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Daughter Of Alpha King

Daughter Of Alpha King

Author:Alina Haroon



It was the day of her marriage when there was an attack of the rougues again but they don't even know that what will happen if they will attack in front of her husband . When the marriage ceremony completed she was so happy but when the rogues attacked them on the spot she regretted for accepting the marriage proposal . She regretted for being his wife but it was too late she can't do anything and suddenly she was hitted by a fireball ....... . . . . . But ..... Who could do this ,no one has that power of throwing a fireball except......... That women. The women of her nightmare...her past What will she do when she comes face to face in front of her past again.

It was the mid of winter when queen Annabella parker heard a noise . She waked up her husband and asked to check what is it. Her husband John parker the Alpha King of werewolves got up and ordered :

" Whoever you are just come out or I will tear you apart "

Then a girl in a white long gown appeared in front of him and asked him

" I am the servent of the king of moonland And I am here to give you information about your unborn child on the order of my king "

The aplha did not believed on a single word of her and said

" I don't believe you , what if you are a rogue? I can't risk the life of my wife and my unborn child"

She said " that's the reason I am here . My king wants you to protect this child at any cost , because ......."

She was about to say something when the queen Annabella screamed from pain .

King asked her " what happened. Are you OK ? What happened ,tell me " he said in a worried tone

"Wait I will call someone " he was about to call someone when the girl screamed " NOOOOO"

" I will help you . She is going to give birth and if you want your child to be safe then ask your wife to try not to make any sound "

The aplha was really concerned about his child so he asked his wife to keep her voice down and then the girl asked the queen to lay down she was bearing the pain and it was almost 2 hours but she still didn't gave birth to the child. Alpha got scared and asked the girl " why isn't she giving birth to the child , why is it taking too much time ."

" The child is not a normal child ,it's blessed with the special abilities of moon goddess ,that's why my king asked you to protect the child with your lives , because everyone knows that your wife is going to give birth to this special child but they are waiting for the birth of child " and then there was a scream of queen but she controlled her voice and she gave birth to the child .

" What is it ?" The Alpha King asked.

" It's a girl " she said

The king and queen congratulated each other and the girl hand the child to the queen and asked her to protect her." "I want you to protect the child and leave from here for the sake of your child..........." She was about to say something when the guards outside screamed

" What happened alpah what's that sound "

Then the king asked the girl

" Protect our child . please."

The girl said " I will open a portal to human world you will go there and live there and make sure that your girl never uses her powers Infront of anyone except her destined mate." Then she opened a portal and asked them to go.

Then the guards breaked the door And the girl created a sheild and screamed" Gooooo before they get to your daughter " they left and reached the human world .

The king thought that " what will we do here how would we protect and feed our child , my queen "

Then the queen said " Who is this man with the knife "

The king looked at the man and said " it's a human "

The man said " give me your jewelry or I will kill you all ."

The king wanted to protect her child but the thief wouldn't budge. The king was about to stop him when a fire ball hit the thief and he died on the spot . Sensing the powers some vampires came to there side but the queen hid the princess in a cloth .

One of the vampire said " the king of moonland sent us to help you settle in human world, if you will allow us "

They gave them two blankets and said " cover yourselves or else the humans will think that you are a freak".

They covered themselves and the vampires took them to a hotel and booked a big room they got into the room and the vampire who brought them here said

" You wait here for us ,we will get you some clothes that will help you adjust in the human world."

After an hour the vampire returned and gave them the clothes and accessories thy will need for themselves and the princess. After they changed and dressed the little princess they sat on the bed.

" What's the name of the princess , Alpha? " The vampire asked .

They both looked at each other and said " we left from our pack hurryingly and we didn't get a chance to give a name to her "

The vampire kept silent for a moment and asked

" If you don't mind can I suggest a name"

Alpha replied "Only if you will suggest a cute name for my cute little girl" he chuckled.

" Sure, Mr . John parker "

Alpha was shocked and seeing the shocked face of alpha John the vampire replied " Sir here in the human world no one should know who you are because if a human sees you in your wolf form they will be scared and will call a special force to kill you and if they didn't do anything those people who are trying to find your daughter will come to Know where you are and you know the consequences and mam you should only use your name as Anna parker. "

The queen and alpha noded.

" Ok , I will leave you two and the little girl to rest . Oh by the way I will suggest a name Evengelline ." The vampire said.

John and Anna replied " it's really a pretty name " in unison.

" Ok I will take my leave and I will arrange for a house for you in the morning , Good by, Take care."

They slept in the room for the night .


In the morning there was a knock on the door hearing that John walked to the door and opened the door and there was the same vampire from the night who helped them.

So he let him in and they sat on the sofa .

" Will go to see your home or will you eat the breakfast first" the vampire said.

" I will eat breakfast first " John replied.

" Ok I'll order the food ." After the breakfast they headed straight to the house . When they saw the house they were happy to see the house and after some time they settled down .

In a few days John started a business of hotels and was a successful business man in London.

Three years passed and there life was normal.

And one day Evangeline was playing with a doll and when she touched it and the doll burned down to ashes . Seeing that Anna picked Ava and ran into the room and dialled John's number but it was busy again and again. So she dialled Joseph's number and he picked up the call.

Joseph was the vampire who helped them to settle in human world

" Where's John " Anna asked without saying hello or anything else , she was panicking hardly .

Joseph asked " What happened Anna? Why are you panicking tell me"

" Joseph ask John to come home it's urgent , it's about Ava " Anna said.

" Ok I will bring him" then he hungs up

After an hour both John and Joseph reach home and went straight to the room .

" What happened Anna ? Is Ava alright? "John asked

" She is alright but she is burning like a lava ,I can't even touch her that's why I have to put her in a water tub and even the water tub is so hot " she said

" She is ....... Sh....she...she is blessed with the powers of a devil . " Joseph said

" What do you mean by that Joseph?" John asked worriedly.

"She possess the powers of a devil , named Lucifer the king of hell and I can feel that she is going to have more and more powers by the time . And as you can feel now as she is only three years old and possesses the powers of the king of hell so she is going to have more powers but ................" He was about to say something when John interrupted

" Is she going to be ok . Does it hurts to have so many powers at once and at just a little age Will she be able to hold the powers? He asked questions one after another.

" Hold on John she is going to be Ok but the one's who want her powers as greed are gonna regret to chase her . She is really powerful but for now we have to hide her powers like they never existed , because sensing the powers as Same like him Lucifer will come to take the powers because he is really greedy for power . Even he could help her but we can't risk her life so John go and bring a necklace and a bracelet that would suit your daughter I will help you" Joseph said

Anna gave him the necklace and bracelet and he holded it in his hands and a golden light came out of his hands and there was a black ruby in the necklace and bracelet he put it on the little Ava andshe giggled seeing the necklace.

" This will help her to hide her powers but we will appoint someone to teach her how to control her powers" Joseph said

John asked" who will teach her"

" I will ask the moonland king for that and then I will tell you about who will teach her . As she is so powerful so we will have to appoint someone special ." Joseph replied

Joseph felt tugging on his pant so he looked down and saw Ava tugging so he knelt down and asked

"What is it little girl , do you want to ask something to uncle jeph?"

She nodded and asked " why do you gave me this necklace and bracelet , uncle jeph ? "

He smiled and said" it's a gift for my little girl, do you like it? "

" Yes I like it " Ava replied

" Ava if you like it then I will tell you a secret " joseph asked

" Ok I will not tell your secret to anyone" Ava replied

" Ava it's a special gift from your uncle jeph to you and it's really special to me . Will you keep it safe for me ? " Joseph said

" Yes uncle jeph I will keep it safe , but what is it so special in this " Ava asked

" It's a big secret I will tell you when you will turn 18 year's old ,OK " Joseph said

" Ok I will keep it safe , I will put it in mommy's safe lock "

" NOOOOO" everyone screamed with terror

Ava got scared and started crying but Anna holded her in her arms and said " Oh my baby stop crying . Uncle jeph has given you this gift and it belongs to his son and he doesn't know where he is so he wants you to keep it safe with you because there are so many theves who know how to open a safe lock without any key so we can't keep it in the safe lock that's why he wants you to keep it with you "

" Ok I will keep it with me "

After that Joseph went to moonland and the king arranged a child of age same as Ava to teach her how to control her powers his name was Mark .

Mark teaches Ava to control her powers and also became a good friend with Ava he played and teased Ava and also they joined the same school as Ava .

Anna and John kept Mark as their own son and loved him like a son . Time went by and after 15 years went on .


After 15 years

Ava was going to join the college of the first year she kept on asking Mark how will I look like ? How would everyone react by seeing me ? How will I react ? Would anyone like me or not ? What will I do if I can't control my power ? If anyone sees me using powers they will freak out and obviously if anyone sees something different they will kill me .

Mark was so tired of his questions and put his hand on Ava's mouth and said " keep quiet or I will leave you here and you will walk for reaching college and you will be late , UNDERSTAND ?

She nodded and sat down on the table ,ate breakfast , picked up the bag and went to college with Mark in his car ,she kept on staring at everything the car passes by and suddenly screamed " Stoooooop "

Mark stoped the car immediately and asked " what happened " I want my pastry "

" Oh my god Ava you are so idiot to shout like that , now wait here I will get you your pastry don't follow me ok " he brought the cake and gave it to Ava then headed for college.

When she reached there Mark asked his friend Brittany to help her with the paperwork and everything else she needed so she did help her with paperwork and got out of the office when she told her " As you are new I will tell you about some occasions that are going to be held in this college in this month .

No 1 is the cheerleading competition

No 2 is football match that may be you already know as your brother is the captain of the team "

" Yes I know " Ava replied

" Last but not the least the singing contest if you want to participate in any of these " Brittany said

Suddenly there was a rush in the hall that made Ava to ask Brittany " What happened and why is everyone running ? "

" What time is it ? " Brittany asked

" It's 8 o ' clock ,why ? " She asked more than replying

" It's those five brothers of Xondox family , whenever they come it is always crowded so don't worry about that just head to your class or your brother will scold me that I haven't taken you to your class at right Time .

They head to the class and there were some students .

As Ava was about to enter the class some girlhit her on the foot Ava screamed with pain " what the hell is this ? "

The girl said " watch your steps bitch "

Ava was not the one who controls his anger so she slapped with full force on her face that she fell down on the ground and then Ava secretly used her power and hypnotized her and she left .

Brittany was shocked to see the girl left quitely and she gasped " how is it possible that Jessica didn't asked anything to you ? "

" Why is she a princess ? " Ava asked

" Hell yeah ,....... i mean she is kind of one because she is the only sister of those five brothers and they are super rich and they also own the school " Brittany replied

" Well ! I hate rich people's so I don't care so forget those rich dogs. " Ava replied

They both were classmates so they sat together but after some time Ava sensed something and as she stared up there was a perfectly handsome guy standing in front of her and she was looking straight in his eyes and suddenly she blacked out .but before falling down guy standing in front of her grabbed her .






What do you think guys who was that guy ?

To find out the follow me and keep reading the chapters