
Let’s Read The Word

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BTS Member's One-shots These stories are just for entertainment purposes. There is nothing related to reality, so don't take it seriously. It's just imagination, so let it be. ❗❗ Don't copy my work. Don't spread hate.

  There I was at home, tweeting away and bored out of my mind. It was the middle of the summer, I was home alone, my apartrment had no electricity because of power outage and to top it off, it was freaking hot. Having enough of it, I got up, took some clothes and went to shower. I hated showering in the summer because I didn't know what type of water to use. Cold water was a no-no since I was such a chicken, hot water was just a plain stupid and lukewarm water was mission impossible with our deranged shower.

  So I finished showering and was still enjoying the feeling of being refreshed. I got my phone and noticed a message. 'Could it be? Could I have someone texting me? Oh dear!' I think to myself using a fake as hell ladylike British accent.

  "Do you want to go the beach?" My bff Alice texted me.

  "I can't. I'm not properly 'groomed' for the occasion if you catch my drift." I texted back.

  "You don't have to drive! Lazy ass" I could practically see her rolling her eyes. She knew I hated driving and saw right through my lie. 'Cmon it was summer and it was hot; grooming was a must. Driving on the other hand was Satan.

  "Is Jake driving? I don't want to be a third wheel." I inquired.

  Jake is her boyfriend. He is a pretty awesome guy and they aren't the kind of couple that have the need to feel up each other all the time, but still I don't want to intervene. Beside, their Lovey-dovey vibe totally messed up with my forever alone vibe I got going on.

  "Stop being dumb plz we're coming. Get ready and wear something cute :-

" She texted.

  "Alice, What are you planning???"

  No reply. That little...

  Nevertheless, I got ready. I wore my swimsuit and prepared a bag with things I would need: cream, towel, will to live..... Goddammit. Why am l feeling I'm missing something?

  The bell rang and I opened the door fully expecting to see Alice. Standing in my door was this specimen that had me at a loss for words.... And I'm never at a loss for words.

  He is absolutely gorgeous, casually standing there, in his black jeans and white t-shirt, towering above me and sporting a devilish smirk. Me being 5 feet and 2 inches tall meant it was very hard to have someone towering over me and that alone would have impressed me. But adding into the equation his overwhelming perfection and aura.... This is so unfair.

  The best part? He knew he was irresistible and that I was fawning over him. God, his confidence is attractive and annoying at same time.

  "Can I help you?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow and throwing him some attitude. He furrowed his eyebrows. One moment I was drooling, the next I was totally nonchalant. Yup, I'm a good actress.

  "I'm Tae, are you Y/N? He gave me his flirtatious smile. Curse him, he is delicious.

  I kept my mask up.

  "Park Y/N for strangers, Y/N for friends" I replied with an edge to my voice.

  "How do you know my name and address?" if he is a creep, I will kick his ass no matter how fine it is.

  He smirked, his gaze unflattering, "Alice asked me to come and pick you up. But she never told me that you were this..." At this time he clenched his jaw. "....beautiful."

  I freaking blushed.

  Oh, he had game, I admit it. But nonetheless I don't believe him. Everything about him screams player.

  "Let me ask her." I whipped out my phone.

  "They are downstairs, Don't you trust me?" We start making our way downstairs. My apartment was on the second floor so it wasn't necessary to take the elevator.

  "I just met you. Of course I don't trust you." I answered back. I mean the world is full of weirdo's. And yes I was one of them, But That adds to my cuteness duh. Yeah, I have issues.

  " Well that hurt's Y/N-ah." He puts his hands over the left side of his chest, where his heart is supposedly broken, Cheesy.

  "My God did you really do that?" I shook my head, a smile grazing my lips.

  "Huh?" He looked confused as he turned to look at me. He is too handsome as a devil, isn't he?

  "That things everyone does in movies and novels and all that..." I clarify. "Does that really works with girls?"

  He was surprised and for the first time he smiled normally. No smirk, no flirting, just a genuine smile that made him that much more attractive.

  "Honesty it does. Girls love sappy things. That combined with my irresistible good looks...."

  ".... And enormous amount of modesty." I helped him out.

  He stopped, looked at me then we started laughing.

  "Smart-ass Y/N-ah" He said half smiling.

  "Don't call me that.... kid!" I lamely counter.

  He looked amused, "What kind of insult is 'kid'?"

  "Not really an insult, you are really a kid." I raised an eyebrow.


  "Oh, there they are!" I said cutting him off.

  As we reached outside, I saw Alice making out with Jake near his bike. I turned to look at taehyung and he looked just as uncomfortable as I was feeling. He shrugged at me but thankfully they stopped suffocating each other and turned to us.

  "Y/N!" Alice exclaimed and came to hug me.

  "Hey, Ally!" I hugged her back.

  "We are going to have so much fun." She exclaimed looking excited.

  "Hey Jake!"

  "Hey Y/N!" Jake returned my greeting.

  "So where are we going?" I inquired.

  "We are going to 'XYZ beach'. They say it's awesome and you can rent umbrellas, surf boards, small boaty thingies."

  We all laughed at that.

  "Sounds awesome, Where is the car?" I started looking around the almost empty parking lot.

  "We are taking motorcycles." Ally said.

  My eyes bulged out. "But I don't know how to drive a bike."

  "You won't drive it Y/N. Jake will drive me and Taehyung will drive you." She explained.

  "Who is taehyung?" I asked confused.

  "I am." taehyung was shaking his head in amusement.

  That one was so obvious I am kicking myself mentally. What the hell is wrong with me?

  "But I'm..."

  "You will be fine Y/N! Taehyung is an amazing driver." Ally assured me.

  "No I...."

  "You can walk if you don't want to come with me." Taehyung scoffed.

  "Very funny Taehyung!" I glared at him.

  He rolled his eyes and head to his bike.

  I heard revving voice and Jake and Alice were on there way. These traitors, I turned back at taehyung, taking a deep breath and making my decision quickly.

  "Only because you are my only choice." I told him as I got behind him in the bike, being careful not to touch him.

  "Hold on, you are acting like a princess" He scoffed.

  That little... So I'm behaving like a princess, huh?

  "Just drive!" I said while holding on to bike.

  "Don't blame me if you break your pretty face princess."

  He revved the bike and my hands flew to his shoulders instinctively, probably hurting him with my nails. That's 'not touching him' situation just flew out of a window.

  "Wrap your arms around my waist and retract your nails please." he scoffs.

  "Well if you would've driven like a normal person,I wouldn't have hurt you with my nails." I spat back.

  "Do you wanna try driving us there?" He retorted.

  "I probably would do a better job." I scoffed angrily.

  "Jeez, you're such a delight to be around."

  I gasped. "And you are such a ray of sunshine!"

  He was tensed the whole time. I could feel him, his muscles underneath his thin t-shirt. I was regretting the way I was dressed. My shorts were very revealing and my bare legs and kind of cold because the speed we were travelling with.

  He was annoying though. And breathtaking. I was kind of a jerk before. This situation is pathetic. Why do i alienate any guy who shows interest in me, especially him, I'm self-sabotaging here people!

  "We're here." He sliced through my thoughts.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I notice we were there and I'm still sitting in the bike, my arms still around his waist, and my face too close to him that I was overwhelmed with his amazing scent. Busted!

  Reluctantly, I move my arms from him and get off the bike. I can practically see smirk on his face.

  "You were pretty comfy back there. All pressed against me.I gotta say, you work fast" He approached me leisurely, Confidence oozing out of him, with that damned smirk on his lips.