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Devil For A Husband

Devil For A Husband

Author:Rachel Peters



Hopeless. That was one word to describe Mirabel until she met Axel, head of the Salvatore Mafia family. Mirabel, however, thought their love story would be all fluffy, but fate has other plans. Amidst betrayals, love triangles and family conflicts, Mirabel and Axel navigate their way through their not so regular love story. ************* "Kill her." He commanded coldly, without as much as a glance in her direction. "Wait! Axel, you can't do this, I love you." She shouted. "I have to."

"Harry! What are you doing?!" Mirabel screamed, looking at the sight in front of her, her boyfriend with another woman.

"Mira, I can explain babe." Harry held his hand out, trying to get off the bed, as the other woman endeavor to cover herself up.

Mirabel's heart sank as she watched Harry struggle to get up from the bed. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Harry, the man she had loved for years, the man who had promised her forever, was cheating on her with another woman.

Her mind was racing with a million thoughts as she stood there, frozen and unable to move. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment.

"How could you do this to me, Harry? How could you betray me like this?" Mirabel's voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes never leaving Harry's face.

Harry's face was a mask of guilt and shame. He knew he had messed up big time. He knew that there was no way he could justify what he had done. All he could do was beg for forgiveness.

"Mira, please. I'm so sorry. It didn't mean anything. It was a mistake. Please, can we talk about this?"

Mirabel couldn't believe what she was hearing. All these years, she had held Harry in the highest regard, thinking that he was the perfect man for her. But now, everything was crumbling down, and she was left feeling lost and alone.

"Talk about what, Harry? The fact that you slept with another woman behind my back? How do you expect me to forgive you for this? How do you expect me to trust you ever again?" Mirabel's voice was laced with anger and hurt, and Harry could sense the weight of her disappointment.

"I know I messed up, Mira. And I know I can't change what I did. But please, give me a chance to make it up to you. Let me show you how much you mean to me." Harry's voice was desperate, his eyes pleading with Mirabel to give him another chance.

But Mirabel knew deep down that there was no going back from this. She couldn't just pretend that everything was okay. Despite all that though, she loved Harry.

"I can't believe you, your mother is in the hospital, how could you do this to her? You're supposed to be there,taking care of her, but no, you chose to screw a woman." Mirabel pointed at the other woman, who was busy putting on her clothes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, quietly leaving the room to the couple to talk things out.

"It didn't mean anything, Mira, I promise you, I was just really overwhelmed with everything and I wanted some company." Harry explained, with his heading his hand as he plopped down to the bed.

Mirabel couldn't believe what she was hearing. Harry had always been her rock, the one person she could count on to be there for her. But now, he had let her down in the worst way possible. She felt a wave of anger wash over her, and she clenched her fists, trying to keep her emotions under control.

"Overwhelmed with what, Harry? Your mother's illness? Is that really an excuse for cheating on me?" Mirabel's voice was cold and cutting, and Harry could see the pain in her eyes.

"No, of course not. I know what I did was wrong, and I don't expect you to forgive me right away. But please, give me a chance to make it up to you. I love you, Mirabel. I always have, and I always will." Harry's voice was soft and sincere, and Mirabel felt a twinge of longing in her heart.

She had loved Harry for so long, "You know what? I'm out of here." She stomped out of the house, leaving Harry to his own thoughts.

"Mira! Mirabel! Wait please." He shouted after her, but she didn't look back once.

As she walked down to street to her own apartment, her heart was heavy she let out a strangled cry. The water kept coming as she was wiping her face.

Her sadness was unquantifiable, but she carried it with pride, as that was nothing compared to the humiliation she got earlier that day.

Earlier that day

"I don't get why you'd be giving things out for free when you've got rent to pay." Her shop owner said in his southern accent.

"I know Mr. Payne, but seeing the smile it brought to people's face is so much blessing to me." Mirabel smiled, hoping she could charm her way out of this.

Mr. Payne scoffed, "Blessings? You call being kicked out blessings? I don't think so." Mr Payne made a weird hand gesture and some men filled the shop.

"Mr. Payne, you can't do this." She pleaded, close to tears.

"Oh sweetie, but I have, don't worry, I'll have them take it to your apartment for you." The man smiled, showing his crooked teeth.

The men he hired did a neat job of clearing out Mirabel's things.


It was after that, she decided to go to her boyfriend to some comfort, instead she left with a heartbreak.

With a heavy heart, she went to bed, not even bothering to undress.

With a yawn, Mirabel woke up from her slumber the next morning, she was feeling refreshed and willing to not let the activities of previous day take a toll on what she will be doing.

"Let's see." She muttered as she scrolled the internet, through the job feeds.

"This looks good and promising, just until I can get back on my feet." She confirmed and stood up to get ready for the day.

Picking out an outfit she seem suitable for an interview after confirming the venue and time, she left her apartment in high spirits, refusing to let her mood be dampen.

"Good morning, Mirabel?" It was more of a question, which Mirabel nodded her head to the woman that seems to be in charge of interviewing her.

"Yes ma'am."

"Hmm, I looked through your resume and I must admit it is not what we're looking for, but you clean up nice and you're very beautiful, so it'll do." The woman nodded, looking from Mirabel's head to her shoe covered toes.

Mirabel, who was yet to catch up to what she was trying to pass across nodded with a smile, "I promise to try my best."

The woman, Rose, like her name tag says looked straight into Mirabel's eyes, "Now onto the million dollar question, Are you ready and willing to satisfy the customer's needs?"

Mirabel's head went up and down enthusiastically, "Yes ma'am, I'll try my best."

Rose smirked, knowing Mirabel hasn't caught on to what she was really asking, "Are you sure you're willing to satisfy the customer's needs?" She asked pointedly.

"Of cour- Oh!" Mirabel's eyes widened, eventually comprehending the true meaning behind the question.

Shock coursed through her body, but Rose's smirk remained intact.