
Let’s Read The Word

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Ascension: Legend Of The Blue Deity

Ascension: Legend Of The Blue Deity




18-year-old Jay had just died, immediately forgetting everything that had once happened, last seeing his corpse surrounded by a group of mysterious individuals as he ascended into the sky. Teleporting into a vast, cloudy rift, he soon became an angel, then hearing a mysterious voice that told him to fulfill the task of preserving and defending life. Then getting sent to an unknown, fragmented world, he prioritized recovering his memories first, as what he had seen previously was very strange to him. Eventually, Jay had soon met up with a family who had lived by a forest as he mysteriously woke up in their home. Although a bit paranoid at first, his life began to feel nice and pleasant as he had a lot of fun experiences spending time with them. As he had gotten to know the family, he quickly began to form a strong relationship with them. However, since nothing is perfect, his happiness was soon short lived, as an unfortunate series of events had begun to turn his brief utopian life of satisfaction into a long, grieving Hell for the rest of his time.

Jay, in his teenage years, had just lost his life and memories after an unfortunate death, and he was now nothing but a transparent and almost mindless soul with a shining white orb of light emitting from the middle of his almost invisible chest.

Leaving his physical body, which is now nothing more than a dead shell, he felt as light as a feather, and began ascending into the sky. Jay's spiritual body had then started slowly reconstructing, becoming more opaque. He began to feel heavier, but his body still continued to ascend. As he rose into the sky, he gazed around.

It was a very chilly and rainy night,  and surrounding him was a world of towering steel and thousands of glowing, colorful specks of light. He then looked down and saw his bloodied body, noticing a group of mysterious hooded people surrounding it, which all took place in the middle of a large crater.

Upon the sight, Jay's lingering unconsious feelings of resentment, worry, and misery had grown intense. Suddenly, he then began to warp through time and space, emerging through an enormous, thick sheet of white clouds, with many bright orbs also appearing from deep within them.

He had soon felt a bright and intense energy that came from a potent, distant light high above the surrounding cloudy space. The light seemed to quickly redeem Jay of his strength and energy. as he had no longer transparent and had been full of opaque color.

His spiritual body was then fully constructed as he reclaimed his short cobalt hair, sapphire eyes, and his caramel skin. He appeared to be rather tall with a slim, toned body, looking no different than when he was human.

But he, unfortunately, was no longer one.

He was now brimming with energy, and angelic wings quickly bursted out of his back as it shot out feathers of snow. His body had then absorbed a blue energy that had appeared and slowly thickened out of thin air. The azure, glowing energy travelled and lit up his eyes and veins which glowed through his skin.

His head then ached as he began going through a recollection of verbal communication from sensing an old man's voice in his head. 

The voice whispered with a deep echo, "You have now become a spirit. Because of good fortune, you have been resurrected into an angel; One with the duty to protect this world from chaos and destruction. I have given you elemental powers to aid you in your adventure.

It also seems you've had a rather unfortunate fate. If you wish to lighten your burden of the sins of hatred and accumulate divine spiritual power, you must utilize the path of exorcism and undergo many experiences. You've also been given a pair of holy blades that you may summon accordingly."

"Attain great power throughout your life of the Outer World, and prevent the annihilation of light. The forces of light and dark are heavily unbalanced, and all of existence is under the process of total destruction. It has come to the point where I cannot fight this battle alone, and at any rate, both the mortal world and the world of the afterlife will be destroyed.

The entirety of life and every form of matter will be wiped away. The creations of gods would then have served no purpose, and time and space will revert to being empty and lifeless. Help me prevent all of such misfortune from happening. Don't let absolute darkness be the fate of the world." The voice said, beginning to fade away.

"...Your mission is to preserve the light, my child."

Again, Jay had immediately warped through time and space during the message to an unfamiliar world. He fell through the atmosphere of the somewhat earth-like planet as if he was a meteorite. Many people that resided within a nearby kingdom were in awe as they witnessed the beautiful streak of light in the sky.

The violet sky was illuminated by the brilliant golden streak on the horizon, giving the shooting star an enchanting aura. Coming closer to the planet's surface, he was soon about to land in a large forest which lay right beside the vast kingdom. 

"Crap, I almost forgot I can fly...!" He thought.

But right before Jay could have made a tragic impact, his angelic wings offered him a safer, but still hard of a landing. He had fallen and stumbled all over the ground, getting inflicted with slight bruises and injuries.

He then attempted to get up, but staggered and fell. He rose again slowly, trying one more time, and before he could have dropped once more, he stabilized himself after remembering how to walk.

Having then gained his balance, Jay slowly stood straight, and before he thought of making another move, he began to observe the environment. He discovered himself in a very thick forest that shielded most of the golden light from the setting sun.

The peaceful rustling of leaves and the soothing sound of flowing water made him feel calm and at peace. Then shortly breaking away from his trance, he had then averted his focus to his wings as he turned to look behind him. He wanted to make sure he knew how to fly in order to experience the excitement of soaring through the air.

He made his first attempt, making a running start. He jumped, attempting to flap his wings, but of course, it didn't go as planned. He was indeed flying for a very short moment, but he had soon lost control and plundered back to the ground.

Jay was persistent, however, so he kept trying, but it always ended in the same results, only slightly better. Many hours of repetitive attempts later, and it was already midnight. He finally got the hang of flying, but barely. He was able to fly up high above the trees and gaze around.

The world was very peculiar, with giant floating islands and earth debris, and other, smaller islands. Some contained small forests, others were inhabited by medieval-aged villages, and others with flowing rivers and waterfalls that flowed down the giant, seemingly bottomless rift of the planet that he had then realised is a cracked and broken world. He had struggled quite a bit, but he managed to fly back down.

Jay was unsure of what action to take next, but before he was situated in deep confusion, he happened to notice another person standing near a river. He walked by them as they soon noticed Jay.

They were tall and had the appearance of a dark-suited young man with long black hair and black eyes that gleamed under the moon's shine. Jay walked up to him and asked, 

"Do you know where I am…?" 

"Well… you're in a forest, which is right next to the kingdom of Y'vette, ruled by a goddess."

"Why are there floating objects in the sky?"

"Not many know, neither do I know much, but some say that during an ancient time, this world called Residuum had been destroyed once, but legend says people from another world helped recover the planet and made it habitable again. The floating pieces are essentially being sustained by massive amounts of magic."

He said, raising a finger to the sky. He then leaned over to Jay and closely scanned him as he flinched in surprise.

"By the way... are you a newborn? Considering the fact you look so clueless."

Jay responded, "Newborn...? What do you mean?"  

"Is this your second life?" 

"I don't know, it might as well be." Jay said, shrugging. 

"I see..." He said, rubbing his chin with one of his hands.

"Well, hopefully you can find some friends." He said with an odd chuckle. 

"What brings you here in the middle of a forest?" Jay questioned.

"I'm just taking a breather away from the kingdom, working as a merchant really takes a toll on you." The man replied as he held a grin.

"By the way, you should hide those when you're not flying, they could really get annoying just being there, taking up space. Simply think of them disappearing, and magic should probably do it's thing. So I'll get going now. I hope you'll have a good second life here~" The man said, smiling slyly as he began to walk away.

"What's up with that guy...?" Said Jay as he observed the man disappear into the darkness of the forest.

Then, Jay took away his attention from him as he began to sit down. He looked up, gazing past the opening of the forest at the clear, dark sky speckled with radiant stars, and had wondered about the fate that would inevitably cross him throughout the rest of his future. He then remembered what the voice from earlier ago had told Jay. As he laid on his back, he questioned himself.

"Did I really just die..? The old man had spoken of my fate, so what had happened during my past?

...And who were those people surrounding me back then...?

If possible, I'll try and regain my memories; To remember the events that had taken place, and to get all of my answers. For now ... this world looks interesting. I'd rather take my time and learn more about it."

An unsuspecting yawn began to fly out of his mouth, and Jay soon noticed the fatigue settle in his body as it grew heavier.

"I've used up too much energy trying to fly. At this point, I can't even move."

And before Jay knew it, the night had passed, and once he sat up and looked around, he suddenly found himself on top of a cozy bed in a small room with furniture and pale walls. On one of the walls, he spotted a large painting of a young woman with long, violet hair. Bright sunlight beamed out of one of the room's windows onto his face. He was, of course, very confused. 

"Wait … why am I … here? Where am I?" He said, rubbing his eyes.