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Sphaera A New World's Adventure

Sphaera A New World's Adventure




Follow the adventure of Zizi; a normal college student who is thrust into a world of fantasy, adventure, curses and magic through one unexpected experience. Will she survive the trials she never even knew existed? Excerpt: The boy sat at the end of the hallway as she gingerly approached him, what was he doing there? "Henry" she called out hoping to garner his attention. The torturous sound of metal scraping on wood stopped abruptly as he slowly stood up. A small ray from the window glinted off the blade in his hand. She narrowed her eyes at it; Was that blood?


The pen clattered as her gaze lifted, only to see; all eyes were on her.

"Miss... Ngozi?" The older lady adjusted her thick glasses.


"Are you still with us? You seem to be in your own world" She asked putting down the stack of papers she held.

"Yes.. yes I am! I.. just got a bit preoccupied, please carry on professor" Zizi bit her lips. She wasn't used to this much attention.

"Hey, you okay?" Her seat partner asked.

Was she okay? Ngozi 'Zizi' looked down at her notebook and sighed. This class began an hour ago and there was nothing on it. Was she that distracted?

"I think I might be a bit out of it. Well, I suppose in it since I've been in my head all.." hearing a croak from the podium, Zizi flinched at her professor's glare "you know what, let's talk about this later"

Riona nodded, that was probably the best option, even she could feel the heat from the middle-aged woman.

The front doors swung open. Students poured out of the once-packed hall, chattering away.

"You ready to talk?" Riona said intertwining elbows.

Zizi glanced at her before turning to the sky "I don't know... There's a lot going on; midterms, aunt Gracie's quota. The fundraiser is in a month and I feel like I'm disappointing her. Ri, I'm disappointing me!" She ruffled her hair.

Riona raised her brows as she accidentally skipped a step.

"Are you okay?!" Zizi asked wide-eyed

"Damn this.. shi.."

"Language," Zizi dawdled

Riona rolled her eyes "Damn these bloody stairs, happy?" Zizi scoffed but she continued "are you serious? We have mid-terms and you're worried about the quota? I'm sure Gracie will understand."

"Will she?" Zizi said walking forward. 

She moved to the side avoiding another broken step. 

Henry Aiken's College of Science and Technology. It was an old university with a history long before the second world war. Landmarks were battered and bruised, aged with time. Zizi turned to her still friend, she had fine lines on her forehead. 

"Look," Zizi said "if the charity does not see their input is going to good work, they will stop helping. What am I to do if that happens? Who will I help?" Her shoulders slumped as she let out a breath.

"Zee..." Riona said, her eyes squinting "is this charity more important to you than school?"

Zizi stared at her blankly before avoiding her gaze.

Riona laughed "oh my God, it is!" She came to her face "you prefer the charity over your own school! You're insane!"

"I am not," Zizi said, her chest heaving "it's good work, okay? Don't say it like it's a bad thing" she turned around, walking away. Why was saying it like that? What was so wrong about wanting to help others?

"Woah! Wait, I'm sorry" Riona caught up "I'm sorry ok, there's nothing wrong. You're a freaking angel."

"Yeah right," Zizi said rolling her eyes

"Honestly!" Riona said. They continued past the gates when Riona spoke. "Hey, I think I found your first shot."

Zizi turned in the direction she gestured. "You wanna go or should I?"

"If I don't let you, how will I sleep at night? Go ahead" she said

Zizi walked over to the man under the cherry tree. His clothes were tattered, a garbage bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hello," she said. "My name is Zee. I was wondering if I could speak with you." 

His tired eyes scanned her before turning away. Zizi smiled, this wasn't her first rodeo.

"I work with a foundation that helps people," she said, "we... take people off the streets and give them a home, a better life."

Zizi pulled out a flyer as she reached in her pocket bringing out twenty pounds. Laying the money over the flyer she said "I hope this helps."

His eyes lit up as he reached for her. She continued "if.. you want our help, you can get a cab and come to that location. I promise you're not going to regret it. We are registered, completely legal. I hope I can see you..?"

"Daren," the man said.

"Daren.." She grinned "I hope to see you, Daren."

"You look like a Cheshire cat," Riona said as she approached.

Her smile stayed radiant, even growing. "You cannot steal my joy, I love hope"

"Well, one step closer to your quota. Let's get lunch" Riona said.


"You're still not decided?" Zizi asked rubbing her temples. They walked in over thirty minutes ago and Riona was still perusing the menu. 

It was a diner, not a five-star restaurant! Zizi glared at Riona when something caught the corner of her eye. She squealed.

"What? What is it?!" Riona jolted dropping the menu.

"It's Liam!" She said pushing herself lower under the table. "What is he doing here?!" She whispered.

"His parents own the place" Riona blinked "is this about last night?"

"Last night didn't happen!" Zizi whispered sharply. "Oh my gosh! He's coming! He's coming! He's coming! Hide me!"

"What can I get for you?" A blond male approached. He stood tall with deep blue eyes, a squared jaw, and side bangs that lay just over his forehead.

"Uhm.." Riona shot Zizi a glance. The lady in question gazed out the window appreciating the morning sky.

"Two cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and fries. Extra pickles!" Riona said. 

After jotting, Liam turned to Zizi "You're ignoring me.." he said

She flinched before calming herself. "Am I? Sorry... I thought I saw Katie around" 

Liam's brows furrowed as she returned his gaze. When he finally found his tongue "Kate and I.." she gestured him to pause as she brought out her phone.

"Yeah, I can.."


"No, I'm not busy.."

"Okay, love you" she turned to Riona "sorry, I gotta go. Chris is at school and mom can't make it in time. Still on for weekend study?"

"Yup, see you tomorrow" 

"Mmhm" she turned to Liam "let's.. finish this another time". He stared at her blankly as she walked out.

"That will be one of everything then" Riona muttered. Liam turned to her not having caught what she said.

She cleared her throat "one cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. Thank you"


Zizi flopped on the bed, sinking in. It was quite a day. Getting chewed out by Chris' teacher for coming late was the last straw, her camelback officially broke. Her phone buzzed. Too lazy to get up, she stretched scouring the dresser for it.

"Got it!" 

"Zee! Can I play video games?!" Chris's voice echoed.

"Have you had your bath?!" She asked pausing her previous actions.

"Yes!" He said

"They carry on, young Luke," she said.

The buzz was a news feed. "The Tyrones strike again..." Zizi muttered. She proceeded to check her messages. The first was expected, Riona.

'What happened with Liam and Katie?' the text read. She was not ready for that conversation. That was an 'over hot chocolate and ice cream' talk.

Liam took a step forward trying to explain, with an apology and all. But, she wasn't mad. She felt no anger towards him. 

Maybe she was too lenient? Too forgiving? But she liked it that way, it gave her peace. Zizi wasn't going to respond to that either. This was her version of 'me' time.

Getting up, Zizi walked to her vision board, she drew another tally mark in pencil. The board carried tally marks in black and green markers, few were in pencil. Perhaps putting Daren's tally this early was rushed but she was excited.

Zizi sighed, she should opt for a shower as well. Walking to the bathroom, she felt something pull at her wrist.

"The heck?" Zizi said staring wide-eyed at the light wrapped around it.

Pulling her hand, she jerked back. It trashed around moving forward. Where did that come from?! What was that?! She continued to move back as it drew closer. Two more appeared from the side, seemingly coming out of thin air. Three holes pierced through the nothingness of her room, more light whips came at her.

Zizi continued to back away.

"Zee?" Chris knocked "can I come in?"

"Chris, stay back!"

"Zee! What's wrong?!" She heard him ask.

"Just stay back!" She said. Another came from behind and wrapped around her waist.

Zizi watched her twelve-year-old brother push the door open as the light pulled her through. 


Zizi felt her body rip through thin fabric. Several images flashed before her like a movie reel. She couldn't make any of it as it blurred past. The light stopped abruptly. 

She retched forward feeling every content in her stomach jumble. She looked up trying to make sense of what just happened. 

This place was different, it was nothing but a blue void. Zizi struggled from the light's grip as she felt herself get roughly pulled again. 

This time, it stopped and to her surprise, she was tossed forward tearing through the last thin fabric. Zizi fell through with great force, skidding across the floor.

She crashed into a tree, bringing her to a painful stop. 

Yeah, that was the push she needed. Toppling over, she instantly vomited. Zizi groaned leaning her head back.

She looked up, the light blinded her as she squinted raising her hand. The sky was greyish white, not the blue-white she was used to. Tiny starlight scattered throughout the sky. Where was she? What happened?

She sat there collecting her bearings when a face blocked her view, brown hair and grey eyes that narrowed at her. "Who are you?"