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Defiance of All Challenges

Defiance of All Challenges



In the Nebula Continent, Martial Arts determined everything and decided life and death. Li Hanxue, whose Martial Meridian had dried up, could not cultivate, but accidentally obtained a heaven-defying precious manual from the mysterious man. From then on, she set foot on Martial Arts, suppressed geniuses, and fought with strong people, step by step, she reached the peak of Martial Arts. The ever-changing cultivation methods, the strange and unpredictable secret realm, and the incomparably powerful martial dao geniuses... All of these challenges were waiting for Li Jiaxue. Endless blood and lofty sentiments would burst forth in the entire Nebula Continent.

It was June, and the sun was blazing in the sky. On the Nebula Continent, in the Li Residence of the Great Moon City of the Luo Ya Empire.

The young man was bare-chested and his sweat was pouring down like rain. He kept waving his fists at the trunk of a big tree in the sky. Every time he waved his fist, there would be a shocking blood stain on the trunk.

The young man frowned, as if he could not feel the pain in his body. He punched again and again, as if he would never get tired.

"Why can't I? Am I really unable to practice martial arts for the rest of my life?" The youth's eyes were firm, but this firmness could not hide the pain and helplessness on his face.

"That's enough. Hanxue, don't make things difficult for yourself!"

Li Qi frowned. Looking at his son in so much pain, he felt very uncomfortable. His dignified face was full of pity.

Li Jiaxue's comprehension of martial arts had been amazing since she was a child, and she was well-versed in it without a teacher. Two years ago, when she was 12 years old, she participated in the top academy of the Fire Province, the entrance examination of Canglan College. With the first place in the martial arts test, she was accepted by Canglan College. She was known as the most talented genius in the history of Canglan College.

After entering Canglan College, Li Henxue's cultivation was even more rapid. In a short year, she made continuous breakthroughs from the ninth level of the Duan Martial Arts Realm to the fifth level of the Martial Arts Realm. She condensed the True Qi of Martial Arts in her body and became the youngest martial artist in the Li family's history.

Li Qiye had already made up his mind. As long as Li Jiaxue broke through to the Xuan Martial Arts Realm, he would directly announce that she would be the next heir of the Li family.

However, things did not go according to their wishes. A year ago, Li Hanxue suddenly quit school from Canglan College. After returning to the clan, her cultivation was greatly reduced, falling directly from the first level of the Martial Arts Realm to the first level of the Duan Martial Arts Realm.

His position in the family had also plummeted. He had fallen from a genius boy who had been respected by tens of thousands of people to a cripple who was now being sneered at by all his clansmen.

"Dad, you're here."

Seeing Li Qi coming, Li Henxue hurriedly put on her clothes. Looking at her father from afar, her father's loving and regretful eyes deeply hurt his heart. Li Henxue knew that Li Qi had always had great expectations for him, hoping that he would take over the position of patriarch in the future and carry forward the Li family.

However, it was because a year ago, his Martial Meridian suddenly dried up, unable to cultivate. All of his hopes were shattered, becoming an illusion.

Martial veins were the foundation of cultivation for martial practitioners on the Nebula Continent. Without them, one would not be able to cultivate.

There were nine Martial Meridians in each person's body, namely the Duan Martial Meridian, the Martial Meridian like the Martial Meridian, the Xuanwu Meridian, the Ming Martial Meridian, the Desolate Martial Meridian, the Ghost Martial Meridian, the Dragon Martial Meridian, the Tianwu Meridian, and the Imperial Martial Meridian. Warriors could develop their potential and reach the corresponding Martial Arts Realm with each opening of the Martial Meridian by absorbing the Qi of Heaven and Earth. Those in the Martial Arts Realm were powerful enough to destroy mountains and rivers.

Li Qi touched her hair with his big thick hands and said in a heavy tone, "Hanxue, I don't want to see you torture yourself like this again. The Martial Meridian in your body has been confirmed to be dried up and you can't cultivate. No matter how hard you insist, you can't go against the sky. Don't torture yourself anymore. I'm very sad to see you depressed every day. Hanxue, give up practicing martial arts."

Li Jiaxue clenched her fists tightly, and her hands were bleeding. However, the pain was far less than one in ten thousand of the pain in his heart. He was not willing to accept his fate like this, and he was not willing to be unable to practice martial arts for the rest of his life.

The Martial Meridian was the foundation of a warrior. If the Martial Meridian was exhausted, the warrior would be sentenced to death. It was destined that he would not be able to practice martial arts for the rest of his life.

Li Jiaxue also understood this truth in her heart, but he was born with a sense of defiance in his bones, and he was unwilling to accept his fate.

Li Qi added, "Hanxue, martial arts is not the only way. Since you can't practice martial arts anymore, you can learn business from Butler Zhao and deal with family affairs in the future."

"No, Dad, please let me try for another year!"

Looking at Li Henxue's stubborn eyes, Li Qi pondered for a long time and did not speak. He just sighed deeply and then turned to leave.

Looking at her father's back as he walked away, Li Henxue's heart was full of sorrow and sorrow. Ever since she learned that Li Henxue's Martial Meridian was exhausted, Li Qi spent more than half of his family's savings and constantly sent people to look for natural treasures. He hoped to make up for the lack of the Martial Meridian through food, but it was in vain. The exhaustion of the Martial Meridian was an incurable disease for a martial artist. It was almost impossible to cure it.

In the past year, Li Qi ignored the opposition of his clansmen and used his family's wealth to cure Li Jiaxue. Not only did he fail, but he also caused the clansmen to complain. Although the clansmen would not gossip in front of Li Qi, everyone secretly regarded Li Jiaxue as a cancer of the Li family.

Li Jiaxue went out of the courtyard and walked slowly to the back mountain of the Li family, Mount Xuan Ding.

The forest on the top of Mount Lou Ding was lush and fresh, and there were few traces of people. Usually, Li Youxue liked to come here to relax whenever she had something on her mind.

Li Youxue lay on a grass patch with her hands on her head. Looking at the drifting clouds in the sky, she couldn't help but think of a lovely little face.

It was not an emergency that the Martial Meridian in Li Henxue's body was exhausted. In fact, there was a reason for it. It was because of a woman.

The woman's name was Su Xiaoya. She was a student at the same age as Li Jiaxue. She was delicate and beautiful, like a moving elf, which made people feel pity for her. After entering Canglan College, Li Jiaxue got to know Su Xiaoya. After a month of getting along with her, Su Xiaoya had a strong dependence on her. Since then, Su Xiaoya had been with Li Jiaxue.

Li Henxue gradually developed an indescribable affection for Su Xiaoya and took care of her like her own younger sister.

One day, Su Xiaoya went to the Enigmatic Underworld Mountain to carry out the task of hunting middle-level profound beasts. She accidentally fell into the nest of the profound beasts and was besieged by dozens of middle-level profound beasts.

When Li Jiaxue arrived, Su Xiaoya was already seriously injured and dying. After saving Su Xiaoya, she found that the Martial Meridian in her body had been shattered. The Martial Meridian in Su Xiaoya's body was a fire attribute Martial Meridian. If she wanted to save her, she had to extract a fire attribute Martial Meridian from a living person and inject it into her body.

However, there were very few people in the Enigmatic Underworld Mountain. It took them four hours to rush back from the Enigmatic Underworld Mountain to the Canglan College to ask for help. Moreover, the fire attribute Martial Meridian was extremely rare. It was not possible to find one among 10,000 people. Even if they found one, no one would be so stupid as to be willing to donate the Martial Meridian.

Li Jiaxue didn't want to watch Su Xiaoya die. She gritted her teeth and pulled out the empty Martial Meridian from her body and injected it into Su Xiaoya's body, saving her life.

There were many kinds of attributes in a warrior's body, including gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, and so on. Each kind of attribute was extremely precious because a Martial Meridian holder would show his unique talent when practicing martial arts techniques in corresponding fields, which was dozens of times faster than ordinary people.

The first type of Martial Meridian was similar to changing the human body's blood. A human's blood could only be replaced by matching the blood type. A martial artist's Martial Meridian could only be replaced by matching the Martial Meridian. The Emptying Martial Meridian was an omnipotent Martial Meridian. A Martial Meridian with any attribute could be implanted into anyone's body.

Because of this, this kind of Martial Meridian was called the Martial Meridian of Heaven. In history, every person who had this kind of Martial Meridian could become a top master in the world and dominate a place as long as nothing happened.

The Kong Xu Martial Meridian that Li Jiaxue possessed was the most powerful Martial Meridian that everyone in the Nebula Continent yearned for. However, he had given the Martial Meridian to Su Xiaoya, causing him to become a useless piece of trash. He had been looked down upon by everyone in the family, but he had never regretted it because of his decision.

"It's been a year. I don't know how she is now."

Before she knew it, it was getting dark. She stood up and was about to go down the mountain when she heard a woman's gasp and a man's heavy breathing coming from the faint forest. She suddenly looked surprised. Although she was only fourteen years old, she knew what was going on in the forest.

"Brother Rui, stop. I saw someone."

The man said impatiently, "Who is it? Why is it here at this time?"

"It seems to be a member of our Li family."