
Let’s Read The Word

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Can't Get Enough OF You

Can't Get Enough OF You

Author:Shashi Singh



She was too naive to understand that her boyfriend had been cheating her. After confronting it with her own eyes she thought the her world has ended. She changed the thought and had ONS with a handsome dude who turned out to be the CEO. From ONS to their marriage with love took a long way. Welcome in this journey.

"Ahhh...." ''Hmmm... " "Mmmmmmm... '' "Ahhhh...." in the dark silenced room, woman voice filled with pain erupted. The more she moaned the more he found it difficult to extricate himself from the extreme pleasure he was getting.

Crystal chandelier lit on her face exposing an almond shaped eyes which can sink one in a deep bottomless abyss. His cold eyes wandered from her eyes to her cute little nose and stopped on her rosy and plump lips. If the eyes are the gateway to the soul, the lips are the same thing for the body. They consist softness, passion and the promise of the sweetness to come.

He couldn't understand why but he found himself getting attracted to her.

This feeling was something, which was new to him. He never believed in love. For him love and all the emotions related to love was a stupid thing. There is no love thing in the world. People are all emotionless. They will use you and throw you once their purpose is fulfilled and woman is no exception.

In his thought, women always wanted money, fame and satisfaction in bed. This is what he had seen his mother doing and that is how he developed this thought towards women.

Love and relationship did not matter to him. His priority has always been his business and its expansion. The whole day he would work like a machine, full focused and dedicated towards his endless business meetings and the little time he would get from his schedule he would spend on exploring different women, where he could relinquish all his days long fatigue.

His rule for One Night Stand is he doesn't spend another night with the same woman. No kissing on lips as it involves emotions and Mr. Ziv Costa is a heartless man who doesn't have emotions.

Gazing at her lips he found himself getting attracted as if a delicious dessert has replaced her lips and he wanted to taste it hungrily. This is what he never felt with another girl before. Escaping from this attraction he nestled his head in the crook of her neck as he bit the soft skin and continued to torture.

"Nooo! Ahh...... Hmmmmmmm....... Ahhhh..... Aaahh.. Mmmmmmm..." moans continued to sound. In contrast with her moans his thrusts became more berserk attacking again and again.

He engulfed himself in the warmth of her muscles. His shaft twitched and got bigger in her clenched walls of satin petals. He was on the crest of pleasure. He kept thrusting at a faster pace. "Mmmmmmm...." "No...!" "Ahhhhh". She whimpered in pain.

Their moans and heavy breaths filled the room. His mouth kept devouring the smooth skin from her neck to her collar bone to....

His breath hitched, increasing the pace he kept thrusting. His hands were roaming all over her smooth skin caressing and squeezing. He groaned in pleasure when after so long time he had his release..

After the intense exercise their bodies were exhausted hence collapsed.

The sunrays dispersed in the high- end lavish room through the window. Elina opened her eyes and sat up feeling sore all over her body. She recalled what had happened yesterday night, she blushed. Turning her head to the left side she looked at him.

She couldn't help but admire his beauty. After drinking the alcohol, she only remembered that she was mesmerized by the beauty who was teasing her then she gave in and lost her conscious with a blurred image of him in her mind.

She wanted to leave as soon as possible. It was a mistake. May be a pleasurable mistake as she lost her virginity to a gorgeous looking, muscular man rather her scummy douchebag boyfriend who ditched her for another girl.

Not wanting any further encounter with this man she removed her blanket only to find herself naked and once again her mind drifted to the last night's madness. Pulling herself back to the reality she quickly got dressed up, took her wallet and mobile phone and quickly left the room.

Walking out of the hotel she called her friend. After two rings she received the call. " Are you even my friend, Aline?" She berated. "Hehehe.... "Aline giggled in response. Listening to her giggles she almost lost her mind. "Calm down babes, you should thank me to let your precious virginity lose to such a hot dude, hehe". She huffed and was about to decline the call Aline asked " Elina, ummm how was he in the bed? Did he performed well? I hope after this night you will completely be able forget about that trash!" She chuckled and felt resented as she spoke.

Elina almost lost her temper thinking about how her boyfriend cheated on her. She unconsciously cut the call. The image of two enveloped bodies displayed in her mind making her heart clenched in pain as if someone has sliced a knife in her heart and the blood is gushing out. How can she not feel the pain?

She was in ..may be still in love with him for ten years. She was in 9th grade when she secretly had taken a liking to him.

He was the most popular guy in the school. He had oval shaped face with green eyes as orbs, silky hair, tall nose, thick pink lips, tall and slim body.

She secretly admired him and would sometime go to the football court only to see him playing cheerfully with his eyes focused on the ball. Girls would scream his name after each successful goals so would Elina do along with the crowd.

"Dinis", Dinis" , "Dinis", "woooo" she didn't realize when the crowd had stopped screaming his name and she was the only one who was screaming cheerfully on his successful goal.