
Let’s Read The Word

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Thief King in a Magic Land

Thief King in a Magic Land



Brother Fa Ying left the blanket and blanket to the other prisoners and walked out of the cell. Along the way, the prisoners imprisoned in the nearby cage greeted Brother Fa Ying one after another. "See you next time." "How long will it take to come back?" "Send a letter home for me..." "Hurry up and come back."

Sunlight penetrated through the steel bars. The morning air slightly washed away some of the unpleasant smell of the overnight prison. The damp air filled the walls of the prison cell with mottled moss. Although there was not enough light, the moss on the wall was quite good-looking.

The cell in the morning was always filled with all kinds of sounds. The prisoners who had slept for a day knocked on the iron bars impatiently. The prison guards were already used to this kind of situation. Except for the two who were in good spirits, they scolded the most violent criminal in the cell and knocked on the iron bars with the long batons in their hands. The other guards were talking to themselves.

The guards who had been on the night shift for the entire night were waiting for the guards to replace them. They didn't have the time to argue with those prisoners. The prisoners with handymen in the cell were called out one by one. The prison guards put light shackles on them and asked them to start working. These prisoners committed relatively minor crimes, and they were timid, so they were easy to command. Many of these prisoners were still young, and they were the youngest in the cell. If they were any younger, they wouldn't have been locked up here.

In the most remote and darkest cell in the prison, Brother Faying was the only criminal who was still sleeping. He had no interest in the dog food in the prison. Today was the day he was released from prison. Brother Faying with red hair was the only teenager in the prison who was underaged but did not need to do chores.

"Clang, clang, clang!" The prison guard knocked on the iron fence of Brother Fa Ying's cell and made a deafening sound.

"Kid, get up and pack up your things. You can go out now," the prison guard said. As he spoke, the prison guard took off the bunch of keys hanging from his waist and opened the cell door.

"Youngster, I'll see you later." A sloppy looking criminal said.

"Don't occupy my bed the next time I come in," said Brother Fa Ying.

"Hey, don't forget, bring me a blanket the next time you come in." Another old prisoner shouted.

"Okay, but give me the blanket money first."


Seeing that Brother Fa Ying was still chatting with the prisoner, the prison guard became impatient. He poked Brother Fa Ying's shoulder with a long wooden pole wrapped in iron and said, "Come on, what are you talking about? Anyway, you have to come back every few months. Let's talk about it next time."

Brother Fa Ying left the blanket and blanket to the other prisoners and walked out of the cell. Along the way, the prisoners imprisoned in the nearby cage greeted Brother Fa Ying one after another.

"See you next time."

"How long will it take to come back?"

"Send a letter home for me..."

"Hurry up and come back."


Hearing the shouts of these prisoners, the prison guard was extremely annoyed. He hated these prisoners for years, these rotten scums. Thinking of this, he once again pushed Brother Fa Ying with the iron rod in his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go."

When he arrived at the warden's office, the warden glanced at Brother Fa Ying. This was a guy who treated the prison as a hotel and often came and went. He had nothing to say to him, and the warden didn't intend to waste his breath on it. He immediately signed the proof of Brother Fa Ying's release from prison.

"You can leave now, but I know that you will come back soon, won't you?" the warden said.

"Yeah, yeah, I hope the food here will be a little better the next time I come in," Brother Fa Ying replied with a cheeky smile.

Hearing this, the warden was not happy. He turned to the prison guard and ordered, "Take him out."

Hearing the warden's order, the warden immediately kicked Brother Fa Ying out of the prison. The heavy iron door was slammed shut behind Brother Fa Ying. Brother Fa Ying shrugged his shoulders, patted the dust off his body, and headed straight for the city center.

Brother Faying was very familiar with every street in the city, but he was not in a hurry to return to his nest.

Brother Faying wandered around the street and turned into a cloakroom shop at the south end of the street. There was no one else in the cloakroom shop. Brother Faying patted the bell in front of the counter. With a series of crisp rings, the small door in front of the counter opened, and the owner came out of the short door. When he saw Brother Faying, he said happily, "Ah, you're out! Today is the day you're out, I forgot it."

"Give me a new set of clothes and tell the old man that I'm coming out. I'll go shopping on the street first," said Brother Fa Ying.

"Oh, it's a coincidence. I don't have any clothes of your size. There's one that's slightly bigger. You can wear it first." The owner got into the low door behind him and soon brought a suit of 70 percent new clothes.

"Not bad, not bad, let's just do it." Brother Fa Ying nodded and said. He picked up his clothes and walked into the fitting room. Very quickly, he came out dressed neatly.

Brother Faying, who had changed into a new set of clothes, appeared to be in high spirits. As he walked along the streets and alleys, Brother Faying looked at the pedestrians around him. After three months in prison, they had already taken off their thick winter clothes and changed into thin and close-fitting spring clothes.

"Brother Fa Ying, is that you?" A voice rang out from behind him. Brother Fa Ying turned around and saw that it was the fastest hand under the command of the Southern Street's Belo.

"You've been traveling for three months, haven't you?" Grace said with a grin.

"Yeah, I almost can't recognize the way when I come back." Brother Faying was worried that he didn't know the current situation.

"Oh, there's a new shop in the south of the city. I heard that it's good. It's made of silk and leather." Grace said.

"Thank you. I'll go around."

"I wish you a good time."

Upon hearing the news, Brother Faying immediately headed south of the city. He was very familiar with this city, just like most of the shops knew what kind of person he was. Brother Faying also knew what each store was selling, and how the shopkeeper looked like. The shop assistant was not very vigilant, and there were some customers coming. Therefore, without the guidance of Grace, Brother Faying soon knew where the new store was.

Sure enough, the manager of the new store didn't know him, but two of his assistants were locals. Brother Faying knew that he had to act quickly. When the two waiters didn't see him, he had to find his target as soon as possible. This store was a high-end store selling perfume, jewelry, and so on. It was just like what Grace said. The guests who came and went were all rich people wearing silk or precious fur.

These people's carriages were parked at the entrance of the shop, followed by servants, so it was not easy to kill them. However, this was not difficult for Brother Fa Ying. Brother Fa Ying slipped into the shop and walked around without anyone noticing. When he came out, there were already two money bags in his bag.

Brother Fa Ying was quite satisfied with this kind of harvest. He hid in an alley on the side of the street and checked that there was no one around. He took out the purse and counted the gains he had gained today. As for the two empty purses, Brother Fa Ying would never put them on his body. He threw the empty purses into the alley.

Patting the coins in his pocket, Brother Fa Ying walked towards his old nest in satisfaction. As soon as he stepped into the alley in front of his old nest, someone immediately noticed him.

"Brother Faying, it's really you."

"Welcome back."

" delicate'en said you're back. I didn't believe it..."

"How's your luck today? Grace said you went to South City."

Hearing this, Brother Faying slapped his pocket hard. The clear and loud sound of coins colliding was more convincing than anything else.

"If you have the ability, just open the door on the first day."

"Brother Fa Ying, you have the ability."


In the noise of the crowd, Brother Faying was escorted back to his old nest.

The old nest was a three-story building built in a deep alley. It was no different from the other three-story buildings in the city. It was simple and crude, as long as it could accommodate people. Because the alley was too deep, there was not enough sunshine. The narrow room was very messy, and it looked no better than a prison cell. However, in Brother Faying's view, this was his real home.

"Is it Brother Faying?" With an old voice, a short old man came down from upstairs.

He was a little bald. His gray hair was scattered on both sides of his cheeks, and his beard was also very sparse. He was wearing old black clothes, and the side of his feet had been worn out.

"Welcome back," the old man said.

"You're not dead yet," Brother Faying said with a grin.

"If I die, no one will hold a welcome meeting for you." The old man also said with a smile.

"You're dead. We hold welcome meetings every day," Brother Faying said.

"Well, stop joking. You've gained a lot today. Give it to me!" The old man spread out his hands.

Brother Faying grabbed a handful of coins and placed them in the old man's hands.

"That's not enough. I haven't bought any wine for tonight." The old man shook his head and said.

"Old vampire." Brother Faying cursed with a smile and took out all the money in his pocket. At the end, he turned his pocket upside down.

"Go take a shower first. Old Pi has already brought over the clothes that fit him. It is a bit old, but it does look quite good." The elder said.

Brother Faying listened to the old man's arrangements with a smile.

The hot water bath was the only joy in the prison. In the past three months, Brother Faying had barely taken a shower with warm water that was slightly hotter than cold water. Therefore, when he returned to his lair, the first thing Brother Faying thought of was to soak in the bath. This kind of enjoyment made Brother Faying completely forget the time. When someone came to call him, the sky was gradually getting dark.

Brother Fa Ying changed into new clothes. The old man was right. The clothes were a little old, but the style was indeed good. Unfortunately, this set of clothes could only be worn on the occasion today. It was too conspicuous on the street. Brother Fa Ying, who was dressed neatly, walked into the hall. The hall had been prepared for a long time. There was a big bucket on the table in the middle, giving off a smell of wine.

He hadn't drunk for three months. To Brother Fa Ying, this was something that he needed to enjoy the most in his reserved list. As for what he ate, although it couldn't be considered a luxurious meal, it was already very sumptuous.

roasted meat, roasted chicken, a large piece of fish, and a pot of stewed mutton, it was absolutely a great temptation for Brother Fa Ying, who had been in prison for three months. However, Brother Fa Ying was not in a hurry to make a move. He tasted all the dishes and poured himself a glass of beer. Then he sat at the door and watched his little brothers returning to their nest one after another.

The news of Brother Fa Ying's return had obviously spread among this group of people. Before it was dark, the little brothers had returned to their homes one by one. Every time they saw Brother Fa Ying sitting at the door drinking beer, they would come up and greet him.

Soon, the lair became noisy. The lair at night was Brother Fa Ying's favorite place. Although Brother Fa Ying was young, he was the leader of the "Golden Fingers" in the lair.

The old man's name was Pine. He was the leader of this place, and he specialized in managing this group of 'golden fingers' of theirs.

Brother Faying did not know. In the past three months, there had been a few new brothers who had joined in. Now that he counted to thirty or forty people in his lair, it looked like two years ago, he split a portion of people into a new nest and went to other cities to seek a living.

Brother Faying looked at the little brothers who had returned to their homes and thought to himself, "Just now, the old man told me not to drink too much. I still have something to tell me later. Should I lead a group of brothers to set up my own sect?"

Brother Faying thought that he knew the old man when he was six years old. He followed him to the street to dig out bags, from eye contact to crossing the bridge, and finally to Golden Finger. Twelve years had passed, and the base was torn down four times.

The leaders had already been separated. Some of them were quite successful, standing outside, and some had lost their lives. If they were separated, what kind of fate would they have to wait for?

Brother Faying thought to himself.

If there was really a branch nest, who would be willing to follow him? Where should he find a new territory?

The southern port was the best dock in the vicinity, but the security of the southern port was very strict. The second leader who was sent out was there to overturn the ship. Brother Faying still remembered the miserable look he saw when he secretly collected his corpse.

There were the most wealthy people in the castle, but that was the domain of the Earl. Not only did he have to be strict with it, but he also had to be on guard against war.

The two were too poor to feed a living person.

Thinking of this, Brother Faying frowned secretly. It was really not a good time to separate them. He could only take things one step at a time.

Just as Brother Faying was lost in thought, a little brother came over with a pot of roasted meat and said, "Boss, if you don't go there now, all the good things will be gone."

Brother Faying smiled. Indeed, at times like this, one could just enjoy one day and wait until there was no way out. This was the lifestyle of a gold-fingered man. At most, he would go to jail to eat or live. He might not starve to death.

Brother Faying, who had relaxed his mind, joined the ranks of fighting for food. After all, today was the day of his return to his home, and he was the protagonist of this banquet. If the protagonist of the banquet didn't have good food and was hungry, it would be really ridiculous.

After all, Brother Fa Ying remembered the old man's instructions. Although he drank to his heart's content, he still paid attention to his self-control. However, for forty or fifty people, a bucket of wine was not necessarily enough. Therefore, even if Brother Fa Ying wanted to get drunk, he did not have enough beer for him to drink. Fortunately, the number of dishes was enough to fill their stomachs.

The old nest was as noisy as usual. Every day in this place was like a holiday, because everyone knew to enjoy today as much as possible. As for tomorrow, it would be tomorrow.

For a new person who had successfully survived today, this matter was worth celebrating. Usually, there were not so many delicious food. Now that there was still beer to cheer up, everyone was making a scene. When he was full, Brother Fa Ying did not forget the old man's order. He went to the third floor and pushed open the old man's door.

The old man's bedroom was the most tidy one in the nest, with a few paintings hanging on the wall. Brother Faying knew that behind those paintings was the place where the old man hid his things. Leaning against the west wall, there was a row of bookshelves. Brother Faying still couldn't understand why the old man had so many books.

Brother Faying was very clear about the old man's background. The old man didn't have much knowledge. At most, he could only read two words and could understand the official notice. He wasn't like Dyke, who knew so much about knowledge. These books were just for show.

Brother Faying saw that there was no one in the bedroom, so he took a book from the bookshelf. Reading was not what Brother Faying liked to do. He would rather sleep than read books. But he was very interested in the old man's books.

Brother Faying looked at the cover of the book, which read: "The relationship between God and Reason".

Brother Fa Ying couldn't figure out what divinity and logic were. He opened the book and read it, but after reading a few lines, he felt dizzy. Brother Fa Ying quickly threw the book back to the bookshelf. He thought, "This thing must be beyond the scope of the old man's understanding. This book must be like a book to the old man."

Just as he was deep in thought, the door opened and the old man came in.

"Why are you looking for me?" Brother Faying asked straightforwardly.

"Ah, it's just a small thing." The old man turned around and closed the door. He carefully looked out of the window.

When he was sure that there was no one on the stairs, and all his men were eating around the dining table, the old man closed the window and closed the curtains. Seeing the old man's action, Brother Faying knew that it would definitely not be as small as the old man said.

Sure enough, seeing that there was no one around, the old man was still worried. He approached Brother Fa Ying and whispered, "The leader asked us to find a new face. Let us find a beautiful face. Be smart, but be timid. It's easy to control."

"A girl?" Brother Faying asked.

"No, a man, two years younger than you. He looks a little cleaner," said the old man.

"He wants her again?" Brother Fa Ying immediately understood what was going on. This type of thing had happened twice in the past, so he was going to use his unfamiliar appearance to make a big deal out of it.

"Why don't you go and look for her yourself?" Brother Fa Ying asked.

"We can't let too many people know about this matter. It's not convenient for Albert to show up. He's a think tank, and we have to rely on you and me to do our work. There aren't many people who know about this matter. Apart from our leader, there's only you and me. You're a tight-lipped person, and our leader feels quite assured about you. That's why we're handing over the task of finding someone to you," the old man said.

"Give me a place. Don't ask anyone to recognize them. That would be interesting." Brother Fa Ying said. In fact, this kind of worry was really necessary. There was indeed such a mistake a few years ago. A substitute was recognized by the other party's servant. The two unlucky guys were still in prison.

"Just look around. Don't ask anything else. Find someone with a clean background without any hesitation." The old man warned.

"How much time do you give me?"

The old man pondered for a long time and said, "Three days."

Brother Faying, who felt relieved, no longer asked anything. He left the old man's room.

Brother Faying's bedroom was on the side of the road between the third and second floors. Other than the old man's, his bedroom was on the top floor. That was where Gold Fingers led the class.

Brother Faying returned to his bedroom where he hadn't been back for three months. He opened the door and found that the bedroom was quite clean. It seemed that the old man had asked someone to clean up this place. Brother Faying's room was no different from the other rooms of Gold Fingers downstairs. Apart from having one more table and not too damp, there was no difference between the prison cells.

Brother Faying took off his coat and placed it on the table, then lay down on the bed. Perhaps it was because he had drunk beer or because he was a little excited today, Brother Faying didn't feel sleepy at all. He lay on the bed, thinking about what the old man had told him.

Brother Fa Ying knew that leader was definitely planning a large operation. The operation personally carried out by Albert would always receive generous rewards. Perhaps in this way, there would be a way to maintain the current nest, and perhaps the branch nest's matters could slow down a bit.

In fact, from the person the old man asked him to find, Brother Fa Ying could roughly guess what kind of operation that had been carried out. This kind of thing had already been seen several times in his career as a gold-finger man. He must have asked the new face to pretend to be the son of a rich man who had just died so that he could inherit a large sum of inheritance.

Thinking that the newcomer could enjoy so many things that he might not be able to enjoy in his whole life while playing the successor, Brother Faying was really envious. He could only get the fun through imagination. But if he really had to let Brother Faying play such a role, Brother Faying would never agree.

Brother Fa Ying had heard of this several times. Even though those newcomers were enjoying life as heirs during those days, when everything was over, they would become useless trash, moreover extremely dangerous trash. Even though leader didn't like to kill people to silence them, this type of simplest method was still something that was carried out. Even if those newcomers could escape this type of fate, leader would still throw them far into the distance.

The obedient newcomers could get a small sum of money. Those who were out of control were either killed or sold to foreign black market merchants to be slaves. It was said that the newcomers trained by Albert were very rare goods for foreign black market merchants. Thinking of this, Brother Fa Ying fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, the sun had risen high. When Brother Faying put on his coat and went downstairs, the rest of the food from the welcome party last night had been piled up and cooked a pot of side dishes. This kind of food was very rare for the Gold Fingers, but today Brother Faying was not in the mood.

He randomly filled his stomach and walked out of the nest. Brother Fa Ying was very familiar with looking for newcomers. He found a lot of his gold fingers in the slums. However, according to the old man's request, it was very difficult to find such a newcomer in the slums. Years of hunger and thirst made the children from the slums have a kind of horror of life. Just like himself, he was full of distrust for everything.

squeezete needed a clean newcomer and a bit more beautiful. It wasn't difficult for him to find someone like this. There were many people living in the city, and most of them were children from foreign families. If they were lucky, they would be able to find a job that could feed their stomachs. There were many people like South City. That was because the southern port was the most prosperous town in the vicinity, as well as the largest dock in the south. There were many shops and restaurants there.

It was easy for those who looked good and smart to find a restaurant in the southern Port to be a restaurant or find a place in front of a counter of the shop. When working in a restaurant, it was the least necessary to fill your stomach. If you did well, you could sometimes get tips. As for working in the shop, you would be more fortunate. The skilled shop assistant was only very short from the position of the shopkeeper.

After more than ten years, they would probably be promoted to the position of the second manager. Therefore, these people were regarded as the lucky ones among the poor children. They had a beautiful yearning and yearning for life. Among these people, they should be able to find the newcomers that crackede wanted.

Thinking of this, Brother Faying decided to go to the southern port.

Although the southern port was near Lai'er, it was still seventy kilometers away from him. To ordinary people, traveling from the southern port to Lai'er was considered a long journey. It was definitely necessary to prepare luggage and bring enough money. However, for Brother Fa Ying, a top gold finger, it was completely unnecessary.

Brother Faying walked out of the city gate and strolled along the road to the southern port. He was waiting for a carriage at the courier station that led to the southern port.

The southern port was a big dock. Every day, countless couriers and carriages would arrive there. As long as they moved quickly, they could climb up to the back of the courier carriage when no one was paying attention to them. The carriage filled with luggage blocked all the coachman's sight and would not be discovered at all. In this way, they could easily take the ride to the southern port.

It was indeed a busy route to the southern harbor. Not long after, Brother Faying heard the sound of wheels crushing the road and the sound of horse hooves beating in a neat rhythm coming from a distance behind him. Brother Faying hid behind a big tree by the roadside.

The coachman of the courier station didn't like them to travel alone on the road. Because every coachman knew that these children were likely to be the ones who wanted to take a ride. The coachman would definitely pay more attention to them.

Brother Fa Ying knew the trick behind it. He hid behind a big tree and waited for the carriage to pass by. When the carriage passed by the tree, Brother Fa Ying quickly jumped onto the carriage of the courier station. Brother Fa Ying enjoyed the madly running horse carriage comfortably. The trees that flew past from both sides of the road blew a strong wind, as well as the occasional jolts due to the uneven road.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that he was afraid of being noticed by the coachman, Brother Faying really wanted to shout twice. Brother Faying had once thought that he would get a courier station carriage in the future. If he took the golden line from Sise to the southern harbor, he could earn about four or five silver coins every day, which meant that he could earn 1,000 silver coins a year, which was equivalent to 180 gold coins. In this way, he could earn back the money of the carriage in five or six years. If the carriage was well maintained, it could be used for about ten years.

As long as he thought about how he could earn two hundred gold coins every year, Brother Fa Ying would be very excited. However, Brother Fa Ying knew that this was just his own wishful thinking. A single carriage required seven or eight hundred gold coins, and that was not something he could afford. Brother Fa Ying had never thought about his own hunting items. That was quite stupid. Brother Fa Ying knew that the old man knew every single theft that happened on the street like the back of his hand. He even knew how much money he had lost.

It might be okay to be greedy for one or two gold coins, but it would not work if there were too many. Brother Fa Ying had seen it several times. The old man's punishment for dealing with those unruly golden fingers was to cut off his fingers. As for those who dared to resist or even escape, the bottom of the big river in the east was the final destination of these people. No one could hide from the old man, nor could anyone escape from the hunting order issued by their leader.

There was a person under the leader who made everyone tremble with fear. Whenever they thought of Kyle, even someone as bold as Brother Fa Ying couldn't help but tremble. That Kyle could be said to be the strongest assassin in the Kingdom of Buddhism, and no one could escape his pursuit.

This was also the reason why the leader was able to sit in this position for 30 years. He was also the Lord of the southern harbor's joint guild, Sins. Even though he knew that most of the underground Thief Guild's headquarters was in darkness, this was not the largest nor the smallest southern town. However, he had never launched a large-scale suppression.

They didn't want to lose their lives for no reason in their dreams. Moreover, there had never been a Thief guild from another country that could establish a foothold in the Middle East, and this was also due to Kyle. That was why any act of deceiving the leader and the old man would appear so stupid. Perhaps the only way to raise such a sum of money without breaking the rules was to wait for the branch nest before leaving on his own. However, there were many other problems waiting for him after the branch nest, and perhaps the situation would be even more difficult than it was now.

On the way to the southern port, Brother Faying had been thinking about it, but he did not forget his task.

When the carriage of the courier station was about to enter the southern port, Brother Faying quietly jumped out of the carriage. The next kilometer was used to move his stiff limbs.

Brother Fa Ying walked along the courier station towards the southern harbor. The southern harbor was a large city that was ten times larger than Lai. At the same time, the southern harbor was also a new city with a short history. Just like all of the new cities, the southern harbor was full of vitality and vitality, and it couldn't help but be a bit messy. When one looked down from the hillside, the southern harbor formed a crescent shaped arc along the coastline. The road branches were far less orderly than the southern harbor, let alone compared to the strict and strict Castle of Sins.

There were more than a dozen docks of varying sizes arranged on the curved coastline, and countless ships were parked on the pier waiting for the goods to be loaded. Countless workers were busy at the dock. A spacious warehouse was built everywhere near the dock. The workers were pushing the carts in and out, and the goods that were about to be delivered were piled up on the dock. The ores and wood that were delivered to the west, the cloth and sand that were delivered to Yilei, were all piled up on the crowded dock. From those ships, there were famous horses, barrels of fine wine, as well as dazzling fine silk, blankets, and various glass utensils delivered by Yilei.

According to the old man, in addition to the glass vessel, the silk and blankets were transported from a faraway place. The merchants of the Yilei Kingdom who ran these things were the most famous people he had ever heard of.

Brother Faying looked at those gorgeous and luxurious things with envy. He looked at the silk blanket wrapped in thick linen cloth and the wooden box. The workers carefully picked up and put down the glass containers. Brother Faying was extremely envious. Each of those things was more than two or three times that of the carriage he had dreamed of.

However, even though he was drooling, Brother Fa Ying knew that this was something he couldn't touch. Even someone as powerful as leader had never thought about these things. Even if he successfully stole these things, he wouldn't be able to sell them.

No merchant would be willing to purchase this kind of expensive goods with an unknown origin. They did not dare to offend the union that ran these goods in the southern port, which was not worth the loss. And stealing these valuable goods would also greatly anger the union of the southern port, which was the only thing they could not tolerate. The leader did not want the relationship with the southern port to be so rigid. For the Thief association, the prosperous southern port was a better guarantee for them.

Brother Faying turned his eyes to those bustling streets. That was the most attractive place for him in the southern port. There were so many rich people in the southern port, and their wallet was always so plump. There was no nest in the southern port. Since the leader was captured by the public security team established by the union and lost his life, no one had built a nest in the southern port.

The security team of the southern port was quite powerful. All of them wore plain clothes. It was said that if they caught a thief, they could get a fifth of the lost items from the owner. Therefore, the security team of the southern port was very willing to take the thief into the prison.

For the thieves, the south port's prison was directly connected to the gallows. The south port's prison was not used to imprison the thieves. Inside it lived bankrupt businessmen, debts of debts, and illegal merchants who messed up the trade in the south port. There was no place for thieves, hooligans, and con men to live. Brother Fa Ying warned himself in secret that it was best to be careful.

Walking into the southern port, the southern port was different from the one in the southern port. It was an open city, unlike the towering city walls and wide city gates. The periphery of the southern port was a relatively spacious place. The simple bungalow was where the dock workers lived. This was a place that was only slightly better than a cell or a slum.

The southern port didn't have any plans, and as such, one could often see muddy streets and smelly puddles here. They passed through the outskirts of the southern port and arrived at the bustling streets. This was a completely different world. The two sides of the streets were packed with all types of shops, and all types of luxurious signs could be seen everywhere.

Even the most high-class shops in Laihe would at most hang an exquisite blanket at the entrance to store some face. That was already quite a bit of face. However, in the southern harbor, blankets and silk curtains could be seen everywhere. Most of the signboards were hollow copper boards or exquisite painted building.

There were even two human-sized vases placed in front of the most luxurious shops, which were art works from far away. As for those shops decorated with peacock tail feathers and wild chicken feathers that Brother Ying had never seen before, they were already extremely shabby in this place.

Walking on this dazzling and bustling street, Brother Fa Ying felt that he had also become rich. He watched the pedestrians coming and going. The southern harbor was a prosperous city. Most of the people walking on the street were dressed glamorously. Brother Fa Ying's outfit was no longer conspicuous here.

The streets were crowded with people. The gorgeous silk and precious animal fur were nothing in this place. Those foreigners in strange clothes were the most conspicuous people.

There was no water on the dock and bustling commercial streets of the southern port, but the southern port did not welcome carriages, because carriages would bring water from other places to these places. In the most prosperous place of the southern port, a long string of open vehicles could be seen slowly moving forward, which was free of charge.

He remembered that when he first came to the southern harbor, Brother Faying was very surprised by this kind of new thing. But now, Brother Faying was no longer as short-sighted as before. He jumped onto a slow-moving carriage. As the carriage slowly moved forward, Brother Faying comfortably enjoyed the scenery on both sides.

On both sides of the bustling streets of the southern port, besides shops that sold extremely expensive goods, there were also many luxurious and elegant restaurants. Brother Faying got off the carriage in the most prosperous market and wandered around.

As for the shops in the southern harbor, if the customers did not ask, the shop assistant would not take the initiative to greet them. Even if they did not buy anything, the shop assistant would not be dissatisfied with them. Therefore, it was quite common for people to shop from this shop to that shop in the southern harbor. This kind of thing was called shopping on the road in the southern harbor.

Brother Faying had temporarily joined the crowd of pedestrians. Every time he went to a shop, Brother Faying would sneak in to have a good look. Most of the shops in the southern port were luxuriously decorated. The shop assistants he hired were equally outstanding. In Brother Faying's eyes, everyone was suitable to be a newcomer.

To establish a foothold in the most prosperous shop in the southern port, smart people who knew how to comply with customers must be the minimum requirement. It was also necessary to have a neat appearance. However, Brother Faying did not know what kind of character they had. Was it easy to control, or was their courage enough to assume the role of a newcomer, but they did not dare to betray them.

At the same time, it was also inappropriate for a person to stay in such a place for a long time. Although the old man said that it would not be wrong to look around, if the person who played the role came to the southern harbor, there would be a great possibility of a mistake.

Just when Brother Faying looked over and was still not particularly satisfied, he suddenly heard someone behind him berating, "You're being lazy again. I've said a few times but you didn't listen to me. Be careful, or I'll kick you out."

Brother Faying looked back and saw a slightly hunched middle-aged man standing behind him, scolding a fifteen or sixteen year old child. The fear in the child's eyes drew Brother Faying's attention.

The child's innocent face showed a panic and fear. He shrank back as if he wanted to hide in the darkness behind him. He clenched his hands in front of his chest and twisted them uneasily. He lowered his head and stared at the ground, avoiding the middle-aged man's eyes.

"What's wrong?" A bald fatty walked out from behind the counter. That fatty's clothes were extremely tidy, and even though it wasn't luxurious, it wasn't cheap either.

"I just asked him to move those porcelains into the window. They are a batch of goods that just arrived this month. This guy has been playing with them for a long time." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

"There's no need to make a fuss. What if we disturb customers?" the fat man said.

"Yes, yes, yes. But this kid is lazy all day. I think we should find another one." The middle-aged man said.

"Let's talk about it later. Apart from sometimes being in a daze, this child is quite diligent." The fat man replied to the middle-aged man casually. Then he turned around and said to the child with a straight face, "It's your blessing to do what you have done here. The old boss thinks you are pitiful. If he takes you in, you have to be careful and repay him. You have to find a way to get rid of this old disease of being in a daze when doing things. If something really goes wrong, I can only drive you away. You should know that there is nowhere for you to go if you leave here. Do you understand? Go to work."

After saying this, the fat man turned back to the middle-aged man and said, "No matter what happens in the future, don't make a fuss. Make money by being kind, understand? You have worked here for more than ten years, and you don't even understand this reason." With this, the fat man went back to the counter to do his own things.

"Go back and work!" The middle-aged man shouted at the child.

Brother Faying looked at the whole thing and thought that this child was quite a suitable candidate. But he was not in a hurry to make a decision. He turned around, walked out of the store, and remembered the signboard clearly in his mind. Then he went to the street. Anyway, there were three days, and Brother Faying was not in a hurry to deal with it.

It was rare for Nan Gang to come here. Brother Faying gave himself a leave. He left the commercial street and wandered around two small streets. The street was full of accumulated water, so there were not many pedestrians and rich people. However, after searching for a long time, there would be some gains. When Brother Faying came out of the small street, his pocket was full of money.

Brother Faying was quite satisfied with this kind of harvest. He didn't intend to continue, but he wasn't worried about being exposed. If they lost their money bags on the street full of water, most people would first look for them on that street, which would be very time-consuming. Besides, Brother Faying was completely sure that there wouldn't be any plain clothes in that kind of place. The only thing he needed to do now was to change clothes, which was quite easy.

Brother Faying, who had randomly picked out a set of clothes on the street, was no longer worried about the two money bags. He wandered about on the street until most of the shops were closed in the dead of the night. When the doors were closed, Brother Faying returned to the shop he had memorized.

Sure enough, he saw that the child was doing his best to clean up the sign and decorations in front of the shop. He then closed the heavy metal fence door and quietly followed the child to the places where the commoners were at the edge of South City.

It was a damp and muddy alley, and the air was full of jealousy. Brother Faying secretly thought that this place should be the place where South Port was used to process leather.

Brother Faying didn't want to expose his target too early. The muddy road made it so that he didn't need to follow closely. He stared at the footprints on the ground and came to a small courtyard. There were three bungalows in the courtyard. A wisp of smoke floated out from the west side of the house, and sounds of talking came from inside.

Brother Faying went up to listen. Sure enough, it was the child who was talking. He shouted happily, "Aunt Betty, do you know? There are a lot of porcelain in the store today. Those porcelain are really too exquisite. They are as white as milk and as bright as the moon. There are beautiful patterns drawn on the bottom of the porcelain. The fish seems to be alive. There are also strange and beautiful aquatic plants that I have never seen before. These plants often appear in the works of art from the East, but we don't have them here. They are round and wide leaves, long and straight, and bright and huge flowers. They are very beautiful."

"You've been scolded by the second manager today, haven't you?" An old woman's voice said.

"How did you guess that?" asked the child.

"When you see these things, you will be lost in thought. Besides, that Hunchback is eager to drive you out so that he can plant his nephew in it." Speaking of this, the woman paused for a moment and said, "Hey, how many times have I said that those things are not what you should pay for. Those porcelain must be very expensive. You can't afford one in your life. Even your big shopkeeper is a rich person. For him, those porcelain can only be seen. Even for your boss, he has only used such a good thing. It doesn't mean that he can't afford it. He can't bear to use it himself. Those things are specially collected for those noble families. You'd better work hard to gain a firm foothold and let that Hunchback have no way to drive you away. Then, after seven or eight years, you can read some books and learn how to settle accounts. When you get to the position of purchasing or gambling, there will be nothing that the stinking Hunchback can do to you."

"I know, Aunt Betty. But why don't you let me go with uncle? I really want to be a sailor, go to the west to worship, go to Yilei, or even go to the far east."

"Forget it. You're too young to know what's good for you. I'm afraid of following your uncle. As long as he comes back safely, I'm happier than anything else. It's very dangerous to sail a ship. I can hear the news of a ship sinking on the dock every day. In addition to the sunken ship, go to the dock and see which sailor works for more than ten years and has a good body. sailors are easy to get sick, and once they get sick, there's no way to cure them. Your uncle is injured all over, and he'll wait for a few years. The owner of the ship asked him to go to the warehouse at the dock to take care of the goods and go in and out of the ship and have a peaceful meal."

"Aunt Betty, I still want to go to the sea to have a look."

"Then you can tell your boss that after seven or eight years, maybe your boss will let you follow him to the overseas business, which is much better than being a sailor. This is for your own good. Your father and mother have passed away, and your uncle and I don't have children. We have watched you grow up and treat you as our own child. Your uncle and I don't want you to follow your uncle's path. Your uncle is very clear about the industry of sailors. It is a difficult, dangerous, and have no way out."

"I know you're doing this for my own good, I know..."

Brother Faying, who was eavesdropping on the wall, had a rough idea of the child's background from these words. For a newcomer, such a background was very suitable. There were no parents, and only two of them were not relatives. One of them was also running on the sea road all year round.

Brother Faying made up his mind and returned to the street with satisfaction.

The southern port was a place where businessmen from all over the country gathered, so inns were naturally an extremely developed business here. Any kind of inn could be found here. For a person like Brother Faying who could even live in a cell, no simple inn would care.

Before the sky completely darkened, Brother Faying found a cheap hotel with a single room in the outskirts of the southern port. This was an inn for those small business owners. Unexpectedly, such a simple inn could actually take a hot bath. Brother Faying would never miss this kind of enjoyment.

While soaking comfortably in the big pool, Brother Fa Ying was thinking about everything he saw and heard today. That child was quite a good candidate, and what he was going to do next would depend on how he would act. However, for Brother Fa Ying, the southern port that was rarely seen needed to be carefully checked, especially when his pocket was filled with money. How to make use of the next day's time to have a good time was the biggest problem in Brother Fa Ying's mind.

South Port was a place where it was easy to spend money, but it was also a place where one could have fun without a penny. Brother Faying, who came out of the pool, felt relaxed all over. He went to the counter and bought a big glass of beer with silver coins, then went back to his room to rest.

The next morning, when the sky had just brightened, Brother Faying forced himself to get up from the bed. Brother Faying was not a person who liked to get up early. Not a single person liked to get up early. It was definitely not a good time to gain a lot in the morning. However, when they arrived at the southern harbor, Brother Faying definitely did not want to waste an hour.

The happy vacation began. Brother Faying stretched comfortably, put on his coat, and walked out of the hotel gate.