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A Virgin In Montana

A Virgin In Montana

Author:Naomi Donna



To the young Billionaire Hayden Griffin Montana,his home town is nothing but the harlots hangout. He believes there's no virgin in Montana and that even the air has been polluted with sex. His birth mother was a slut according to the story he heard so for him, there's nothing more than to wallow in the standard of the place. His grandma fell sick and was taken to the hospital where he met Daisy Andrew a young nurse. Her beauty attracted him and every other thing,she looked so innocent and fragile but his instincts struck him. There's no virgin in Montana How true is this? He's willing to do anything to find out about her sexual life but with the little smiles,touches,hugs,he finds himself falling deeply for her without a backward glance. **Extract from the story. "That's none of your business. My sexual, personal, social life is my business." She fired angrily at him yet aware of the heat radiating from his now close body. His breathing had gone raged and his eyes grew darker. She took slow steps back but his hands were fast to grab her. "I let you have your say. Now here's mine. You're mine, mine and mine alone." His voice was low,yet thick with desire. Enough to send chills down her spine. "And I think your little mouth needs to be tamed or don't you think so?" He asked, smirking and cocking his head to look at her properly. "Just stop it." Her voice came out, almost like a whimper as he chuckled, kissed her cheeks and walked to the door. "Just this time. Next, I'll be detecting where I'll b*ng you."

  The rays coming from the sunlight reflected on the solid mahogany table, giving a silhouette of the frame and books, also the shelves. Hayden sat several feet away from the table, going through his phone as he gave an exasperated sigh.

  He'd just received a call from his secretary Lucinda, informing him about a meeting with the senators daughter Miranda Gastro.

  He'd heard so many things about the lady. Some of which are terrible.

  Sighing loudly,he stood on his feet and strolled out of the office. Right now there is only one place he had to be. One person he had to see.

  His feet dragged him up the stairs and straight to the bedroom of his grandma.

  Earlier this morning, she'd said she had a slight headache and decided to rest and now it was getting dark.

  He pushed the door slightly and walked in, heading to her bed where she sat, reading her favorite fashion magazine.

  He knew his grandma loved anything fashion to the point of opening a fashion house at her old age.

  He'd been against the idea, saying she was too old for that and all but the older woman looked adamant and proved to be as stubborn as a bull so yeah she opened it. And launched it with his name.

  "How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting in the bed and taking her hands into his.

  "Am as strong as ever. A mere headache can't ravel me." She replied, looking tenderly into his eyes as he drew forward and kissed her cheeks.


  Daisy sighed fraustratedly, seriously looking for the second pair of her loafers. She was sure she kept it close to her bed but now?

  Holding her towel against her chest,she padded barefoot out of her bedroom and knocked on her housemate Cynthia's door.

  She heard a grunt,a cuss and finally the door opened. Revealing a half naked Lady.

  "What the f*ck? We f*cking in here, get the hell away." The lady said and banged the door in her face.

  Daisy scrunched her nose upward, trying not to think about the immorality going on in there.

  When she'd moved to Montana after spending twenty two years in San Francisco, she'd been stranded and only Cynthia took her in after settling on sharing the monthly rent.

  Few minutes later,she had on her uniform and dashed out of the house, walking briskly to avoid getting late.

  "Good morning Daisy." Doctor Terry said from his car as he alighted it and walked to meet her.

  Her eyes took him in, drinking in his maleness and every other thing about him.

  All her life, she'd had just one relationship which lasted for just two weeks.

  Her mom got to know about it and things got sh*tty

  "Morning Doctor Terry. You came in late....?" She asked, cocking her brows as they made their way into the building.

  "Yeah. Maggie made me drive her to school." He said, fraustration evident in his voice.

  Living without a wife or the mother of your kids isn't an easy task just the way she grew without a father.

  "Oh sorry about that. But there's nothing you can do. What about Morgan? " She asked as the elevator dinged.

  "Believe me when I say he's grown. Makes decision for himself. Hell he's sixteen." He replied nonchalantly, heading to his office as Daisy walked towards the ward.


  "Mr Griffin it was nice meeting you." Mrs Adele said flirtiously, batting her eye lashes and licking her lower lips.

  "Same here Mrs Adele. If you'd excuse me, I've got important things to do." He said and Immediately a scowl covered her wrinkled face.

  She'd been meaning to have a fling or probably a relationship with him but it seems he's so cold hearted.

  With the remaining dignity she had,she squared her shoulders and walked out.

  "I just got a call from home. Cancel every other meetings I have for today." Hayden said to Lucinda before exiting his office.

  He'd received a call from one of the maids, saying his grandma fainted on her way to the car.

  She'd been planning on paying him a surprise visit but before she could get to the car,she dropped.

  He didn't bother asking for a driver. He sped into the highway by himself, constantly breaking traffic rules.

  He'd never known his birth mother and his dad died when he was ten. His grandma practically brought him up and now he was determined not to let her die so soon.


  Some minutes after,the stretcher wheeled Mrs Griffin in with Hayden following closely.

  Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes but he held it at Bay. "Give way, give way." The emergency nurses shouted as Daisy ran to meet them.

  "What's the issue?" She asked, surveying the older woman. "Fainted. Had a heart failure." The emergency nurses said as she jotted something down.

  "Alright this way." She said as they wheeled her in.

  "Don't worry she'll...." Her statement was cut short by Hayden's voice.

  "I don't need your words of encouragement,do your work." He stated flatly through gritted teeth as she nodded and scurried away.