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Billionaire‘s Blackmailed Lover

Billionaire‘s Blackmailed Lover

Author:Rivers Nicoletta



Ciara Belmont's ex lover, Dante De Luca, is back in her life and he is seeking for revenge. Ciara completely ignores why he wants to take revenge, after all if there was victim in all this, it was her, she was the one left broken hearten and pregnant. For her bad luck, Ciara's father makes a huge mistake, a mistake of which Dante takes advantage of and forces her to become his mistress. But will Ciara be able to full fill her paper as Mistress in order to save her family? Dante De Luca, owner of De Luca Enterprises, wants to take revenge on his ex-lover, Ciara Belmont. Luckily for him, Ciara's father just made a bad move, and he was not going to waste the chance of his life to get revenge and destroy Ciara. As he forces Ciara to be his mistress, he notices something: Ciara has change, she is not the same smiling girl he knew years back, now she seems to be empty, distant. Has Dante made a mistake?

"Father, the bank called, they said they will be seizing the company if we do not make a payment, what is the meaning of it?" I ask as I follow my father to his office "What you heard, the company is been seized by the bank" he answers as he walks to his desk "Why would the bank seize the company? We have been doing all the deliveries, we have been getting paid, and we have been paying all the bills, there is no reason to be seizing the company" I say as I sit down in one of the chairs in front of my father's desk "Actually, 90 % of that statement is true" he says as he looks at some papers on his desk "What do you mean?" I ask, but I might have an idea of what is going on and I do not like it at all "We have been doing all the deliveries, we have been getting paid, but we are not paying the bills" he answers and I look at him "Father?" "I took the money we have been making and use it to gamble" he says and I sigh, I knew it, I knew I was not going to like the answer "Why would you do that?" I ask, resting my head on my hands "I thought I could duplicate all the money we have been making" he says "Gambling is illegal, the board of directors would never accept the money made, and you know that" I say without lifting my head "The extra cash was not for the company, it was for me, I am the president of the company and I am not receiving the pay I should for my work and my position, I have needs to supply" he says and I sigh, he should have thought of that, before he decided to send the company to bankruptcy 3 times in the last year "You are the president, but you respond to a board of directors, a board of directors that has acquired 7 new members, a board of directors that will put you in jail for stealing from the company" I answer back "They do not know what I did, I can cover the missing money saying that we used it to pay the bills" "And the bank, what we do with it?" I ask "The bank will not contact the members of the board, we can arrange a new way to pay the loan debt" he says and I sigh "I hope this work or you will be in a lot of trouble, not to mention that the whole family will be in jeopardy" I say and stand up "And you are on your own this time, I am not getting involved" I say and head to my office.

Gamble, my father took thousands and thousands of dollars destined to pay the bills, to help the company get out of the economic crisis that the company is into, and use it to gamble, so he could make a few extra bucks. He got the company in a huge problem with the bank, with the clients just to make a few extra dollars **Sighs** that's not the worst part, the worst of all this is that my father can and will go to jail if the board of directors find out what he has done, he will lose all his possessions, I will be drag into this too, also will my son, we will lose everything...this is not happening, this is definitely not happening.

**RING** I grab the phone "Ciara Belmont, how may I help you?" I answer "The board of directors want to meet with us in 10 minutes" my father says, **Sigh** "Do you think they found out?" I ask as I rub my forehead "No, I do not think so, other wise I would be on my way to jail right now" he answers and I have to agree, the board of directors is really strict when it comes to money, they would have not hesitated to place my father in jail if the find out what my father has been doing with their money "I will be up in 5 minutes" I say "Ok" he says and hangs up, I stand up and head to the meeting room.

"Gentlemen, I am sure there is no need to make such drastic decision" my father says "The bank called us, Richard, the loan debt is not been paid, we talked to the finance department and they told us that the money has been sent, that there must be some sort of mistake on behalf of the bank" "Then there must be a mistake, please, you can not leave, I need you, the company needs you" "It has always been the same history with you, Richard, we invest, the company starts to produce, suddenly, the company goes to bankruptcy, and everything is a mistake on the banks behalf, we have lost a lot of money already, selling is the best option, we will gain every single penny we have lost" John says, **Sighs** just what we needed, the shareholders selling their shares, new shareholders, great!