
Let’s Read The Word

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LANA'S POV Today was the day I find my mate I was both excited and frightened at the same time what if my mate doesn't want me what if he thinks I'm weak due to having the omega title I mean I'm not saying I'm important or anything but everyone deserves to fin their mates right so why do have the fear of his rejection already when I don't even know him yet but if he accepts me then I just hope he is a decent wolf who respect's women of any status as the people in my pack have no respect for any lower ranked wolves we are treat as their toys to do with whatever they choose for us to be. We had been called to the mating area, my hands a little clammy as I walk around marking trees and bushes with my sent feeling a little award as I look around seeing the others doing the same, “don’t stress Lana if our mate is here he will find us” my wolf Luna says trying to help calm my nerves, I made my way back to the kitchen when I hit a hard all of a chest “I'm so sorry I wasn’t looking” I said staring at the floor face flushed cheeks burning unable to look up as I was so embarrassed, I go to walk around this wall of a man when he grabbed me by my waist and lifted my chin with his finger forcing me to look at him, I froze as he spoke “MATE” I look into his eyes instantly, the mate bond pulling and sending tingles through by body “MATE” I reply in shock. But I could not look away from his ocean blues eyes I was captivated by them.


“Lana! breakfast isn't going to cook itself.” Marcus's voice booms from the kitchen, he is the head of the omegas, I find myself running towards the kitchen in hopes I am not in too much trouble for being late. Flustered from running I begin to apologise “Sorry Marcus I didn’t mean” he raised his hand and cut me off with a stern look. I begin cooking scurrying around the room preparing the serving trays making sure none of the food burns, ‘bang!’ the sound comes from behind me making me jump out of my skin, I turn around face flushed bright pink when I see harry wearing the biggest smile across his face. “Hey there beautiful” he said with a cheery voice. My face redder than before I slap him on his arm playfully, “why did you have to scare me so bad,” glaring at him with a questioning look on my face, Harry throws his hands up in the air as if to surrender, harry chuckled and said “I couldn’t resist you’re too easy to scare.” Harry and I have been friends for many years, he is like the big brother I never had, we talked and shared anything and everything with each other so I shouldn’t have been shocked when he asked, “so.... Lana, are you looking forward for tonight's mate ceremony?” I froze on the spot how could I have forgotten “shit! I need to prep the food, what if there isn’t enough?,” panic evident in my voice, Harry grabs my shoulders brings me in to a hug trying to calm my nerves. “Beth its fine you got this, I’ll help and when were done go back to your cabin and get yourself ready while I glam myself too hopefully, I find my mate too.” Harry said excitement in his voice and I instantly smiled up at him, “you know if you do, he is going to be one of the luckiest wolves, you’re an absolute gem harry I'm almost jealous of him already” I began giggling, the hours passed quickly and before I knew it the night was in full swing, I stood in the kitchen cooking and I could see the cars from other packs arriving, my palms became clammy as I knew it was only a matter of time, before all available she wolves will be allowed to walk around the area made out for the ceremony after, the male wolves go to see if he senses his mate, if not they get to try again in a year. We had been called to the mating area, my hands a little clammy as I walk around marking trees and bushes with my sent feeling a little award as I look around seeing the others doing the same, “don’t stress Lana if our mate is here he will find us” my wolf Luna says trying to help calm my nerves, twiddling my thumbs and chewing on my lip nervously as I made my way back to the kitchen I began daydreaming about what my mate would look, how much bigger than me would he be would I have to constantly have to tiptoe just to get a kiss or embrace him i had become that lost in my own thoughts I didn't realise I was no longer looking where I was going when I hit a hard all of a chest “I'm so sorry I wasn’t looking” I said staring at the floor face flushed cheeks burning unable to look up as I was so embarrassed, I go to walk around this wall of a man when he grabbed me by my waist and lifted my chin with his finger forcing me to look at him, I froze as he spoke “MATE” I look into his eyes instantly, the mate bond pulling and sending tingles through by body “MATE” I reply in shock. But I could not look away from his ocean blues eyes I was captivated by them.


"Ben, sorry to disturb you, but we must be on our way if we are to arrive at the blood moon pack in time for the ceremony," my beta Daniel says with a slight smile across his lips, he is the only one other than my mother or farther to call me by my name everyone else calls me Alpha I sigh in frustration as for the last three years I've been going to these stupid mating ceremonies in hopes of finding my mate, I'm now twenty-one it's not like I haven't been trying, I've just not come across her yet and that frustrates me but my wolf all the more I had taken his position when I turned eight-teen. It is a pain in the arse being alpha I finish in the office and make my way to the waiting car it is a three-hour drive to the blood moon pack, the car journey was silent for most of the drive until my wolf started to become restless, “what is it, Brad?” I question him through our mind, “let’s just say you're going to have an interesting day Ben” he replied with a smirk in his voice, he has never been this restless before not even when fighting I wonder what's making him act this way, I continue glancing out the window when I notice the trees are no longer moving passed us, “we’re here” I look at Daniel and nod. Stepping out of the car a scent of lavender engulfs my nostrils Brad begins pacing in my mind “Mate, she is here, find her Ben” I stiffen at his words could it be true she is here, I walk away from Dan and Alpha Gregson who waits to greet me, I don’t have time I need to find her, I mind link Dan to tell him and he just nods understanding my impulsive behaviour. I find myself striding through the pack grounds searching every inch of the pack territory, I’ve been searching for around an hour when someone bumps into me my nostrils flare and was about to shout at the wolf for her insolence towards me when her sent once again engulfs me the same sent of lavender and honey from earlier, she is staring at her feet I grasp her chin and lift it with my finger making her look at me “Mate” I say confidently her face blushed making my gut clench form how cute she looks “Mate”, she replies her voice sounding shaky, I claps her hand and walk her back to where I left Daniel and Alpha Gregson, I feel her tense and see her instantly lower her head as we approach the others as if to hide herself, I don’t like it why does she seem reluctant to go near the alpha, it can't be Daniel she doesn’t even know him yet, is it her Alpha he begins to gesture one of his guard over , I feel my mate looking down to see horror across her face “ this doesn't feel right” brad growls in my mind I throw my hand up, the guard stills instantly, a frustrated growl escapes my lips. “she is accompanying me to my cabin that is all” she stood there gawking at me as I brushed passed the alpha and made my way to my cabin still holding her hand tight.


I was terrified when I saw my Alpha, I knew he would get the wrong idea, but that wasn’t why I was shaking it was how he addressed my mate he is an Alpha but not just any Alpha he is Alpha Ben from the Black River pack he may be young but he is a ruthless Alpha, his pack aren't ordinary wolves they are Lycans the original werewolves, I was being pulled past my Alpha as he glared at me fury in his eyes “make sure not to disappoint the alpha or you will be punished little bitch” he ordered with such aggression through our mind link Ben still holding my hand tighter than before practically dragging me to his cabin. Once inside his cabin he let me go, and walked across to the fire place to light it before turning to me and pointed to the sofa, “sit” I slowly stepped towards it and took a seat, he took the seat next to me I held my hands in front of me on my lap not daring to move, I found myself staring at him admiring his features, his face looks if it was chiselled to perfection, he had a slight shadow over his chin where he has a little stubble is growing, but his eyes I could stare into them and get lost over and over, “you see something you like little wolf?” he chuckles my face heats and cheeks bright red I didn’t mean to stare but I can’t help it he is gorgeous, “I, I umm, I'm sorry alpha I didn’t mean to stare”, I lower my gaze and bow my head showing my neck as a sing of submission, unsure of what to do now I didn’t see his face but I felt him shift his weight with his body tense I could feel his glare on me making me adjust myself as I now feel uncomfortable in his presence. “I don’t need nor want your submission or apology, and don’t ever refer to me as alpha you are my mate as you know my name is Ben and you will call me as such.” His voice calm but I heard a little anger in his tone as he spoke “what is your name little wolf I should at least know that at least.” I stutter “Lana my name is Lana” my response quicker than I meant it to be “Lana, its beautiful, as is the person who owns the name,” a large mischievous grin forms on his lips, my cheeks flush a little at his words and find myself smiling at his boyish charm we sat there in silence for a few minutes before I shifted in my spot, I look around his cabin and fix my glance on the book shelf in the corner of the room as a book lover I stand and walk over investigating his collection, I brush my fingertips over the spine of the books, I hadn’t noticed Ben had followed me until he coughed behind me making me jump at how close he now was, making my heartrate increase slightly, “so you like to read” he gestures to the book in hand and I nod with a smile “yes I found it was my only escape from the reality of pack life” I said with saddens in my voice as I try force the memories of being beaten away as I quickly brave a fake smile and walk back to the couch, “Lana, has anyone hurt you?” his tone serious I halt my steps to turn and face him looking sternly in my direction while he waits for my reply, I hesitate as I know as my mate, I should tell him but we’ve only just met I don’t know him yet I need to know I can trust him not to be hurt again.


I felt my mate tense next to me as Gregson addressed me, did she fear him or me I wasn’t sure but I'll be dammed if I don’t find out, wanting to get back to my cabin to ask I brushed passed Gregson after dismissing his guard her face a picture with her gawking at me as I began walking us both to my cabin, I almost let out a chuckle of amusement she looks cute with a confused face, as we enter I reluctantly let her had go and light the fire, already feeling lost from her touch “sit” I point to the couch once id sorted the fire I took the seat next to her seeing her twiddling her thumbs as though she is nervous being here with me, I catch her staring at me her cheeks becoming a shade of pink “you see something you like little wolf?” I said with a smirk on my face, she bowed her head and bared her neck to me submissively as she apologised “I, I umm, I'm sorry alpha I didn’t mean to stare” I almost let out a growl when she called me alpha, she is my mate not any other wolf this made me pissed, trying to keep my anger in check I respond as calmly as possible I realised I don’t even know my mates name “what is your name little wolf I should at least know that at least.” she was quick with her response “Lana my name is Lana” I smile, she seems nervous “Lana, its beautiful, as is the person who owns the name,” a large mischievous grin forms on my lips, Lana shifts her weight on the couch then walks over to my book shelf, the way her eyes sparkled as she held the book, her lips forming as heart melting smile, I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to have her lips locked with mine whilst our tongues battled for dominance over the other, I found myself walking towards her wanting to caress her beautiful face, I stopped and let out a cough almost chuckling to myself as she jumped “so you like to read” I gestured to the book she was now clutching tightly “yes I found it was my only escape from the reality of pack life” sadness evident in her response as I saw a flash of pain in her eyes as she tried to hide it whilst walking back to the couch making my heart ache remembering the horror in her eyes earlier, I needed to find out what or who has caused her so much fear “Lana, why do you look terrified has anyone hurt you.” I ask abruptly. Her feet came to a halt as she turned to me uncertainty written in her expression, I then gesture for Lana to sit as I took my seat on the couch, Lana hesitantly took her seat “you don’t have to trust me yet but you will in time, Lana when you're ready you can tell me” Her eyes flashed to mine and I continued “just know one thing Lana I would never hurt you as for anyone who dares to I’ll kill them” I said with possessiveness but sincerity to my words, I meant every word no one will hurt my mate again ill make sure of that, Lana stiffened did she not believe my words. I stood and walked into the little kitchen as her eyes followed, I need her to trust me even if it's slow I change the subject quickly to ease the tension she already felt around me “you want a glass of water, I would cook but I'm not great in the kitchen” throwing my hands up looking guilty, being alpha id never had the need to learn when others do it for me, at this Lana roll her eyes a smile once again cross her lips, “I would love a glass, as for being hungry I think it would be wise if I cooked, less chance of getting food poisoning” she said with a chuckle, “just don’t let it burn I hate the taste of anything burnt” laughing as I pull a face when I mention burnt food by sticking my tongue out, I was acting like a child but I didn’t care, as long as Lana was smiling I would do it over and over to never see that hurt again.