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The Midlife Reality

The Midlife Reality


Realistic Urban

Once a multimillionaire, I faced financial ruin, and to top it all, my wife of six years presented me with an inflamed green hat, a symbol of her infidelity. In the pit of despair, I unexpectedly encountered a gorgeous female CEO. To reclaim my innocence, I sought to revive my former glory. Not only did I vow to slay my enemies, but I also intended to make those who belittled me kneel and call me 'father'. The debate about whether human nature is inherently good or evil rages on for a millennium without an end. My story begins in the light of human nature…

"Dad, when are you coming back? An uncle came home just now and spanked mom as soon as he entered, he even made her cry..."

Recalling what my son told me on the phone moments ago, my head spins with a wave of dizziness.

My son is only four years old, he's just started kindergarten, he wouldn't understand what happened.

But I'm an adult, and I know that my wife is having an affair!

Even more so, I had vaguely heard the intermittent pleas from my wife on the phone.

Thinking of these sounds makes me burn with rage!

What I've always worried about has finally happened!

I just didn’t expect that they would have the audacity to have an affair in our own house...

If not for my son's phone call, I would have remained oblivious!

Why, why is this happening?

Thinking of this, my whole body trembles...

Remembering a year ago, I was a man standing at the top, with as much as 20 million in the bank!

Yet, now I am destitute, I can't even scrape together 2,000 bucks.

It was during my most glorious time that I met my wife.

We met at a banquet, she was attired in a refined dress, her face adorned with natural yet mildly flirtatious makeup.

The first time I saw her, I fell for her, and then began my zealous courtship.

I presented her with a plethora of brand-name luxuries; even proposing with a brand new Porsche Cayenne, which finally convinced her to become my wife.

Standing at the peak of my life, I didn't even flinch when I married her, handing her mother a betrothal gift of 3 million directly.

Back then, 3 million wasn't really much to me, and the red envelopes I gave them during every festival started from tens of thousands.

Her parents treated me like their own son. Whenever my wife was slightly in the wrong, they would stand up for me, often calling me to inquire about my well-being.

My dad passed away when I was very young. It was my mom who single-handedly raised me on farming, penny by penny, to get me through college.

She didn't even indulge herself in food or clothes.

But when it came to me, she was never stingy.

Shortly after my graduation, I started an IT company with my classmates which mainly provided programming services for other companies.

The first year, we secured a contract worth a million, and the second year, my wealth crossed the ten million mark.

At that time, I was literally shining, chauffeured everywhere in luxurious cars and holding respect from everyone around me.

My success both at family and business made me the envy of many, admired for my youthful achievements, as well as for my beautiful wife.

I had my rural-based mom moved to the city to live with us, but she found city life unsuitable and did not like staying alone at home, so she wished to return to the village.

Subsequently, I spent money to renovate her old adobe house. She spends her days gardening and raising chickens. My wife and I occasionally visit her.

Unfortunately, such beautiful days didn't last long.

Two years ago, my classmate with whom I started the company committed a considerable negligence while drunk, leading to the leak of confidential information of several clients we were collaborating with.

We got collectively sued and faced indemnities of more than twenty million.

Soon after, that friend lost his mind, and is currently admitted in a mental hospital.

This sudden disaster struck me like a thunderbolt out of the blue, leaving me at a loss.

Although I am not insane yet, to pay off my debts, I had to sell the company, let go of the house; in a nutshell, all my years of efforts washed away.

I was back to square one, just like the days of graduating from university.

The difference was, back then I only had to fend for myself.

Now, however, I have to feed my wife and children. Left with no choice, I had to buy an electric bike and start delivering take-out.

Meanwhile, I have also tried various methods to raise funds.

Since my reputation has been discredited in the programming profession, I just cannot continue working as a programmer.

I tried to borrow money from my in-laws but they turned me away.

What's more, they keep calling my wife, asking her to divorce me.

Look at them, such calculating in-laws.

Back when I achieved success, they treated me like their own son.

Now that I am down and out, I am nothing to them.

I'm nearly thirty now, and who would ever choose such humiliation if not driven by life circumstances?

It's truly distressing that man in his middle age can be less fortunate than a dog!

Despite the beauty of heaven and earth, one's own parents remain the dearest.

However, my mother has been plagued with health problems due to years of hard labor in her youth. Fearful of my inability to repay our debts, she almost sold our family home.

And from that point on, my wife's attitude toward me changed. She began to shout at me for no apparent reasons, and our marital life grew cold.

To this, I bear no resentment.

Indeed, it was my business failure that led to our declining living standard, making not only me but also my wife suffer, a fact I feel guilty about.

Yet, this is not an excuse for her infidelity!


As I recalled the words my son spoke to me over the phone, tears welled up in my eyes.

I've treated her so well since our marriage, even when I went bankrupt, I never let her work a single day. I pamper her like a princess.

I slave away day and night, always hoping for a chance of returning to prosperity.

However, what I was greeted with wasn't the anticipated comeback but, instead, the news of my wife's affair.

This news, like a bolt from the blue, shattered my life, causing me to lose all my will to fight!

Bear in mind, it's always been for her sake that I've strived so hard.

She was my belief, my reason for wanting her to relive her good old days, which is why I pushed myself so hard.

But now, all of this belief has been shattered, shattered until nothing remains...

The kind of pain and despair from my wife's betrayal is more intense than when I initially experienced bankruptcy.

Whenever I recall the words my son just said over the phone, it makes me trembling with rage.

Having utterly collapsed, I went straight to the hardware store, bought a boning knife and hid it behind my back.

I turned off the order-taking function on my phone, hopped on my e-bike and rushed home.

I'm going to slaughter this adulterous couple on the spot!