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Battle For Love

Battle For Love

Author:Grace Chigbu


Realistic Urban

Catherine finds herself in a triangular love between Ethan and Daniel. But she needs to pick the one she loves the most. However, Ethan ready to do anything, even if it means manipulating the materialistic stepmother of Catherine, Angela Dantes to marry her. What type of fated love awaits Catherine? Who will be chosen future husband? Will she discover the misery between her parent's death? Find out in this suspense thriller, and romantic novel

Beautiful Catherine

The sun beams through Catherine's window, creating a stunning start to the day, carrying with it new expectations and goals. Her face is illuminated cheerfully, as she gazes at the wonderful paintings of nature holding tight to her walls.

Strolling towards the painting of a nursing mother breastfeeding her kid, who nursed its mom's bosom with delight, is her favorite. It helped her to remember what she could never have, her mom kicked the bucket right away in the wake of bringing forth her. Tears moved down her eyes, she never got the opportunity to encounter a mother's adoration.

She made a quick dash for the kitchen to have a light meal since she woke up with hunger. On her way, she caught her stepmother.

"Catherine", her stepmother called out to her, furious at Catherine for spilling the beverage she was holding onto her body.

" Great morning ma'am", she welcomes her stepmother, attempting to hold the giggling and taking steps to emerge from her lips.

"Also, what's great about the morning?" Roselina roared irately at Catherine, appearing as though she battled with Satan in her fantasies, and the profound frown made it more clever.

Incapable of concealing her giggling, Catherine roared with laughter but lamented doing as such. Roselina gave a hot smack leaving engraves on her face. Catherine chomped her lips, as she kept away from crying. She swore never to show her shortcomings to this lady, who generally determined bliss in harming her.

"Could you at any point let me know what's entertaining you, miss?" She asked, fulfilled that her slap caused a blemish in Catherine's excellence.

Roselina has consistently begrudged the excellence of Catherine, and her better half, Noble Dantes added more salt to her jealousy issue with his nonstop showering of gifts like a princess to his daughter. Indeed, she's his princess no question.

"I can't resist the urge to get entertained at seeing stepmother seeming to be a comedian", she countered with a grin all over, her voice communicating scorn and disdain for her witchy stepmother.

Rosalina's heartbeat hustled and she inhaled vigorously, as though she would explode. Her muscles developed tense, holding her clenched hand. Her internal heat level rose, and she could feel her blood bubbling. A vein from her neck jumped out, as she battled to quiet herself down.

"Quiet down. Try not to allow her to get to you" she murmured. She let out a laugh, taking challenging steps closer to Catherine, holding her jaw with such a lot of strain to hurt her.

"I would imagine I didn't hear that dear, for your dad's sake", she murmured to her ears. Angela turned suddenly, stepping her feet out of frustration as she climbed the flight of stairs to her room

Catherine breathed out the breath she's been holding, watching the retreating back of her stepmother. She never plans to giggle out at her stepmother, yet she was unable to hold it as the last option looked clownish. The messy hair combined with rumpled make-up, made her seem to be a mad woman, the main contrast isn't wearing rags.

Catherine is no question an exemplified magnificence, Her etched figure was twine-flimsy. Her midriff was tightened and she had a shined figurine. A couple of curved eyebrows peered down on long eyelashes. Her beautiful face outlined a pointed nose. A bunch of stunning, messenger white teeth glimmered, graced with a smitten smile. Her streaming shadow-dark hair complimented her oval-formed face. Her tempting, heavenly body blue eyes make you lost in them, as it enamours a profound mystery that needs to be unwound. What's more, her strawberry heart-molded full lips tempt you to have a sample of it. Catherine is a quintessential marvel. She's a doppelganger of her mom, except for her different eye tone. Her mom's eyes were feline's eye green.

Catherine distinctively recollected when she was six years of age, Noble Dantes, her dad told her he needed another mother that will make up for the shortcoming of a mother figure in her life. A memory that can't be forgotten.


Noble Dantes gazed at his six-year-old little girl. She reminded him everything about his late spouse, Katrina. Catherine acquired the elements of her mom, except for the eyes and hair tone, which were the main features she got from him. There's no question his late spouse's quality was prevailing.

Catherine stirred on her bed, then, at that point, she woke up, feeling the presence of her "Papa", as she affectionately calls him. "Papa, for what reason are you crying?" reaching to clear out the tears that tumbled from his eyes with her little pinky thumb.

"Daddy's fine, sweetheart" He answered, carrying her in his lap. Little Catherine gazed at her dad, unbelief composed on her honest face. "Grannie generally says, When somebody cries, it's an aggravation of what they are feeling in their heart, and tears are their only comfort", she started with

Catherine shakes her head, "Daddy's lying. It's OK if you don't want to tell me." she began, patting her dad's back as a way to support him. Noble grinned to himself, his little girl acted too maturely for her age. She's an elderly person in a six-year-old body, chuckling at his thoughts.

"Catherine, Do you need another mother?" He asked his little girl with his head bowed. Getting no reaction from her, he raised his head, just to meet a "Are you insane?" look from his little girl, who was dazed at her dad's inquiry.

"Daddy, another mother? Or on the other hand, you intend to say a stepmother?" she answers. Noble became shocked as he mentally facepalmed himself,

"Gracious! better believe it, the elderly person in my little girl is back" he murmured.

"Darling, another mother, I mean a stepmother. Yet, she'll cherish you so that you won't feel the shortfall of mother's affection" he faltered which amazed him.

Who could accept Noble Dantes, a principled CEO frightened of his little girl's response? He realized that it was a delicate issue that should have been treated with alertness since his girl's resentment resembles a consuming heater that obliterates in a matter of moments, that is one of the negative characteristics she got from him.

"Daddy, you just met her and somewhat right on time to conclude she's great, and just to you, I presume. What's more, I don't require anybody posing as my mom" she expressed leaving her dad dazed for certain minutes, who appeared to be too stunned to even consider talking.

Gracious Lord! He wished his girl resembled every other six-year-old youngster out there. He expected to quiet himself down since it appears he was managing himself in a little structure, leaving his girl's room, he wanted a red wine to quiet his nerves.

After fourteen days, Noble got a young woman in her mid-thirties. She is a little lady. There is an inquisitive style and an incredible feeling of high voltage about her. She was a dream of complexity as she stood beside Noble, wearing an exemplary delight in a dark dress. The dress embraced her bends in the appropriate spots, the hemline falling simply over the knee and exhibiting her long, conditioned legs. The heels were a second to the shade of red, a pop of variety against the dark of her dress, and they raised her higher than ever. Around her neck, she wore choker jewelry, a fragile chain that shone against her skin. The accessory was the ideal supplement to her work of art, rich look, adding the perfect dash of allure.

In her grasp, she conveyed a silver clutch, it was cleaned outside getting the light and reflecting it in a stunning presentation. The clutch was an assertion piece by its own doing, an image of her immaculate taste and fashion instinct.

Her cosmetics were downplayed, yet entirely no less shocking. A dash of blush on her cheeks and a swipe of red lipstick drew out her regular magnificence, and her eyes shone with a sprinkle of smoky shadow.

Catherine knew immediately that this was her stepmother. She gave her dad a "You better account for yourself" look. "Hello, I'm Catherine and I suppose you're my new mother that Father filled me in about. Yet, you know what, I don't need another mother and you're not invited here" she expressed in that frame of mind, as she escaped to her room, leaving her dad and the woman frightened at her by the unwanted way of behaving of the young lady.

Maddened at the harsh way of behaving of his little girl toward his visitor. Immediately, Noble pursued her to censure her, just to see her crying with his better half's image in her little hands.

"Daddy, I don't need a stepmother. For what reason did you bring her?" She exploded the second her dad entered, her blue eyes shimmered with anger and feeling; hurt and pity written in her eyes.

"Catherine, you want a mother figure in your life" He inhaled vigorously, obviously crossing at her for going too far.

"I don't require anybody to be my mom. I never gave my assent" Catherine hollered as loud as possible. Noble ended up being angry at the way his little girl can't comprehend the agonies he was going through. The agonies in his heart, an ally to embrace him; consumed with the act of lovemaking.

" I don't fucking require your assent young lady, I'm your dad and she'll be your stepmother. That is a last", blasting out of irritation.

Little Catherine was astounded at her dad's explosion. This was her dad's first to raise his voice against her because of a lady. "Father, the second you wed that lady, I would go stay in Granny's place since I won't ever acknowledge her as my mom" she stated.

Noble knew in his heart that nothing can alter his girl's perspective "Do anything you desire, child. Be that as it may, I want joy also" he said, leaving his girl's room.

Catherine felt furious, her caring dad didn't feel contrite, in the wake of letting him know she would take off to her grandparent's home the moment he continued with the marriage.

The following morning, she called her grandparents, telling them she'll remain with them. She can't bear seeing the lady that took her Father from her. In any event, when she was leaving, her Dad didn't persuade her to remain back, although there was a shine in his eyes that she was unable to understand."

***********End of Flashback***********

Catherine cleaned her tears, as she set herself up for school. "Goodness! I'm behind schedule for school", as she ran into the washroom for a fast shower before the appearance of Ethan, her experience growing up the closest companion, going to a similar school.