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Billionaire Surrogate Stripper

Billionaire Surrogate Stripper




The gown accentuated her curves and made me want to gobble her on the floor and fuck the shit out of her sexy body. Her stomach was bare, and the gown failed to hide her hourglass shape. To make it worse, it's left open, revealing her cleavage, the valley between her breasts.  Her bare toned arms, straight legs, sexy hips. She's very pretty and I see what her presence is doing to me. The next is her addictive scent behind me, filling my nostrils and interfering with my senses that I feel like enveloping her in a tight hug and basking in her scent. "Get out!" I screamed and walked away from her, slamming the door shut and ran up to my office. It was getting messy but my mind was way messier. What the fuck is going on? What is this? Gosh!! I was astonished by her, I didn't know what came over me. I have never swooned over a lady, like the way this lady made me. ~ Master Adrain a Billionaire Playboy who is from an affluent Cuban family hasn't fallen in love and is determined to make it that way. Love isn't his stock in trade as he has women in his every Beck and call but just one thing he needs. A baby! Ariel Donald doesn't have the time to date, attend parties. She has been working from age fourteen catering to her chair-bound little brother and bedridden mother. When the two cross paths in a stripping club. He knew he had found the woman with the right physical attributes to birth his child and she knew she had gotten into trouble anytime he flashes his handsome Greek god smile at her. They struck a deal but unbeknownst to her. A life full of hidden secrets, fears, and danger awaits.

Chapter One

Ariel Donald's pov

Surrogate Audition

Seated cross-legged pinching my arms repeatedly, nervously, and filled with thoughts as I waited in line amongst hundreds of women.

They were different women crushing after him and just needed to birth his child and they would be fulfilled but all I needed was the money involved in being his surrogate.

Women from higher backgrounds, political, billionaires, top models. People I couldn't get a chance to see on a normal day but today wasn't a normal day. We were seated at the World's leading Cuban company. The CEO Master Adrain Cuban was the richest Billionaire in Seattle and made the list of Forbes under 30 Billionaires.

He owns most of the clubs, hospitals, and a host of housing estates in Seattle. His net worth was about a hundred and twenty-two billion dollars. His line of companies ranges from fashion, telecommunications, and entertainment pushing the Cuban name to the top tier.


It made different newsletters all over the world and created a huge buzz for a month over different international Media channels and local radios.

"The CEO has selected his top five and so far I'll announce their names one after the other for the final selection." The blonde receptionist announced with a pleasant smile with her eyes focused on her computer as she got ready to announce the names.

"Bridget Stone."

A red-haired model got up from her seat and twirled her long hair and stared at the glass mirror walls in the multi-billion establishment.

She wore a blue turquoise short gown that accentuated her modeling curves and slim figure. Her occupation was boldly scripted in her tag as she catwalked and a bodyguard led her to the CEO's office.

I glanced at my phone expecting a phone call from Eunice. My best friend hasn't called to tell me about the doctor's report. She was shuffling between wards from my disabled little brother and mother battling cancer.

Why did I take too long to think of the right choice to make some money to foot their hospital bills?

A tear nearly ran down my cheek but I pushed it back in and kept those feelings at bay.

The door was pushed open aggressively by the model who stormed out with fury and made her way to the company's elevator. "What rubbish! He disapproves of my smoking habits."

"Samantha Walsh." The receptionist announced with no cares for the model who stormed out.

A brown-haired princess dressed in royal regalia and a crown to the base of her head. She was dressed in a gold ball gown with gold stone beaded to the attire. She had high cheekbones, full lips, and dramatic mascara while she held a royal sceptre.

"I should be announced first. You've no respect for royalty!" She snorted and walked elegantly towards the CEO's office and shut the door with a loud thud that almost made me jolt in shock.

Before I could recover from her action she was bundled out of the CEO's office with three mighty Bodyguards taking her out.

"Let go of me! I command you, bastards, to let go or I'll have your heads..." Her screams died down as she was taken to the elevator and it descended taking her to the last floor to exit.

"Hahahaha..." The other ladies held their lips and cheeks in mockery.


I began to fidget as my legs shook uncontrollably as anxiety kicked in.

"Now it's time for the third announcement." The receptionist stared at the desperate women who were edgy at their seats, me included. My breath hitched and I sat frozen in place as my blood ran cold.

"Ariel Donald's!"

A buzzing sound rang repeatedly in my head as I zoned out but was brought back to reality when a blonde beside me tapped my shoulders.

"You're being called."


My legs felt like jelly as I recounted what I was about to do and how much I needed to do to save my family from dying.

I got up slowly and fixed my tight leather worn-out skirt properly and turned around the glass walls to stare at my outfit.

Gosh! My eyes were sunken, with black circles encircling around them and my lips were swollen with red marks on them from biting too hard last night. The white shirt worn was rumpled and my hair was unkempt looking lackluster.

This look of mine was like trash compared to the beautiful, sophisticated, and educated women who were sitting waiting for their turns. I was no match for them. I had no chance.

My fingers trembled as I pushed the CEO office open and felt warmth wash over me as I walked into the enclosed space.

My eyes nearly fell out of their socket when I saw the massive and luxurious pieces of furniture, Artifacts displayed in the office.

The walls were painted black with a huge mahogany brown desk with a huge pile of work files and office essentials. My eyes fell on the curtains and down to the bookshelf at the corner of the room down to the couches, chairs, and the brown marble floor.

Everything looked expensive and well crafted. What do you expect from a Billionaire?

"It's nice to see you again." I turned to the side the voice came from and my breath hitched. The CEO stared at me with a proud smirk with his hands lost in his pockets with the coldest gray-blue eyes I've ever seen and darkest raven black hair.

He wore a blue tailored suit that accentuated his flexed muscles, muscular chest, rangy limbs, and tall frame. The sight of him made my insides turn and butterflies danced in the pit of my stomach.

He walked to the ledge swivelling chair and sat cross-legged and shut his computer. "Have a seat!" He commanded with a blank demeanour.

My legs gravitated hastily and sat on the visitors' seat as I held my breath and stared at him as our eyes bore into each other.



Ariel's POV.

The machine beeps repeatedly, with the pungent smell of bleach which fills up the hospital air.

"She has two months to prepare for surgery. If you don't start payments. I'm afraid... She's not going for the surgery." The doctor said adjusting his glasses while his hands went back into his scrubs pockets. I sat quietly on the hospital bed cross-legged with my fingers gripping the sheets tightly while I watched my mother sleep.

My eyes flicked from the doctor to my mom and back again repeatedly.

I know how much my mom hates hospitals! It was hard convincing her to get treated here where the doctors will cater to her health with their full attention.

Her last words before leaving home were. "Make sure you visit me every day. I can't spend a day without you." Before she agreed to get admitted.

Her words brought tears to my eyes as I blinked them back whenever I remembered those words. That's the reason I can do whatever to make sure she's treated.

"You better hurry to get the complete deposit for her surgery. Cancer has formed in her blood tissues, nerves, and joints. It's risky and I'm afraid to say she's closing into..." He added and paused with a sigh.

"What do you mean Doctor?" My soft voice had a trace of worry laced in it as a cold shiver ran through my spine.

"I mean she's closing into the final stages of cancer and I'm afraid it's serious surgery. It has eaten deep into her. I'd prefer you pray and also hurry to get the money for her surgery." He cocked his head to the side where my mom laid and his mouth twitched.

"But doctor..."

"Have a nice day Miss Ariel." He walked out of the room and shut the door, not minding, listening to what I had to say.

I felt he knew I was going to bombard him with questions and questions he wasn't sure of their fate.

Questions like. How long will the surgery take? Can she be cured of cancer completely after the surgery? Will she survive? Even though it scared me to ask such a question, I have to. I've grown and needs to be told the truth.

"Ariel..." A strained weak voice called out to me and tapped my back.

"Mom." I was snapped out of my thoughts and fixed my full attention on her.

"Why are you crying?"

"No, I'm not.." I felt tears streaming down my cheek. Unbeknownst to me, I've been crying and I wasn't aware of it because I was lost in thoughts.

"It must be the weather. My eyes must have caught dust." I added smiling at her.

"You don't have to hide your pain from me, my child. I'm a burden to you and it's hurting to see you cater to my needs. All I've ever created for you is hell." Mom says with a sorrowful voice, her eyes mirroring the sadness and pain she was watching me go through.

"None of this is your fault. I'll get the money to get you treated. Don't worry about me, okay?"

"Where will you get such huge amount of money? We barely have a comfortable roof over our heads and clothes on our back. Matthew has eaten a huge dent into the bills how are you going to manage all that and my troubles?" She laments, her eyes pooling with tears.

"Shush... Stop worrying everything will be fine. You have to trust me."

"Why won't I worry? I hate to see you going through stress. Please don't worry about me anymore. I've accepted my fate. I'm going to... "

"No!" I screamed at her angrily as my body shook with trepidation.

I've lost the biggest support system in my life and I can't add her to the list. My mom means the world to me and there's no mountain too high or path so deadly I won't cross to make sure she's hale and hearty.

Mom and Matthew are the only families I have left in this cruel world. What would become of me if I lost her?

"I won't lose you, mother." My body fell over the bed as I snuggled closer to her.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." She apologised with tears streaming down her tear duct. I don't know how she feels but I'm sure she's heartbroken inside.

I promise to pay for the surgery and make her happy no matter what it takes. So I leaned closer to her and wiped the tear marks from her cheeks.

"Stop crying ma."

She nods and gives me her happy smile. Oh Lord, I've missed how life used to be. It was joyful before it was stolen away.

*Buzz* I picked my phone that buzzed in my jean pocket and it was a text.

'Ariel you have ten minutes to get your ass down here. Where are you?' I rolled my eyes. It was from my best friend Eunice. Eunice was a model by day and a stripper by night and she did earn huge bucks... bucks I wished to earn to save up and support Mom's surgery.

"What is it?" She enquired gazing at my phone.

"It's a text from Eunice. I got a job as a model. So I have to be there for a luxury brand casting today. It's scheduled for 2:Pm." I answered by picking my jacket from the bed and tying my brunette hair into a ponytail.

She nods. "I must have wasted your time." With a weak voice.

I smiled widely at her showing my sets of nice teeth. "No ma."

My fingers drew a line across the rim of my lips and I watched how her face lit up.

"You see I'm smiling so widely because I'm here with you. You're the reason why I wake in the morning and sleep at night. Don't you dare die on me? I won't forgive you." I added.

She brought her pinky finger. "I promise."

"Promise." I brought mine and we clicked with a smile plastered on our faces.

I kissed my mom goodbye and left the ward with a heavy heart.