
Let’s Read The Word

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Blood Of The Moon

Blood Of The Moon




Jessica a brilliant, beautiful, young lady is given the opportunity to escape the rat race, a scholarship to a prestigious high school, to maintain her scholarship to her college years is based on her high school performance, she is set to avoid distractions but fate had other plans for her putting her in puzzling situations, which includes love triangles, being bullied, fate also uncovers some of the worlds secrets before her eyes which includes, the existence of werewolves and other mystical creatures.

"Jessica we ain't got all day" Mr. Jones Roland yelled

"Dad, am a woman I gotta take my time" Jessica replied with a shallow tone "besides today we just checking in our dorm" she added this time with confidence.

"What else do ya expect from a black beauty, c'mon we gotta impress them with punctuality, it's your first day," he said walking in haste into her room, he was a dark tall man with a little pot belly due to drinking beer, he could notice her sitting on the bed dressed up, he joins her "what's wrong sweetie?"

"Dad am scared, really scared I don't know if I made the right choice"

"You worked hard for it, the scholarship wasn't just given you earned it and you got a bright future ahead of ya, so you make life better for yourself you gotta get out of this slum one day," he said putting his arms around her shoulder and smiled and she couldn't resist but join

"Okay Dad"

"That's the spirit, your ma would be proud of ya if she knew"

"Yeah, if she did"

"Now let's get you to school," he said grabbing two of her box with his hands and exiting the room slowly because of the weight of the luggage.

Jessica walks nonchalantly and she gets that feeling she is forgetting something, what was it? she tried to recall, she packed everything, she looked backward and she suddenly remembers her family picture, she opens her drawer where she finds it and she looks at her mother's face on the picture frame, she sure was her carbon copy of her mother from her lips and her charming black sparkly eyes, the thin waist and her figure 8 shape, why did she have to go? Jess wondered, maybe it was meant to be but she can't just accept it even after two years flew by.

"Jessica!!" her Dad yells out angrily

"Coming!!" she yelled "fuck, not again," she said in a whisper grabbing her bags and Zooms out of the room


"Wow this place is bigger than I thought"

Jessica expressed her opinion at the school entrance gate

"Get used to it you are gonna own bigger places than this" Mr. Roland said with optimism, as he drives his car heading to the parking lot.

Jessica kept smiling with butterflies in her belly, she could hear that inner voice saying this is it, you worked for it, this is your big shot a life-changing opportunity, your dreams are coming true, Mr. Rolland parked the car decently and Jessica wore Her lenses

"This again?" Mr. Roland queried rhetorically

"What?, I am tryna avoid these boys," She said as they both got out of the car

"You still afraid of them," He said then uses the car remote to open the bout

"I didn't come here to flirt with boys"

"OK have it your way Boss lady But just a quick reminder, not every boy is nasty like Leo," He said grabbing her pink plastic box

"Yeah, some are even nastier," she said grabbing her backpack, they took a few steps after unpacking Jessie's luggage and a tall man in his early 50s approached them he was accompanied by some bodyguards they all had serious faces and always rotating their head like they were looking for something

"Good day sir" Jessica greeted politely

"Good afternoon," Mr. Roland said dropping the box and waving a sigh of relive

"Good afternoon," he said shaking Mr. Roland's hands "you are miss Jessica Jones Roland right?" he asked Jessie after breaking the handshake

"Yes I am, don't be offended Sir, how do you know my name?" Jessica asked dropping her black ascent

"Where are my Manners, I am Mr. Jameson your sponsor, and remember those pictures I asked for during the exams?" he said refreshing her memories

"Nice to meet you sir" Jessica replied

"The pleasure is mine, I wanted to meet you in person you are our new record holder, you aced all the exams, you must be a little Enstine welcome to Wolfstine Academy," he said with his two hands raised to his shoulder level

"Thank you, sir," Jessica said with a big smile

"Have you read the school Code of conduct?" Me. Jameson asked.

"Yes sir, I did" Jessica replied.

"Good, This is where the real work begins if you fail a single paper you will be out," he said and Jessica swallowed a spitball " I will send someone to show you around and to your room, I'll leave you to say goodbye to your Dad" he took a few steps and came back "I forgot to tell you, you can come home during Weekends," he said patting her shoulder and leaves

"So this is it," Mr. Roland said when Mr. Jameson was far away "I will miss you"

"I will back every weekend ya gonna get used to it"

"Come home after every Friday lectures"

"I don't really wanna but I will try to, " Jessica said suddenly a girl approached them.

"Sorry to interrupt am Gina, Mr. Roland sent me" The girl muttered

"OK, please gimme a sec," Jessica said, "bye Dad" Jessica said to her Dad and they both hugged

"Bye sweetie, Take Care," Mr. Roland said as he enters his car and then waved, Jessica returns the wave, and she kept waving until the car was out of her sight, she felt as if she was alone on a deserted island, the same feeling she felt when her mother died, a teardrop was battling to escape her eyes she didn't want to hold it but she considered the people around her, that's not how to start a high school, that's social suicide, she conquered her tears.

"Let's get going," Gina said taking one of Jessie's boxes, Jessica grabbed the other one and followed her


Jessica and Gina were done unpacking and it happens they were roommates, after the stressful day they decided to relax, and they both sat down drinking a bottle of Coke Sitting on their beds

"So how long have you been here?" Jessica asked

"Ever since the beginning of my high school years, always felt my Parent didn't want me" Gina replied with a sad expression and take a sip of her coke

"What do you mean?"

"My parents are always busy running their gold mine and they always want me far away from them, after high school they planning to send me off to some college in Europe"

"Girl, I don't think there is a prison cause all my life I wanted to come here and am lucky to spend my last two high school years here, so you go home during the weekends?"

"No, my parents banned me from coming home during School sessions"

"That's horrible, I know my place ain't nothing much but you can come over"

"Thank you" a smile lights her face

"Do You know by any chance why the school is called wolfstine Academy?"

"Yes," Gina said in a deep tone and a serious-looking face and all of Jessie's attention was on her "this very floor you stand on was once a wood, it was popular for wolfs and unsafe especially at night because locals said they encountered werewolves, half-human, half-wolf until the government decided to use the town for some project and stuffs when they were almost done chopping down the trees they were attacked by the Dog-men and the government took their project to another town but they had cut down 80% of the woods and the locals decided to use this area for a school naming it wolfstien in honor of the wolves who fought for the land then later a rich man bought the school, look over there," Gina said pointing her hands to a big bushy area with huge trees"you see it?"

"Yeah I do," Jessica said pointing to the tree as well. "That one right?" She asked.

"Yeah, That's the remaining part of woods," she said sounding darker by the moment "There say the werewolves creeps there at night, you hear them howl waiting for their victim if you ain't careful they will come for you," she said with a smile "boo!!" she said in a low tone " it is all a lie"

"Oh my God" Jessica said laughing and feeling foolish for believing her

"But the truth is that the founder Nickname was stien and he was always fascinated by wolves because according to him one saved his life that's why he named it Wolfstien, thou that foolish story is an old story that is used to scare newbies mostly the juniors"

"I don't think the story is foolish 'cause I kinda believe in werewolves, it might be true at some point, " Jessica said.

"Suit yourself, let's go outside I need fresh air" Gina suggested

"Yeah I will use some air," Jessie said getting up from her bed so did Gina

Gina took one more look at her body in the big mirror, Jessica noticed her nice figure, sure Jessie can beat her in a beauty competition but there is something in her bright blue eyes luring people, and oh God when she smiled and exposes those dimples that when you understand what Justin Bieber meant by "that smile that makes the news", her skin was white and spotless, you can't seem to find a scratch In her laps, she is a slim girl but booty, she wasn't too tall, she was average like Jessie but Jessie was an inch taller and it was hardly noticeable, she flings her long blond hair backward. She was wearing a black bum short and white crub top with a black slide, Jessica was on an orange jersey top and black leggings, her lenses were still on, and she wore a black Jordan.

"How do I look?" Gina asked


"Take off the glasses, boys do not like nerdy girls"

"Yeah, that's perfect," she said as they got outside "do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, broke up a week ago, she said as they kept on walking in silence," soon they approached the School soccer pitch "here is the soccer pitch"

"Wow I love soccer, do girls play?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah some do but most cheer"Gina replied as they were walking, Jessica was looking at the

Pitch and was lost in thought "soccer isn't even the most viewed sport here, we got football, tennis, basketball...." as Gina was talking, Jessie bumped into someone who was standing, making a phone call and He looked furious

"Am so sorry" Jessie apologize looking into his dull green eyes, he was tall, body built like an athlete, his hair was dark, he was on a white and stripy black Manchester united jersey and was in his soccer gear, his lips were pink and his grinning exposed his sparkly white teeth, he was kinda cute Jessica thought but not a good time to daydream about his looks

"Am so sorry" she repeated

"Even with your lenses you can't still see a fucking thing how blind are you," he said and Jessica felt embarrassed because everyone was laughing at her

"She's sorry Miles" Gina tried apologizing in a low apologetic tone

"Am not anymore" Jessica said

"Come again," Miles said angrily

"She's sorry," Gina said tapping Jessica's hand

"No, I ain't, you can go kiss your fucking sorry butt," she said and everybody was shocked and gasped Miles smirked, and Gina, tapped her hands telling her to quit it.

"Gina, this one looks new why don't you lecture her," Miles said grabbing Jessie's hand and gripping her waist tightly, she kept struggling and screaming but he was just smiling, Gina kept begging

"Leave me alone" Jessie screamed "let go you prevent"

"She said you should leave her alone," A blond hair handsome boy said and he was really mad

"Leave her this instant," a brown hair boy who accompanied the other boy said

"You guys are still mad 'cause I thrashed your team," Miles said giving an evil smirk, "you think putting your nose in my business would change anything? no it changes nothing, it is eminent that both of you ain't close to half of me, am gonna go now and you guy should stay out of my business," he said walking

"Such a jerk, "Jessica said

"Hi, am Damian and this is Jake," the blond hair boys said.

"Hi," Jake said

"Hey, am ............." she wasn't allowed to complete her words because Gina dragged her out and starts walking "What the fuck Gina?"

"Sorry but I got pissed, Jake is my ex-boyfriend, he's a jerk so is Damian"Gina replied

"But he sounds nice"

"You just meet him, I have known him for six freaking years"

"So what's the problem with that jerk?"

"Oh Miles, let's just say he is dangerous, he is the richest kid here next to Damian and Jake, the school was willed to him by his grandfather, when I say he owns the school I mean he does, that's why Damian and Jake don't like him much"

"Oh no, those that mean am expelled"

"No, he only has control of the school when he turns 20"


"Try to avoid him at all cost," she said "as a matter of fact those three boys entirely avoid them, they mean bad news," Gina said "And one more thing, please avoid Damian and Jake those boys don't care for no one but Themselves"

"Sure" but how was she gonna do that they stood up to that mean Miles for her and they were kind of cute, those cute boys come out of the wall where she thought and began to laugh out loud.

"Did I say anything funny?" Gina asked, maybe Jessie was fooling with her

"Not just an old memory," she said laughing even harder
