
Let’s Read The Word

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See, You Are In A Different World

See, You Are In A Different World



Realistic Urban

As our world slowly fell into darkness, different people from different generations were brought back to life to save the lives of many people and restore us from the dark ages in the 21st Century. A Roman was brought back to life alongside his Guardian Angel to save the world and one fruit, would change their lives forever and the world's fate.

  "Where am I?" I asked myself.

  I was in a different place, White floors and Golden Pillars stood stall in a never-ending Hallway. It was a silent place, nothing to hear and nothing to the response.

  "You're in Heaven." said a female voice behind me, I turn around and saw a Girl. She has long blonde hair, Blue iris color for eyes, With Feathery wings, and a half-naked body covered up by a White Bra and a Miniskirt.

  " Heaven? " I asked her, I don't know what Heaven is or about it? Did I do something wrong?

  "You know, I can hear your thoughts." She spoke softly, her eyes were in a serious mood. Her feathery wings flapped behind her as the wind gust. Her skirt wasn't dancing at all, it was just in a stayed place, no motion.

  "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Heather. and you know you're name, right?" She greeted with a smile, Her cute face made it weird and awkward; I nodded.

  " My Name Is... " I forgot my name. I tried to remember it but it keeps failing, who am I? What happened, I need answers. Heather then Sighed as she looks at me with disappointment.

  "Your name is Troy, You died from an accident." She covered her face, her tone can tell she was disappointed and tired.

  " Come, Follow me. " She lends me her hand, I grab it softly. I'm surprised how soft it is, I was blushing for the first time, I never touched a girl's hand before. Am I doing this right?

  "Enough with the thoughts, Just don't let go." She sighed and began Flapping her wings behind me.

  We slowly rise from the ground, Her wings flap harder as we began moving. She wasn't having problems with my weight, I mean I'm still 18 but she manages to carry me out. We few above, The ground below was beautiful, Golden castles sitting up clothes, People flying through them. Seems a heaven is a Beautiful place. After the Flight, we drop to a temple.

  "Follow me and behave properly." She was serious, I nodded and followed her as well.

  We enter the temple, People standing there with wings just like Heather. They were are looking at me, smiling. This is a weird place. We go on and went to a spot, she told me to stay there. Then a light appeared in front of me, it was too bright, I covered my eyes from the brightness.

  "So, This is the Guy, Heather?" said a voice, I don't know where it came from but it was deep and loud, echoed across the room.

  " Yes. " She spoke respectfully to the light. I covered my eyes from the light, which I cannot see what's happening, I just let it hear it.

  "Good, Young Troy. We are very sorry that we accidentally Killed you." said the deep voice.

  "Wait, so my Death is fake? What will happen next?" I asked while Covering the bright light in front of me.

  " Indeed, Which is why we will give you a chance to live again. " the voice spoke once again, I was excited, I don't know why but I feel like wanna relive again.

  "Heather, Help this young man in the Modern world." Said the Voice.

  " WAIT WHAT! " I heard her protesting and shock. I smiled for a bit, knowing she has a slim thick perfect body, this is going to be a beautiful ride.

  "I DON'T WANT TO JOIN THAT PERVERT!!" she protested once again, I smiled with enjoyment.


  With an unknown, I woke up in a different place, It was dark and the smell is very foul. I open my eyes to see Heather, who was very mad at me, she is still wearing that white Bra and skirt, I see no problem.

  "Listen here Pervert, I have no choice and just follow my instructions." She was angry, a sparkly from her hand began to change her clothes. From the half-naked to fully dress, she was wearing a multi-color shirt and blue long pants, what is she wearing.

  " You should change as well. " She snaps her finger, My Clothes change quickly from the white robe to a Green Shirt with a collar in it, a Black long pants with weird things on my feet that made it very warm.

  "Where are we?" I asked her.

  "We are in Tokyo, In the Year 2021." We got out in a long hallway to see people with different clothes, some are wearing black and odd clothing and others are wearing the same clothes as I am but in different colors.

  "Come on." She ordered, She ran out and I followed her.

  While Running I saw people inside boxes moving across in a black street, others have weird things in her hand. They have a cover on their face, it was blue, covering their mouth, Who made them do that?

  "Oh Shoot, I forgot to wear this." She snaps her fingers to reveal the same cover, she wore one and gave the other to me.

  I nodded and wear it, seems very good actually. While running we stop at a house, I saw a weird paper in one of the doors, it has weird drawings but she is looking at it. With no hesitation, she knocks on the door and began waiting.

  "What are you doing?" I ask her, she was waiting impatiently while tapping her toes on the floor.

  "Yes?" Opened an Old lady from the door.

  " Is there any room left? " She asked, the lady nodded and grab something behind the door.

  The Old lady then guide us to a plank, it was stairs but they were different, strong, and feels like metal. We went to upward in the stairs and went to a small hallway, on my right I saw the same thing earlier but this time I can see it better. People in a box moving along, others are walking but what I didn't suspect are tall buildings, taller than this. Probably reach the sky, they were many of them with weird black boxes in them. Those Black Boxes began showing figures in them, are they stuck?

  "Here you go." Said the old lady as she opens the door, it was small but fitting.

  " Thank you, hear you go. " She gave her a stack of papers, the old lady thanked her and left.

  The room was empty, nothing in there, apparently there was a door in a few distances. I opened it to see a bathroom and a kitchen. We remove the cover and place it in the door.

  "This needs some touches," Heather spoke, her voice echoed in the room. She snaps her finger as a sparkly began to appear, weird boxes stood on the floor, a bed and another box sit in the wall. The Kitchen was filled with weird materials as well.

  " What are those? " I ask her, she giggled for a bit.

  "That is a Television, Where you could watch anything." She pointed to the black box sitting on the wall.

  " That is a computer, where you could search and play games. " she pointed to the weird boxes on the floor.

  "Well I'll have the bed, you'll sleep on the floor." She spoke, pointed her finger at me.

  " Hey, No Fair! " I protested, I know we barely know each other but this is unfair.

  "You drag me into this." She protested back with her arms in her chest, she knows what I'm thinking.

  " AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! This is your new life. " She blushed as she turns back.

  Now, I'm in a different world or time, With an angel with me. Probably this is not bad after all. There will be a time she will loosen up, and becomes friends or even more.

  "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!" she shouted