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Broken By One, Saved By Another

Broken By One, Saved By Another

Author:Oisha Das



Elara is trapped in a cold, loveless bond with Alpha Luka, but when she’s kidnapped by a dangerous rogue king, her world shatters. The rogue alpha, is none other than Luka’s exiled twin brother, Alec. As the secrets starts to unravel, Elara is torn between two brothers, a web of betrayal, and a love she never expected. How far will she go to uncover the truth and claim her own destiny? Read the full story to know..

Elara stood before the mirror, gazing at her reflection as the last rays of sunlight bathed the room in golden light. She absentmindedly smoothed the deep blue silk dress that hugged her slender figure, her hands trembling slightly as she adjusted the neckline. Her long raven-black hair cascaded in soft waves down her back, and her emerald-green eyes—usually bright and full of life—were clouded with uncertainty.

Tonight was supposed to be special. A celebration of her one-year anniversary as Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack, and more importantly, the anniversary of the day she and Luka Greyson, the Alpha, had completed their mate bond. It should have been a night filled with joy, a reminder of the bond they were meant to share, the love they were destined to have. But lately, things between them had been anything but joyful.

Luka had grown distant over the past few months, his once attentive and warm nature slowly hardening into something cold, aloof, and indifferent. Their conversations were strained, filled more with pack duties and formalities than with the intimacy they had once shared. The spark that had initially drawn them together seemed to have faded, leaving Elara with a growing sense of loneliness.

But tonight, she hoped to change that.

The dining table, elegantly set with polished silverware and delicate crystal glasses, was adorned with candles that flickered softly, casting a warm glow over the room. The scent of lavender and rosemary—Luka’s favorite combination—filled the air, wafting from the bouquets she had arranged with care. She had spent hours preparing his favorite meal, ensuring every detail of the evening would be perfect.

“Tonight will be different,” she whispered to herself, her reflection staring back at her with a mixture of determination and doubt.

Luka had promised he would join her for dinner after his meeting with the council, a meeting that had run later than expected. She had been waiting for hours, her anticipation slowly giving way to the familiar knot of worry that had taken root in her chest. But still, she held onto the hope that when Luka finally arrived, they would reconnect, that tonight would be the night they found each other again.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. He was late. Very late.

Her heart sank, but she quickly shook off the creeping disappointment. Luka was Alpha, after all, and pack duties always came first. She had long since accepted that reality, but tonight—just for one night—she wanted to be first in his mind. She wanted to remind him of the love they were supposed to share.

Taking a deep breath, Elara squared her shoulders and made her way to the door. She wasn’t going to wait passively any longer. She would find him, bring him back, and together they would celebrate the night she had so meticulously planned.

As Elara walked through the long corridors of the Crescent Moon Pack’s sprawling estate, the murmur of voices from the grand hall reached her ears. She approached cautiously, the flickering light from the grand chandeliers spilling into the hallway as she neared. The sound of laughter—Luka’s laughter—cut through the air, and her steps faltered for a moment.

What could possibly be so amusing that he hadn’t come to see her? She had been waiting, prepared a dinner, created a beautiful evening for them, and he was laughing with the council?

Her pulse quickened as she neared the hall, anxiety twisting in her gut. She peeked inside, her heart sinking at the sight before her.

Luka stood at the center of the room, tall and imposing as ever, his silver eyes gleaming in the light of the chandeliers. His broad shoulders and muscular frame were as intimidating as they were familiar, but his attention was not on her. He was speaking animatedly with the council, his Beta, Marcus, at his side, along with several of the Crescent Moon warriors.

“Luka,” she called softly as she entered the hall, her voice almost drowned out by the clamor of conversation.

At the sound of her voice, the room fell into a tense silence. All eyes turned toward her, and for a moment, Elara felt the weight of their stares like a physical blow. But she forced herself to stand tall, her gaze locking onto Luka’s.

He looked at her with mild surprise, and perhaps something darker—a flicker of irritation, quickly masked by his usual composed demeanor.

“Elara,” Luka said, his voice smooth but lacking warmth. “What brings you here?”

The question was casual, as if her presence was unexpected, as if tonight wasn’t important.

Elara swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath. She had prepared herself for this moment. She wasn’t going to let her emotions get the better of her. Not in front of the council.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” she said, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions brewing inside her. “I prepared something for us… a celebration.”

Luka’s brow furrowed slightly, as if the mention of a celebration puzzled him. Then, realization dawned in his eyes, but instead of the warmth she had hoped for, there was something else—something dismissive, almost cold.

“A celebration?” Luka repeated, his tone edged with amusement. He glanced around the room, and a few of the warriors exchanged awkward looks. “You mean for our anniversary?”

Elara nodded, a small, hopeful smile tugging at her lips. “Yes… I thought we could—”

But Luka cut her off before she could finish. “I’m in the middle of something important, Elara. Pack business comes first. Surely you understand that.”

Her heart dropped, the hope she had clung to fading with every word he spoke.

“You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you?” Marcus interjected, stepping forward with his usual grin, his dark eyes gleaming with something unspoken. He always hovered too close, always seemed to find some excuse to speak to her, touch her, or meet her gaze in ways that made her uncomfortable.

Marcus was handsome in his own right—his strong jawline, chiseled features, and the air of authority that came with his role as Beta made him a figure of admiration for many in the pack. But to Elara, his charm felt like a mask for something far more dangerous.

“I thought Luka would have remembered,” Marcus added, his voice dripping with false sympathy. “But you know how he is when it comes to pack matters. Can’t expect him to keep track of everything, can we?”

Luka chuckled lightly at Marcus’ words, the sound sending a sharp pang through Elara’s chest.

“I’m sure she understands,” Luka said, his tone condescending as he turned back to the warriors. “After all, a Luna’s role is to support her Alpha.”

Elara’s face flushed with heat, a mix of humiliation and anger stirring inside her. She had poured her heart into tonight, hoping—no, believing—that it would matter to Luka. But here he was, making light of it in front of the pack, as if their bond, their anniversary, was a trivial inconvenience.

Marcus’ gaze lingered on her, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Perhaps, Elara,” he said smoothly, stepping closer, “if Luka’s too busy, you could join me for a drink. I’d hate to see all that effort go to waste.”

Elara’s jaw clenched. Marcus had always been flirtatious, his comments often skirting the line between playful and inappropriate. But tonight, his words felt like a blatant attempt to undermine Luka—and by extension, her.

She wasn’t a fool. She knew Marcus harbored ambitions beyond his role as Beta, and his interest in her had always made her uneasy. But she had never allowed herself to entertain the thought of a secret relationship with him, not when she was bound to Luka.

“I think I’ll pass,” Elara replied, her voice sharp. She met Marcus’ gaze with a steady confidence she hadn’t felt in a long time. “My plans were for Luka. Not for anyone else.”

A murmur rippled through the room, and Marcus’ smile faltered ever so slightly. Luka, for his part, seemed unaffected, his attention already returning to the conversation he had been having before Elara’s arrival.

“I’ll join you later, Elara,” Luka said dismissively, not bothering to look at her. “If there’s time.”

That was the final straw.

Elara had spent months trying to salvage what little remained of their relationship, had bent over backward to be the Luna she thought Luka needed. But she wasn’t going to stand there and be humiliated any longer.

“I’ve waited long enough,” Elara said quietly, though the strength in her voice belied the pain she felt. She turned on her heel and left the hall without another word, her back straight and her head held high. She refused to let them see her break.