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The Rise of the Supreme Concubine

The Rise of the Supreme Concubine

Author:Nai He Xiao Xiang



Feng Muqing, upon awakening, found herself transformed into the Ugly Girl of the Nebula Continent. Waste material? I've torn apart the facade of the hypocritical white lotus with a poisonous heart, and I've stood up against the self-proclaimed delicate girl who thinks highly of herself. The so-called genius in the six disciplines is nothing special. Ugly girl? As soon as I detoxified myself, my radiance shone through, attracting handsome men to my doorstep. The path to godhood is fraught with difficulties, and I don't care about the various demons and monsters that dare to obstruct my way. When faced with gods, I slay gods; when confronted with devils, I annihilate devils! But can someone please enlighten me on how to get rid of a certain man who's been tailing me all this time?!

Feng Muqing slowly opened her eyes, finding herself enveloped in a fiery red hue.

What's going on?

Did I just take a nap? Why am I dressed as a bride upon awakening?

Feng Muqing was embarrassed.

As a revered deity, she, who resembled an ancient ironwood tree, inexplicably found herself in a bridal gown.

In an instant, Feng Muqing was wide awake. However, as she tried to sit up, dizziness hit her, causing her to sit back down again.

Her head throbbed with a chaotic mess, and she shook her head, holding her forehead, gradually organizing her thoughts.


The corners of Feng Muqing's mouth twitched.

She never imagined that after enduring numerous years, the heavenly thunder didn't strike her dead. Instead, she died in her sleep.


Absolutely absurd!

The original owner of this body also bore the name Feng Muqing. She was the legitimate daughter of Prime Minister Feng Tianling of the Beiyi Kingdom. She was born with a natural omen, and the entire capital witnessed flashes of lightning and thunder when she was born.

Her mother, Lan Jingrou, died in childbirth. In his grief, her father sent the newborn Feng Muqing to the most remote part of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Beiyuan, where only one maidservant tended to her.

The servants in the residence took advantage of her situation and mistreated her for a full fifteen years.

But the original owner of this body, with a strong will to live, had managed to grow up in such circumstances.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Muqing pulled open the curtain of her sedan, only to be greeted by a silent wilderness, without a soul in sight.

Wasn't she supposed to be on her way to the Regent's Manor for her arranged marriage?

Why was she in this desolate forest?

And where did all those sedan bearers disappear to?

Feng Muqing was filled with questions, but there was no one to answer them.

Suddenly, a wave of hostility came rushing toward her, and Feng Muqing's heart tightened as she quickly sidestepped.


A massive tree behind her fell to the ground.

She inhaled sharply, her eyelids twitching.

It seemed like fate was truly favoring her today, not only making her wear a wedding gown but also subjecting her to an attack.

A group of men in black wielding knives confronted her. The warm sunlight glinted coldly off their blades.

The two parties locked eyes. Feng Muqing's finger, hidden behind her sleeve, moved a little. A gust of wind passed, creating an eerie silence.

What's happening?

Why aren't my spells working?

Feng Muqing couldn't help but bitterly smile, thinking about how she, the youngest revered deity in the divine realm, was now seemingly vulnerable to harm.


With a fierce shout from one of the men in black, they all charged at Feng Muqing.

Feng Muqing's heart sank, and she quickly pulled out the hairpin from her hair, making a few quick insertions into her body. Suddenly, her body felt lighter, and a warm sensation filled her Dantian.

She nimbly evaded the slashing blades. Seizing an opportunity, she grabbed the wrist of one of the men in black, wrenching the knife from his grasp.

The man was taken aback, staring at his empty hand.

Wasn't this supposed to be a useless person?

Since when could a waste like this disarm him?

But the man quickly regained his composure, angrily yelled, and lunged at her again with another blade.

Clang! Clash!

The sound of metal striking metal echoed piercingly in the quiet forest. The sparks created by the clashing weapons illuminated Feng Muqing's serious face.

The combatants moved in a chaotic dance of death, every move aimed to kill.

Blood stained her blade. Red droplets, reminiscent of fluttering butterflies, contrasted starkly against the darkness.

Bodies of the men in black littered the ground. Feng Muqing's expression remained cold, her sharp eyes focused on her attackers.

Seeing their dwindling numbers, panic set in among the remaining attackers. They contemplated retreating.


Noticing their hesitation, Feng Muqing let out a cold laugh.

Those who dared threaten her life would surely pay with their own.

Seizing the opportunity, Feng Muqing leaped into the air, spun around, and kicked. Two men clutched their chests and fell, her blade pointed at their throats.

"Who sent you?"

"We do the bidding of whoever pays us."

"Tell me who's behind this, and I'll spare your lives."

The men remained silent.

Feng Muqing's eyes narrowed, and she casually made a slash with her knife. The two men in black widened their eyes and collapsed suddenly.

Blood flowed along the edge of the blade, dropping onto the dry grass.

She coldly glanced at the corpses before throwing the blade aside and following the cart tracks back.

Fortunately, on her path to becoming a god, she diligently studied martial arts, medicine, poison arts... she dabbled in almost every field.

Otherwise, given the situation just now, she would have already become a lost soul under the blade.

Even if she couldn't use her divine power, she could still stand proud among the masses!

She walked on and off for a long time before finally seeing the official road. Feng Muqing's heart leapt with joy. However, looking at the endless long road, she felt a dilemma.

How long would it take to reach the city like this?

The original body had never left the Prime Minister's Mansion, and there's no telling if she might end up getting further and further away from the capital by walking.

Feng Muqing sighed helplessly.

There were indeed many hardships.

As she was unsure what to do next, the sound of carriage wheels approached from behind.

Feng Muqing raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk, and she stopped the carriage.

"What's the matter?"

A voice as gentle as clear water sounded, making Feng Muqing tremble.

"Young Master, a lady... A young lady is stopping the carriage." The coachman looked somewhat at a loss, staring at the woman in front of him in wedding attire.

Feng Muqing was puzzled by the servant's gaze.

In no time, fair slender fingers lifted the carriage curtain, and then a face as exquisite as jade appeared before her eyes.


Feng Muqing took a deep breath, staring intently at the man in the carriage.

Beneath his arched eyebrows, his eyes were as tender as springwater, and his finely crafted thin lips under the high bridge of his nose were exceptionally delicate. The icy blue silk attire on him made him appear even more radiant and precious.

A person as exquisite as jade, unmatched in the world of gentlemen—no other way to describe it.

Seeing Feng Muqing in a daze, Yu Qingfeng smiled.

In an instant, Feng Muqing felt as if her mind had exploded, and she felt enveloped by a warm breeze.

What an elegant and jade-like young gentleman.

Feng Muqing prided herself on having seen many handsome men, but only the one before her made such an impression.

"Miss, why are you stopping the carriage?"

Feng Muqing quickly came back to her senses, avoiding his gaze, feeling a bit flushed.

"I wish to go to the capital. I'd like to ask you for a ride."

"If you don't mind, then please get in the carriage."

"Thank you!"

With those words, Feng Muqing used the carriage frame for leverage and gracefully jumped into the carriage.

Seeing this, the coachman was taken aback.

This was the first time his master had been close to a woman.

"Let's go."

Inside the carriage, at Yu Qingfeng's command, the coachman immediately came to his senses and diligently drove the carriage.

After getting in, Feng Muqing sat opposite Yu Qingfeng. Her eyes flashed with amazement, but then no longer held the same initial gaze.

Looking into her clear eyes, Yu Qingfeng found it very interesting.

What kind of person could change so quickly in such a short time?

"I am Yu Qingfeng. May I ask the your name?" Yu Qingfeng broke the silence in the carriage.

"Feng Muqing."

Feng Muqing?

Was she the Feng Muqing he knew of?

Yu Qingfeng stared intently, nodding slightly.

Indeed, she was the Feng Muqing he knew of, the legitimate daughter of the Prime Minister who was not favored.

Wasn't today the joyous day of her marriage to the Regent?

Why was she alone in this desolate place?

Meeting Yu Qingfeng's gaze, Feng Muqing's brow furrowed slightly. "Young Master Yu, do you know me?"

"I've heard a bit about you."

Feng Muqing looked puzzled.