
Let’s Read The Word

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The Beautiful and Cunning Consort

The Beautiful and Cunning Consort



Upon opening her eyes, Shi Luo found that she had been divorced thrice and had married, once renowned throughout the capital, the Young Prince Wei Congxi. However, the current situation of the Young Prince Wei seemed to be rather dire. He had lost his status, his legs were disabled, his demeanor exhibited extreme gauntness, and he looked at her with a grim face, as if he wanted to cause her death. Shi Luo replenished her vigor, deciding to earn money to support the family, her husband, and child. The Young Prince Wei, with a face full of pride, disdained, "Me, a grand prince, need you to support me?" Years later, the proud Young Prince Wei offered a fawning smile, "My lady, you support the household, you support me, I manage the outdoors, I manage the indoors, my lady, you manage me."

Shi Luo opened her eyes, the first things she saw were the dilapidated ceiling and a bed canopy made of ragged cloth.

Where am I?

"No one will save you next time if you want to die!"

A cold voice reached her ears. Turning towards the source, she saw an incredibly handsome man sitting next to her. His eyebrows sharp like a sword, his eyes twinkling like stars, his nose prominent, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. He was staring at her indifferently.

Shi Luo promptly sat upright, casting a glance around.

Antique houses, men in ancient clothing.

Shi Luo pinched herself harshly on the thigh. The intense pain convinced her that she wasn't dreaming. But then, the question arises?

"Who am I? Where am I?"

Shi Luo remembered that she went to an agricultural base for inspection. On the way back, she wanted to visit a strange temple she saw, but her car broke down. The brakes failed, and it plunged off a cliff…

Her heart dropped as she slowly absorbed the reality of what happened.

She sprang off her bed, rushing to a wooden desk where she picked up a bronze mirror. The face reflected in it was completely unfamiliar.

A young girl, no more than a teenager. Her skin was very fair, and her features were quite pretty, her long hair tumbling loosely. She looked nothing like her old self.

Shi Luo was stunned, eventually succumbing to the harsh reality. She had been reborn into someone else’s body.


A cold scoff.

Looking up, Shi Luo was faced with the handsome man before her. Just as she was about to speak, a flurry of images came to mind and before she knew it, his name slipped from her lips.

“Wei Congxi!”

This was followed by intermittent flashes of memory.

The current dynasty is named Da Zhou. The previous owner of her body also bore the name Shi Luo. Her father, the Prime Minister under the current regime, is named Shi Tianyi. Unfortunately, Shi Luo is only a commonborn daughter.

Seemingly emotionless, the handsome man standing before her turned out to be none other than her husband, Wei Congxi.

Wei Congxi’s father, Wei Xiao, was a founding official of the Da Zhou dynasty. The former emperor personally appointed him as the King of the Northwest. Wei Congxi was known previously as the eminent young prince of the Northwest, whose fame had spread throughout the capital.

Later on, rumors circulated that the King of the Northwest had plotted a rebellion, resulting in the emperor seizing control and executing Wei Xiao's entire family. Wei Congxi, who was at war in the Northwest at the time, had made remarkable achievements and due to his leg injury, he was merely spared from the punishment of death. Nevertheless, to further humiliate him, the old emperor demoted him to a commoner and forced him to marry Shi Luo - the scandalous third Miss Shi of the capital.

Shi Luo was not the brightest bulb. She was the laughingstock of the city - a common-born maiden nonetheless.

Upon marrying Wei Congxi, she was unable to endure the hardship of life or accept the fact that her husband was disabled. She often quarreled with Wei Congxi, cruelly deriding him as a “cripple.”

A month ago, the previous Shi Luo developed feelings for a scholar in the city. She planned to force Wei Congxi to divorce her so she could be with the scholar. However, when Wei Congxi refused, the previous Shi Luo drowned while trying to take her own life.

Shi Luo found herself in a state of despair. As she glanced up once more, she saw Wei Congxi sitting in his wheelchair, sporting a visage of undisguised disgust and rage.

Shi Luo chuckled nervously, unable to describe her current state of mind. However, being an optimistic individual, she decided to simply go with the flow. She considered herself fortunate to have been given a second chance at life.

Another silver lining - Wei Congxi was extremely handsome. All in all, she didn’t feel much at a loss.

Shi Luo quickly composed herself. She stood up and combed through her hair. Unfortunately, she had no clue how to style such long hair. Scanning the room, she found a golden hairpin atop the bed – much to her delight. She carefully pocketed the hairpin, thinking that she could sell it if she didn't use it.

Once she neatly arranged her hair with an old hair tie she had found, she turned around and was met with Wei Congxi’s cold gaze.

Sighing inwardly, she suddenly felt a pang of pity for Wei Congxi. His family was brutally killed, and the once high and mighty prince had overnight fallen from grace - sinking lower than dirt. To top it off, he was now stuck with the original Shi Luo, a woman known for her ludicrous behavior…