
Let’s Read The Word

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Sofia the nerd is a sweet girl who study hard to achieve her dreams Theodore the other hand The mafia guy who likes to bully her, But then Lindsey Comes Theodore change a lot, Then one day Theodore suddenly fall in love with Sofia but Sofia rejected Theodore, Then Theodore cannot believe what just happened and order his man to kidnapped Sofia

Once a pon a time there were live a beautiful young maiden~

Sofiaaaaaa... Yeld my Mother "Go wash the dishes" Yeld my mother again.. "Alright Mom I'm coming" I replied..

After I wash the dishes Me and my Family ate and go to work..

It was my first day of 12 year High School, When I was young I always wanted that school because of its technology and devices I know it's sounds funny but I love that school the most.. It is one of the popular school in our small town.. While walking I collide one of the students in that school, I can still imagine that scary face like the faces I in counter on Halloween but he looks cool,I don't know who he is but I think I'm in love with him.. Then I found my classroom and entered, the class started, A few minutes pass the school bell rang~Its snacktime.. I can still imagine her face it was more like an apple or what ever... Then I saw him again I was wrong at my first glance at him he is a bully... He bully the other nerd., then he come in front of me and get my snacks, "What the bastard man I in counter today""Thank God it was only snacks"The Break time is over the bell rang again.. Then suddenly I tripped and ripped Theodores Jeans " Ohh noo.. I'm sorry I didn't mean it" I said but Theodore replies I gave u my red card...

At night I cant still imagine what red card is.. Then I finally remember the Korean Drama Name Meoter Garden.." Ahaaa! The red card that's it... "Wait L


What? " The red card! "Ohh noo this can't be" This can't be! I cried and cried because of the red card then I finally woke up In the morning and heard strange noises... The dum truck in front of our house is taking some of our furniture luckily Theodore come in the right time and pay the money..

I thank Theodore and ask him"How do you know my address?" "Simple it's on the student board" He replied

Wait are u here because of that red card.. I'm sorry I apologize.. "I'm to clumsy yesterday and hit you I'm so sorry".. " What are u taking about?my red card means I'm in love a person...

That's for Chapter one thanks for ur support