
Let’s Read The Word

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Sweet Saint

Sweet Saint

Author:Likeness Pelumie



SWEET SAINT BLURB Rayna Brooke has the world on her palm and is the daughter of the most respected Pastor in their town. Things take a different turn when she got admitted to a new high school. Where she runs into a sexy, hot, senior, Damon Crest who took great pleasure in breaking the hearts of girls who came his way. When a silly Bet turned into something more would they fight their attraction or was there light at the end of the tunnel?

Chapter one


A lucky day

It's first Sunday of the month but that's not just what it's about.

Today is our church 30th year anniversary,and also my parents wedding anniversary.

My parents have gone so deep in the ministry that they are well respected and honored in the society.

My father is a Reverend while my mother is a prophetess and me? I am the only child of this blessed couples.

You know what it means to be the only child? I am showered with so much love and pamper,my mom most assuredly never toy with my feelings.

She understands me more than anything,she will always make sure I'm doing alright. I finds comfort in her arms.

That does not mean my Dad is different,not at all,he is just a very discipline person.

As a Reverend he acts in the way of the ministry, always referring to the Bible before doing anything.

He loves and cherish me so much but he never cease to punish me when I cross the boundaries. He's a man of great rules.

Having a last look at myself in the large mirror in my room,I smile showcasing my cute deep dimples.

I don't need to tell about my looks because it's incomparable. If you ask me about myself I'll just reply you with a smile and my casual replies

"As you can see, even barbie is nothing compared to me." As I could recall many would have just laughed some grimaced with envy while some will accept the cocky fact I had just told.

The truth is that I'm just a rare gem,you can't compare me because I have a beauty of my own.

I packed my hair in my new pink hair bow,my long black hair Cascade at my back almost reaching my waist.

I gently put my cute legs into my wedge silver high heels which matches my outfits perfectly.

I picked my bag which contains just my Bible and a little cash,I let my cellphone stay in my bed before heading out of my scattered room.

You know it's not that easy to doll up yourself to stand out among the congregation, which might be more than thousands since it's a special event today.

"Wooow my princess always remain the most beautiful." My Dad held my hand softly as I blushed slightly.

"I'm so glad she got all the perfections from me." Mom speaks pecking my cheeks,she swirl me around to check out my dressing then smile. "You've got this. Let's move."

"Thank God I won't have to be waiting for another round of make over." Dad speaks picking his car keys.

We laughed as we walked to the car. It's still 6am in the morning, we're off to the church. As for me, I'm more than excited for today's service.

That's because being at the church as always been my favorite, I'm born to stay close to God, I have been led to the light; I'll never depart from it. Never!

It took us almost 30 minutes to reach the church. It's a huge cathedral,well designed and built. As expected,the whole building is decorated with different paintings and coloring.

Dad parked the car,he turn around. He opened the door for my mom who had sat at the back seat.

That's one thing I found unnecessary about them,my dad will never forget to open the door for his wife on any trip. He must want to prove to the world that he's a gentleman and loving husband;one of the reasons many people respect him so much.

"So you're gonna forget your princess?" I pouted knocking the glass. Dad smiled then open the door for me.

"Do you have to be so crappy in public? It's your leader you don't wanna have anymore manners,"Mom blurted.

"Hey hey leave my princess alone. C'mon darling,do you want daddy to piggy back you?"

Mom scoffed. I shook my head shyly. "I would have loved to but there are many preying eyes here you know?"

Dad chortles. "So princess is getting shy again?"

I covered my face abashed because people are walking behind us listening to our conversation,they just giggle, exchange greetings with Daddy before walking away.

Mom on the other hand is engage in a serious conversation with one of the church usher. "Make sure you behave yourself." Dad said calmly before walking away.

I saw his tall figure enters the pastor's office. My Dad is a very tall person with broad shoulders and gorgeous face, not only that, he's just the best example of a good husband material.

My mom must have considered all his physique before choosing to marry him, she's the most luckiest woman on earth to have such a wonderful soulmate even though he is a psycho at times.

"Will you keep standing there Missy?" That voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I beamed at the cool brown eyes staring at me.

"Laura!" I joined her,we started walking to the church as we chatted about random stuff.

The guitarist was playing the strings passionately and so was the violist, and the drummers they went crazy with their non-stop beating of the drums.

The congregation went wild with screams and waves in the air, everyone looking more than gorgeous in different attires they had wore for today's event.

Since the beginning of this service, it's been lively, unlike other Sundays; everyone danced and rejoiced to their satisfaction. Even talented gospel musicians are invited, their presence makes everything more interesting.

"Hallelujah!" Pastor Michael shouts in the microphone, everyone howlered the same.

"It's time for the sermon,'' He announces. I could notice some faces changing while some were still maintaining their normal expression. "Well well, before that let's welcome our little sister on stage for a heartwarming song with her sonorous voice."

My heartbeat rises, like I've never done that before, not that, it's the crowd.

"I present to you Miss Rayna Brooke."

A standing ovation was given to me as I walked majestically to the stage putting on my cutest smile. I looked into the crowd,my eyes fell on my beautiful mom at the front seat. She nodded giving me a reassuring smile as she clapped along with the congregation.

I cleared my throat. "Everyone, let's close our eyes and sing along."I started. The whole church went quiet while the instrumentalists took over. I closed my eyes, as I let my spirit flow with the music and then I started singing.

"Lord if I find favour in your sight

Lord please hear my heart's cry.

I'm desperately waiting, to be where you are.

I will cross the hottest desert, I'll travel near or far.

For your Glory,I will do anything.

Just to see you, to behold you as my king

For your Glory...."

The congregation began to sing along. I was overwhelmed with passion. My voice took over me. I found myself deep in the oceans of the spirit. I decided to open my eyes for a moment, I did and watched the crowd.

Suddenly, something caught my attention. An honey Bee was flying towards my direction. I tried dulging it but it's abortive. I never realized when I screamed into the mic and started running from the bee, everyone was now focused on me, but I didn't mind.

My prayers is that the bee should leave the church, I didn't know when I stepped on some materials, destroying them.

My madness had to come to an end when I missed my step,then rolled down from the podium. I opened my eyes, only to meet many eyes looking down at me. This is so embarrassing!

"Excuse me, excuse me." My Mom lifts me up, then drags me out of the church through the side door.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I dusted my gown, and arrange my hair. "I'm not hurt, it's that annoying..." I was cut off by the voice from the speaker.

"I will want you to look past that, it's my clumsy daughter and her mother's issue here. Let's start today's sermon." The pastor spoke who is my father.

I hissed. "Mom did you hear that?"

"So what's wrong?" She shrugs. "You, how can an ordinary bee scare you to cause a scene huh? Everybody was lost in the song you ruined it all by yourself." Her voice was full of irritation and dissatisfaction.

"I fell from the stage, remember?"

"Then how's any of this my fault, you just act like a baby at all times. Don't know when you will grow up," she huffed.

"Bee stings! I won't watch and let that happen to me okay?" I turned around then began matching towards the garden.

"Where are you going?"

"To the children's church where I won't be...."

"Of course it's where you belong." I wanted to reply to her statement but she's already inside the church.

I stamped my feet angrily as I marched to the children's church. Their place is not as lively as I expected so I went forward to the mic.

"Heyy Children,are you ready?"

"Yeeessss,"they chorused.

"Okay clap your hands"

Clap Clap

"Stamp your feet"

Stamp Stamp

"Shake your body"

They began to shake their tiny bodies, laughing heartily.

"Jump Jump"

They jumped happily, shining their little teeth.

"Let's go, babies!"

' This little light if mine'

'I'm gonna let it shine'

'This little light of mine...'

They sang along cheerfully. There is one thing I noticed about them. Their voices are so comfortable to sing with even though they rush before the beat. Hence, it is full of purity and happiness.

"Thank you so much Pastor Brooke." I walked into Dad's office, the woman sitting on the couch in my dad's office said. I bowed to greet them before reaching for my dad's cell phone.

"Hey hey Missy what's your business with my phone?" He held my hand.

I frowned. "I want to send something from it."

"What's your name again?" The blonde woman asked, smiling at me.

"Rayna." I answered politely.

"Wow, you're so beautiful and smart. I love the way you sang earlier. Your voice melted my heart." She places her hand on her chest demonstratively.

I blushed. "Thank you ma'am." I grabbed Dad's phone, then hurried to the door.

"Rayna?" The woman's voice stopped me. I turned around meeting her gaze. My Dad was probably glaring at me for taking his cellphone.

"Here." She brought out a card from her bag. I collected it from her and glanced at it. "What for?" She smiled then held my hand softly.

"Listen baby girl, your father is a great man." I looked at my dad and smiled giving him the 'i'm proud of you look.'

She smiled too then placed my hand on her belly.

"Can you feel it?" I nod. I could feel something moving within her. "This happened all thanks to your father, Pastor Brooke. I don't even know how to appreciate him enough." She sobs,tears of joy I guess.

"Thank Jesus Christ, Brooke is a nobody." Daddy corrected the blonde.

"Yeah, that's why I gave you the card. It's what I could think of at the moment."

I looked back at the card. STARCREST INTERNATIONAL was written boldly on it. I closed and opened my eyes to be sure.

She smiled and hugged me. "Rayna dear, I would love you to go and continue your education there. You know it's the best place for a rising Star like you, don't worry about the fee. I'm ready to sponsor you till the end."

I couldn't believe my ears. My Dad rose from his seat having the same expression as mine.

"Mrs. Feathers,you don't have to do this. I mean the expenses will be too much," Dad blurted out.

"No, you've just saved my soul. If you don't let me do this then my heart won't be at rest."

She looked at Dad pleadingly. He nods giving his approval smiling at her. "Thank you very much." Dad spoke.

"Take care then," She pecked me after picking her bag.

"Thank you ma'am." I spoke loudly hoping she heard because she already exists the office.

I turned back at Dad who was pinching his forehead. "Daddy,"I screamed happily as I gave him a high five. I started dancing around the office

He just laughed at my childishness. My dream has just come true. My wish was just fufiled by God. If anyone told me it will happen so easily I would argue about it. This is beyond my expectations so I will also attend StarCrest High.

The school I have always wanted to go!