Before Lin Xuxu could ponder more, a flurry of footsteps echoed from outside the door. A dark and thin middle-aged woman walked in, warmly greeting, "Xuxu, what happened? A moment ago, I heard your voice."

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Lin Xuxu's heart warmed. She turned around to see the person she had been yearning for, and ran over sobbing, "Mother!"

Indeed, this middle-aged woman was her mother, Chen Yueying.

Chen Yueying had a rough life. In the years of famine, unable to watch her siblings starve to death, she sold herself to her present husband, allowing her entire family to survive. Her father, Lin Jianhong, was born with a disability. He was blind in one eye and had been a bachelor for a long time.

Fortunately, he was kindhearted; he treated Chen Yueying well and never ill-treated her.

Several years into their marriage, and yet, Chen Yueying showed no signs of pregnancy.

Mother Lin, who was biased towards her youngest son's family, saw Chen Yueying as a barren hen. She regarded Chen Yueying as a thorn in her side.

Chen Yueying was the one doing the most tiring work in the house at all times. As for Lin Jianhong, the moment he brought home his pay from a month's work at the mine, Mother Lin took it all to keep in her purse.

Claiming that she was saving it on behalf of Lin Jianhong.

Lin Jianhong's wife was right by his side, so why did mother Lin need to manage his money?

Later on, Mother Lin came back from outside carrying a baby girl, handing her over to the couple to raise. She claimed that the child was abandoned by her family.

Chen Yueying and Lin Jianhong had no child of their own, so they raised this girl as if she were their own flesh and blood. They even hired a local scholar to give her a beautiful name, Lin Xuxu.

They believed that the fact she was abandoned was in the past, and she should have a fresh start in life.

Even though the old Madam Lin was biased and frequently mistreated Chen Yueying and Lin Jianhong, they still had hope for their lives.

The elderly couple wished for Xuxu to excel in her studies, attend a prestigious university in the future, and leave this mountain village behind for a better life in the city.

So, the couple gritted their teeth and supported Lin Xuxu's education.

Unfortunately, they didn’t get the good news of Lin Xuxu getting admitted to a university; instead, they were plotted against and killed by their own family members.

At this thought, Lin Xuxu’s eyes turned red.

In her past life, her father was bitten to death by a venomous snake, brought back from the city by his own younger brother, Lin Jiandong!

Lin Jiandong deliberately released the snake into the rice fields. It bit Lin Jianhong, and he died from the poison.

On the night of her father's death, her mother, Chen Yueying, was accused by Lin Jiandong of having an affair and was beaten to death. - How could it be, her mother was always honest and virtuous, there was no way she could ever have an affair!

Behind these two deaths lay the scheming of their own Lin family!

The village was isolated, and even if you killed someone, as long as you didn't call the police, no one would investigate!

After her parents had died in accidents, the next day, Lin Xuxu was tied up in her own backyard and had her face entirely scalded by a pot of boiling water from Qin Hong.

Lin Xuxu clenched her teeth; her parents had slaved for the old Lin's family, always conforming to the old Madame's wishes, and what was the result?

They were driven to death by the old Madame!

In this life, she vowed not to repeat the same mistakes and let those who hurt their family pay in blood!

She glanced at the calendar on the wall. Today was April 10th, and in her previous life, her father was bitten by a poisonous snake the next day.

"Mom, where is dad?" she asked.

"Your dad went to work. He won't be home until noon tomorrow," answered Chen Yueying.

For some reason, Chen Yueying always felt something was different about her daughter. Though she looked the same, it was as if she had become a different person, much prettier.

Lin Xuxu had no time to waste. Everything needed to be properly planned.

She remembered, her father, Lin Jianhong, worked in a nearby coal mine. He would take a leave once a month, and return home for a few days.

In her previous life, because leadership was inspecting the coal mine, her father took leave early, so he should be able to return home tonight.

The thought of the reunion filled Lin Xuxu with joy.

This time, she was determined to protect her simple and kind-hearted parents from harm.

"Xuxu, your grandma is calling you downstairs," said Chen Yueying, who had come upstairs specifically to call her. "Remember to go down and check."

"Okay, I'm going right away." Lin Xuxu nodded.

When she went downstairs with her mother, Madam Lin was leisurely having breakfast!

Madam Lin never did any chores but always stuffed himself with good food. Her complexion was rosy and she looked more spirited compared to the dark and thin Chen Yueying.

She was also exceptionally worldly-wise, never openly expressing her dislike of anyone.

For instance, right now, it was clear that the old lady detested Lin Xuxu for being a illegitimate child. But on the surface, she held Lin Xuxu’s hand, speaking kindly: "Xuxu, could you please run an errand to the city?"

"Your uncle and aunt are returning soon. We need to prepare good food. Remember to bring back some meat, get plenty of the fatty ones. Your uncle loves it."

Lin Xuxu rolled her eyes internally, thinking, the grandma is willing to spend money on meat if her uncle likes it.

So, what about her father, who came back once a month and even handed his wages over, despite his love for meat, there's never a trace of it at home? How is that possible?

The favouritism couldn’t be more obvious!

But now is not the time for her to confront them. She still hasn't made her uncle and aunt, who brought harm to her family, pay the price!