
Let’s Read The Word

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Silent Amour

Silent Amour

Author:Miss Mysterious



Braylon Rhys is a young master of the Rhys family who is studying forensic Criminology. Eryx Silvester the young master of the Silvester family, studying the Same course with Rhys become best friends Braylon left the country for his further studies before Eryx knows anything about Braylon's feelings. After 3 years, Braylon comes back to the country with his family as a professional in Forensic Criminology having one case in his hand. The two friends who had no connection in those 3 years, When Braylon saw Eryx as ahead of his criminology team, his heart flutters. the feelings he hides for more than 6 years now killing him.

“Guys, It's been a while we spend our time together. why don't we go out tonight and stay in a hotel if it got late”, Alex Scurtis walks towards the car, which belongs to Eryx, the almighty young master of the Silvester.

“It's a great idea. Isn't it”, His amused tone make Eryx irritated.

He smiles at Braylon who is sitting next to him silently, squeezing his hands nervously.

He tried hard to tell something to Eryx all the time but always end up staying silent. It's been one week they finished their Degree exam for forensic criminology.

They are all been friends for three years.

“Count me in babies”

Revilla jumped suddenly, Alex almost scared the hell out. The young criminals who study criminology, Don't know how many hearts they are going to steal.

A guze of wind blows and makes the atmosphere more lively.

“Get in the car guys, Today it's our day to enjoy”, Eryx invited them.

Eryx was at the peak of enjoyment. He didn't know how to describe the happiness he was feeling right now. But poor him, he didn't know it was not long the last one.

“Where are we going”, Finally Braylon speaks.

A soft husky voice makes Eryx's heart flutter for a moment. He jas been friends with Braylon for 3 years, Yet these feelings was weird for him to explain.

“Let's go to the hotpot first and the bar and after that, we can take a rest in a nearby hotel or motel. if we want we can go a long drive too”

Eryx list out his thoughts, Revilla and Alex are screaming their lung out. They both are enjoying it.

“When am I going to tell him that I'm leaving this city and going abroad for further studies? I tried hard to tell him but he always refuse to hear me out. Tomorrow evening I'm having a flight. the time is so limited. can I make it up”, He has been caught up with his thoughts.

Applying to Abroad University, Braylon has to study for his entrance exam so he has to stay in the university to revise his subject. so he has to go abroad before the expected date.

“Braylon. Why are you staying silent all the way? Man. At least speak something”, Alex shakes his shoulder. This was his first time staying silent. He was a charming, cheerful and Talkative character.

“He was like that for one week”, Eryx groans and rolled his eyes.

He wasn't used to his silent character. So it's really pissed him off.

When they were halfway to the hotpot, one car crossed them with a high speed, Make Eryx irritated by touching his damn ego.

“Fuck”, He yelled at them with foul language and speeding up the car as much as he can.

“Eryx. Relax.. don't try to chase after them. we are here for the enjoyment”, Braylon touched his hand.

Braylon tried to calm Eryx as much as he can. The only person who can stabilize the mood swings of a young master of Silvester is only Braylon.

The speed of the car decreased. Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

They have reached the place of hotpot. It was crowded and lively around that place. Of course, it will because it was located out of the city with a peaceful environment.

They sit around a simmering pot of soup at the centre of the table with various raw ingredients like meat, seafood, vegetables, tofu, and starches.

Braylon was always dazed out with his emotions. They have been friends for more than three years, They are like one soul in two bodies. But it's only for Eryx because the feeling Braylon having for Eryx is not as a friend but as a man.

Yeah, He is a homosexual. He found out too late when he found out the feeling for Eryx. It's hard to hide when the fellow of him is always clingy and don't know the meaning of the sexual orientation.

His love always has been silent all the time. He doesn't want to shout it out. It will definitely cause big chaos between them.

“Let's dig in”, Alex was excited to taste the foods which are tempting him.

“Stop drooling Man”, Revilla Macbeth chuckles at him while taking the food on her plates. She always didn't miss any chance to make fun of Alex.

That being said, Emptiness was odd. That's how Braylon is feeling right now. If he wants to give up on his master degree, he can. But because of this tiny reason, he can't give up on his dream.

“Eat more, You are skinny as a girl”, Eryx serves him food as Vivian pouts cutely for what he told just now.

“Don't tell me we are skinny, Your darling only the person is skinny. Let's check the weight, I'm damn sure he will be the underweight one”, She starts to fight with Eryx. Alex laughed hard.

“Can you guys please stop fighting? we are here to eat not to fight”, Braylon cools down Eryx. Revilla and Alex who knows the feelings of Braylon look at him with a worried gaze.

It's been only one hour but feels like they have been there for too long. With a pleasant and tempting smell of food lingering their nostrils.

“Eryx, I want to confess to you but I'm afraid that you will hate me after that”, He can't help but engulf by the resentments.

Under the chilly climate with tempting foods, It was an amazing experience.

“so what are you guys are going to do? We have finished the bachelor degree”, Alex looks at Braylon and wanting him some answer.

Maybe he was already knows everything. Eryx was dumb who didn't see anything that is happening around him. After all, He is a spoiled brat of a rich family.

“I have no idea yet”, Eryx takes a sip of wine a little.

“I'm going back to my home town because they are arranging my marriage, I have to stop before it could make it a big blow”, Revilla let out a big sigh. Alex frowned as soon as he heard a marriage of her.

Unlike, The three of them, she is from a small town and her parents were farmers. They allowed her to study criminology because she wants to.

As for marriage, It's hard for her to refuse because her parents are only sacred of society more.

It's not like he doesn't know about Revilla's family. But about marriage, it's all of sudden. He feels heaviness on his heart yet tries to smile. 

They enjoyed the hotpot. It's not their first time but they are enjoying it like it's their first time. They were friends from the first year of their college life. 

They aren't average students. They are toppers of the University. Because of their intelligence, they always got their place in rank. Others were jealous of them because of their ranks in studies and their long-lasting friendship. Even if there is any misunderstanding, they will clear that right away before that could lead to breaking off the friendship.

“Let's go to a bar and I want to get drunk until I will be wasted”, Alex wants to distract himself by shouting. Revilla hits his head. “Don't disturb others, you crackhead”, She seems to be irritated by Alex. 

Braylon smiles gently. Eryx can't stop laughing. Alex and Revilla were always like that. But they are really understanding when it's come into a problem. They know each other very well. It's more than like they are a couple, apparently, they aren't. 

After finishing the hotpot, they go to a bar that is famous for strong cocktails. They always want to taste the strongest cocktail of that bar. They are famous for that.

They order whatever they want. After all, the one who is going to pay for them is Erxy. Erxy and Revilla are talking about something. Braylon looks spaced out. Alex hits his arm with his elbow as he snapped out of his imagination. 

“Don't you want to tell Erxy about your studies? Erxy will be angry if he knows that. You better not delay. Or else I don't know what will he do”, Alex warned Braylon. 

“I don't know how to open up with him. After all, it's not a simple matter. What if he opposed me, I can't talk back to him. You know it right.”, Braylon was in miserable condition. He doesn't know how to talk to Eryx. Eryx doesn't understand when it's come to Braylon.

“What are you guys talking about without us? Are you planning to do something?”, Eryx looks at Alex and Braylon suspiciously. They are looking at each other. 

“That... Braylon wants to say something to you but he does not know how to start so he is struggling to speak.”, Alex smiles awkwardly. Braylon glares at Alex. 

Eryx steps forward and stands near Braylon. His heartbeat raises. 

“What do you want to talk about?”, Eryx leans closes to Braylon. He can't look at him. He looks away. Eryx touches Braylon's hand as he flinches. 

“Tell me Braylon. Why are you looking nervous? Is there any problem? Or did uncle tell anything? Can I speak to him?”, He slightly caresses his hand. He can't take it when Eryx cares about him. But that spoiled brat doesn't know anything about Braylon's feelings.

“You know it right. My dream is to achieve something in the forensic department. ”, Braylon looks at him. He is trying to say what he wants to Eryx in a smooth way. 

“Yeah, I know. That's why you joined this major”, He agrees.

“I am preparing for the entrance exam for the master degree. If I stay here, I can't concentrate on the exam preparation. So...”, Braylon stops in middle.


Eryx raised his eyebrows.

“So I am going abroad tomorrow evening. So in that case, I can study. And if I pass the entrance exam, I will stay abroad for a master degree.”, Braylon avoids Eryx's gaze. 

“So you won't come back until you graduate with your master degree.”, Eryx looks at him without blinking. “I don't know whether I will come back or not?”, Braylon feels guilty. As Eryx's face darkened. 

“Why didn't you tell this before? Why are you telling me now?”, He slams the glass on the table as Braylon flicked. 

“I tried to tell you but you ignored me. I tried to tell you for one month but you didn't even try to hear me out.”, Braylon's eyes begging for Eryx's forgiveness. Eryx didn't look at him. Braylon grabs Eryx's hand and shakes his hand slightly.

“Look at me Eryx. I didn't mean to hide this from you. Whenever I came to tell this to you, you didn't hear that and ignored me. Please don't be angry with me.”, Braylon begs him. He can't face his angered mood.

Eryx didn't talk about anything. He takes the cocktail and starts to drink continuously. Braylon tried to stop him but he didn't hear anyone. Even he ignored Alex and Revilla. He drinks until he was wasted.

They don't know what to do. Eryx didn't hear anyone's words. Braylon feels sad because of Eryx. He wasn't like this before. But what is happening to him now? 

“He is totally wasted ”, Revilla sighed. “What should we do?”, Braylon looks at them clueless. 

“You can only tame him. We can't even go near to him. So take him with you. We can't accompany you.”, Alex sighed deeply. They know the only person who can control Eryx is Braylon. He won't hear anyone's words other than Braylon. Braylon also sighed. 

Alex and Revilla accompanying Braylon and Eryx. Braylon doesn't know what to do. He takes Eryx to the motel which is near to the bar. He checked in one room. There are only three rooms left. So They give private room to Revilla. Alex takes a separate room. Braylon left no choice other than to stay with Eryx. But he is afraid that he will not control his emotions.