
Let’s Read The Word

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Samantha Dela Vega is one of the best sheriff in her town. Her family has a background of being official and officers of the town. Her parents name Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Susi Dela Vega. Since her childhood days, she felt lonely and uncomfortable within her family. Her mother is a one of the famous business women while her father is retired sheriff. Being sheriff in her own town has a lot of responsibilities to protect and guide some people and the environment. She motivated from her father who taught her on how the Sheriff do his responsibility and how those remedies work. One day, Samantha did a big mistake that leads her into trouble and that was the reason why her father always hurting her at night.

“Hi Daddy!” my excited voice when I saw him coming in the front door of our house.

“Hey sweetie! You missed me?” he replied while hugging me tightly.

“Yes Daddy! I missed you so much!

*/shaking one’s head

” my confections answered to him.

“Welcome back honey! And you’re finally here to celebrate Samantha’s 7th birthday hhm!


” Mom said while tapping Dad’s shoulder.

I missed this moment, they both now in my side and finally we're bonding together all day and night. We’re now here in our living area watching our favorite movies I mean favorite genre of movies which is horror movies. I’m only 6 year-old baby girl but I already watched different horror movies.

“Excuse me!” dad’s excuse when his phone ringed because someone’s calling then he bearupon into our valcony and stay there for almost a half-hour.

Mommy didn’t mind him on what’s going on to his conversation with. I’m watching daddy’s action on how he talk to with. Nothing is weird but I noticed something he did ‘I love you too love!’ then he chuckles. After seeing Dad’s action I noticed too my Mom’s tears coming from her eyes. I hugged her tightly and I say.

“Stop crying Mommy! I’m here for you!


” I smiled while my curiosity was attacking me.

I thought everything is gonna be ok that’s why I ignored what happened that time. After that night, three weeks before my 7th birthday I saw Mom while preparing the invitation for my special day. My close friends and our family friends are invited to be a part of my 7th birthday celebration. Off course, my grandparents are also invited. I’m here in our valcony, imagining the possible situation I will facing on that day I’m waiting for. Seeing their smiles and laughs in their faces is what I want to see on my special day. Exactly 3 o’clock at the afternoon, Mom called me while she’s crying.

“I’m so sorry sweetie,” she whispered.

“What’s wrong Mommy? Is everything ok?” I asked her while hugging her so tight.

She didn’t say anything about what happened. It’s so weird to ask but I’m curious on what’s going on between Mommy and Daddy.

“Dad? Who’s Dianna?” a question that makes him quiet.

“Sweetie! I have to go! See you later sweetie.” he quickly respond to me and he leave me alone.

I’m trying to understand both of them but they didn’t say anything to me on what’s going on. Two weeks before my birthday at exactly 3:30 at the morning, I heard them fighting each other.

“What’s wrong Mommy? Daddy?” I ask while I'm crying.

“Sa-mantha?” Dad’s reaction when he saw me.

“Sweetie come here!” Mommy said but instead of talk to both of them I walked out.


I woke up late and I saw Daddy while he was asleep in our valcony. He seated upon in my favorite chair in the right corner of our valcony. Suddenly, I heard my Mom's voice while having a conversation with her sister at veranda with funny topic.

I can’t imagine, they’re already 30 years old and above but their conversation was all about funny moments and jokes. It’s weird for me. I chose to do my favorite hobby which is reading and watching horror story until I saw Dad’s phone ringed. I answered it and I heard melodious voice in her line.

“Hello honey!” she said that makes me curious on who is she and what relationship they have.

“Who are you? Who’s your honey?” I replied then she ended the conversation.

I didn’t mind who is she because I already know, she's Dianna. Dianna is Daddy’s secretary in Municipal Hall. She worked there for almost five years ‘til now and she’s one of the Mom’s friend, close friend.

“Do I disturbed you Dad?” I asked when I saw him awaked already.

“No sweetie! What’s wrong? Are you ok?” he replied while holding my both hands.

“Your secretary Dianna Daddy!” I try to say anything and asking him who’s Dianna in his life but he ignored my words and he went into Comfort Room.

“Hey Samantha! You’re there. You missed your auntie?” Auntie Divine asked and she hugged me.

“I do Auntie! I missed you so much 100%!” l replied while my curiosity was still attacking me.

They both don’t say anything about Dianna and who’s that girl in their lives. I heard them again fighting each other at the middle of the night. That was 10 at the evening when I saw Mom crying at their room while Daddy shouting different words which can hurt Mommy's feelings. All I can do that time is watching them and embracing the loneliness around me. Seeing my parents fighting each other is hard to accept their arguments about something I don’t know.

“Dianna! Always Dianna!” Mom’s shouting while tapping Dad’s chest and shoulder.

“Why her? Why you always choosing her than me?” she added that makes her cry.

“You know what Susi, you should take a risk. Be thankful that I’m here!” Dad’s replied and he leave their room.

Mommy still crying all-night, lonely and feeling unloved. At exactly 7:30 in the morning I saw Daddy preparing breakfast for three while Mommy preparing some documents about business. ‘Is everything ok?’ I asked myself.

“There you are sweetie, come here and let’s eat!” Daddy said but Mom says.

“No! Me and Samantha will be having a picnic with her auntie Divine. Are you excited sweetie?” Mom said and obviously I saw Dad’s reaction.

“I have something to do this morning Mommy. Thank you but I won’t.” I replied and I sat in the right corner of our dining table.


“Samantha? Are you ok?” Mrs. Montemayor asked me when she saw me thinking about something.

“Samantha? Is everything ok?” she added.

“Yes teacher! I’m ok a-and everything is ok!” I replied and she lost at my side.

“Let’s play come on!” Cecile said to play with them.

“Sorry Cecile but—” Cecile’s stopped my words and she pulled me up that cause I stumbled on the ground.

“Come on Samantha! Let’s play this game. Don’t tell us you’re weak human */laughing” she added and everyones’ laughed on what happened to me.

Cecile Grey is one of the talkative and selfish student that I’ve known. She always do whatever she want and she always bully other student especially if they don’t have snacks.

“I’m home! Where are you Mom?” I burst upon when I came home.

I didn’t see the presence of Mom and Dad that’s why I chose to eat some snacks while watching horror movies in our living area and I heard some noise from the basement so, I bearon in the basement and everything is ok, nothing is weird. Now, I’m here again in living area and I continued watching horror movies. At exactly 7:30 in the evening, still no presence of Mom and Dad. I just wanted to call both of them but one car stopped in the front of our gate and one lady arise from on the front seat of a car while one man in driver’s seat. I didn’t see her face but to be honest she’s sexy.

“Dad?” I asked when I saw his face.

“Sweetie! Here’s your auntie Dianna!” he introduce Ms. Dianna to me as my auntie? ‘Are you serious Dad?’ I said in my mind.

“Auntie Dianna? Are you kidding Dad?” I asked him that makes him anger on what I’d showed to Ms. Dianna.

“Yes! Samantha I’m your auntie Dianna soon to be your second slash your stepmother! */smile” she smiled after saying those words to me.

“You both crazy! My Mom Susi is my only mother! No second, third, forth and no one can change that!” I shouted and I lost my position until Dad shouting.

“We’re just kidding Samantha! Ms. Dianna’s here to greet you in advance.” Daddy’s shouted to stopped me.

“Happy 7th birthday Samantha!” she greet me and she laughed. ‘You’re so stupid Ms. Dianna!’ my pissed whispered on her.

“Do I disturbed all of you?” Mommy asked all of us when she came home.

I noticed some weird moments between three of them. Everything is full of silent, speechless!