
Let’s Read The Word

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I'm the Mate to the Master's Son

I'm the Mate to the Master's Son




Faith Hendrix is just a house keeper she doesn't even know of the secrets her master keeps from her. She grew up in an abusive home where her father beat her and her mother would watch cowardly. Griffin Knight is the son of the Alpha to the largest wolf pack in America. Griffin wants nothing more than to become Alpha and meet his soulmate who shall be by his side as Luna. What happens when Faith turns eighteen and comes face to face with Griffin? Will Griffin except the human as his mate? Will Faith let the future Alpha into her life?

       I sat in the corner of my closet quivering in fear, my father had come home drunk again. My mother watched as that monster who helped give me life beat me. I cried as I felt every scar that man left on my body. How could a parent do those things to their own flesh and blood or just watch it happen.

  I shook my head as I wiped away the stray tears that had fallen from my eyes at the memory of those monsters. I left home when I turned sixteen I was lucky enough to find Master Knight who gave me a job cleaning his huge house. He never asked me questions of the scars that scattered my arms and legs which were visible to those who looked. Thankfully no one ever looked at me for too long, but all the eyes I caught held sympathy.

  "Faith could you come here please?" Master Knight spoke softly to me.

  I nodded my head as I made my way to where he stood tall with his sun kissed skin, liquid brown eyes, and fluffy, sandy blonde hair. "Yes sir." I replied quietly.

  "Faith dear can you look at me." He said stern but soft. I looked up to face Master Knight with a little blush coming to my cheeks from embarrassment. "Thank you dear."

  I bowed my head in respect. "You're welcome sir." I whisper.

  "My son Griffin will be here in a matter of hours for his birthday." Master Knight smiled towards me. "My wife and I would be very much appreciative if you could bake him a cake a cook us a nice meal."

  I nodded my head in understanding. "Of course sir." I had a thought, "Shall I get mister Griffin's room ready too?"

  Master Knight nodded as if to tell me go ahead. "That would be fine." He then turned around to walk back off to work.

  Griffin Knight, I've only met him once since I was given the job of housekeeper for the Knight family. Master Knight and his wife stay busy with their secretive life that I never ask about as I have my own secrets to keep.

  I made my way to the room that was once for Griffin Knight before he moved out to live his life. He moved out when he turned sixteen only months before I moved in to keep the house clean for Master Knight. I made the bed, put plenty of towels into the conjoined bathroom, and dusted to make sure the room looked decent enough for Griffin.

  As I finished up with the bedroom I walked down to the kitchen and pulled out all the ingredients to make a cake. Griffin's favorite was red velvet so I decided that was what I would make along with his favorite, a seared steak with rosemary served with seasoned potatoes and home-made macaroni and cheese. I started with the cake first since it would need to cool before I could ice it and decorate it. While the cake was in the oven I started with the steak since it would take the longest time.

  As I finished up the meal the doorbell rang so I untied my apron and walked towards the door. Once I opened the door my breath hitched in the back of my throat. Griffin looked similar to his dad except with clear green eyes. I slightly shook my head coming back to reality as I welcomed Griffin into the house.

  "Come on in mister Griffin." I said shyly feeling a little awkward.

  Griffin chuckled as he looked down at me. "No need for the mister, Faith."

  "Okay Griffin come on in your father is upstairs in his study." I commented feeling the butterflies burst as he said my name.

  Griffin nodded as to thank me as he walked up the stairs possibly towards his room. I went back to the kitchen to finish up the meal and then get the table ready for the five Knight's. Gabe cane running down the stairs yelling excitedly.

  "Faith where is Griffin?" Gabe screamed way too excited. Before I answered the young boys question I saw his older sister Gemma come walking down the stairs with their mother Gabrielle.

  "Gabe could you stop yelling." Gemma spoke annoyed with how excited her brother was.

  I shook my head with a small smile looking down to Gabe. "I think Griffin went up to his room." Gabe frowned his golden eyes holding so much sadness. "Hey he is just upstairs buddy." I patted his shoulder.

  I walked back into the kitchen to grab the food to place on the table for the family. Gabrielle thanked me silently as the men decided to join the table.

  Griffin looked around the table before raising an eyebrow. "Where's your plate?" He asked me.

  "Oh no Griffin this was a family meal plus I have more cleaning that needs to be done." I replied shyly.

  Griffin shook his head grabbing a chair placing it next to his. "You are going to join us, it's my birthday and what I say goes."

  "Really Griffin I'm fine I'll eat later." I shook my head giving a nervous giggle.

  Griffin looked me directly in the eyes before he spoke up. "No you will join us that is an order." Shocked I sat down a little frightened by his demand. "I'm sorry Faith I didn't mean it that way but I want you to have dinner with us."

  I nodded still terrified to say anything in case he lost his temper. I was sitting at the table as my dad smacked my head so hard I hit the table. I started to shed a few tears as he called me names while I looked directly at my mother 'you're just a little slut' 'stupid bitch' 'wish I would have made your mother get rid of you' I started to feel a pain in my chest as I looked around with blurry vision I noticed Griffin watching me cautiously.

  I quickly stood up and ran towards my room slamming the door sliding down to the floor. Hoping no one followed me as I let my sons rack my body. I can never get rid of the past but I just want to be able to forget.

  There was a knock at the door I quickly wiped the tears away and stood up dusting my clothes off. I opened the door to find Griffin standing their worry written in his features.

  "Are you alright Faith?" He asked me with concern.

  I just stared at him unable to process any words after what felt like hours I finally just nodded my head turning away from his worried eyes. But Griffin didn't seem convinced so he spun me around and grabbed my chin making me look him in the eyes. It was like time stopped I was no longer held down by gravity but by him.

  I frantically shook my head trying to break contact but I could not stop looking at him. "Faith you can tell me what's wrong." Griffin spoke kindly to me.

  I continued to shake my head I can't tell anyone what happened to me. It's torture enough that I have to live with the memories I can't bring anyone else into my traumatic past.

  "I'm sorry Griffin I am fine you are mistaken." I stated feeling bad when I saw the hurt cross over his beautiful green eyes.

  He pulled me into his chest before he spoke up again. "Faith if you ever decide you want to talk about it I'll be here." Then he swiftly let me go and walk back downstairs.

  I shut the door to my bedroom and sat on the edge of my bed calming my breathing down. I tried to wrap my head around what just happened with Griffin and I. Once I felt I had everything under-control I stood up and walked towards the bathroom that was only separated from my room by a door.

  As I looked in the mirror at myself I saw how puffy my blue eyes looked and my black hair was a complete mess. Deciding I needed a shower so I turned the shower on and started to undress before hopping in. Once I finished my shower I walked out of the bathroom and stepped into my closet to find something comfortable to wear.

  After I pulled my hair back in a ponytail I opened my bedroom door to go out and finish cleaning everyone else's rooms. Knowing Gabe's room was probably the messiest I decided I would start with his.

  Once I finally finished cleaning the rooms I went to the dining room expecting to see dishes still on the table, but the table was clean. Deciding maybe they took their dishes to the kitchen I walked into the kitchen to find Griffin finishing up cleaning so I cleared my throat, "you didn't have to do this it is my job to clean up after your family."

  "I figured you could use a break." Griffin stated as he turned around after finishing up to look at me.

  My heart started to beat faster as we just stared at each other not saying a word until someone coughed alerting us that someone else was there. I turned around to see Master Knight standing in the door way watching our interaction.

  I bowed my head to him and went to walk off before someone grabbed my wrist, I turned around to see who had a hold on my wrist and sure enough it was Griffin. "Faith the three of us need to talk about something."

  I jerked my arm away from him figuring he had told his dad about me crying and I walked away from the both of them and went right to my room shutting the door. Griffin slammed the door open seething as he howled. "MINE."

  I got up and shoved Griffin out of my room locking the door so I could actually fall asleep without being bothered. I crawled into the bed but before I fell asleep my mind went back to what Griffin said. What did he mean by mine?