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Becoming The Alpha Queen

Becoming The Alpha Queen

Author:Baddest Bitch



My parents and brothers were slaughtered 12 years ago and my pack taken over by a rival pack. He kept me as a trophy for his victory and made me a maid to serve his family. They call me nothing but fortunately enough I have never been week and I still know my origin, my worth and capabilities as an alpha. They are in for a big surprise as I become their queen

Their Maid

Hi, my name is Alora Gibson and I am the only remaining member of my family. My parents were the alpha and Luna of Crestwood Pack but tragedy happened, or should I say, wickedness happened. Alpha Gabe attacked our peaceful home out of spite, murdered my parents, my brothers and the other upper ranks. As the monster he is, he brought me to his home as his trophy and maiden to his family. From that day till date, I've been treated like shit and the way they treated me worsened 3 years ago when I failed to shift on my 16th birthday.

I guess they think it proves how worthless my existence really is but they couldn't be more wrong. I have a secret, a family secret that I have been aware of from the age of 4. It's gonna be a big shock to them and I can't wait for that day. I have a lot planned and the time is fast approaching.

Anyway, that story apart today happens to be a special day for the Alpha family which means more work for me. Their lovely daughter is turning 18 tomorrow and I'm a little excited as it's also my 20th birthday and my lucky charm. I just finished making and dishing breakfast; I have to clean the whole house and start making the required preparations for the guests.

"Hey Maid!" Clarissa the alpha's daughter screams running down the stairs.

"What is this? Why is this stain on my dress? Get it clean no matter what before dinner tonight" she said throwing the dress at my face.

"Get out, you disgust me" she added scrunching up her face. I bowed my head and walked away with a smile. She has a habit of doing this, staining her clothes and blaming so I could get punished by her. I walked into the laundry room and dropped the dress.

I began to hum the music mama used to sing for me as I did the laundry and cleaned the house. As always, the stain of the dress isn't coming out so I'm prepared for whatever she has planned. I had just finished preparing the guest bedrooms and was headed down the hallway when someone grabbed my arm and dragged me into a room. As expected it was Michael the alpha's son

"Surely you've considered my offer. I want to hear your response". he said looking at me with excitement

"My answer remains the same. I'm not interested". I replied

"You'll regret this decision of yours". He replied and stormed out of the room.

That's the alpha's son and my ex-mate. No one knows this ofcourse because he rejected me over 2 years ago on his 18th birthday when he found out. I was glad and relieved after crying and recovering from the excruciating pain of rejection. Last week he asked me to be his bed warmer, I guess he's regretting not having a taste of me before rejecting me or perhaps he's regretting his decision. Unfortunately for him he's already too late for whichever one it is.


I've been in the kitchen for the past 5 hours preparing the meals for the guests and now it's time for me to disappear into my room. I stay in the basement and it's quite decent, with my matrass on the floor, a cupboard for my clothes and a table and chair. This is all thanks to the Luna. She's the only person who cares for me out of guilt and pity.

Just as I was about to lay down, Clarissa walks in with her bitchy friend Anita.

Well, I guess it's time for my punishment.