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The Ultimate Soul-Fighting System

The Ultimate Soul-Fighting System



"The Star Emperor is willing to swap three sacred swords for my spicy strip? Bullshit! My Nine Tribulations Spicy Strip Demon Sword could shatter a sacred sword with one hit. What would I do with those broken toys?" "Hehe, little fairy, once you drink this bottle of Immortal Yuan Wang Lao Ji, you will be mine~" "The Battle Soul Emperor wants to compete with me in physical training? Bring my Vajra Indestructible Chips. If he can touch even a single strand of my hair, I'll serve him as a flute playing boy for three thousand years!" "The Ice Sacred Queen of the Holy Palace wants my Divine Source Ice Sprite? Queen, come find me tonight. I want to discuss core values with you. It's going to be serious." In the reversed dimension of laws, when Earth's snacks have ended up in the Battle Soul World, their effects have become extremely potent. Let's see how Ling Yan has taken advantage of the strongest Battle Soul System, and is now laughing at the Battle Soul World!

The Soul Realm; it is divided into three thousand continents. Here, there is no magic but only soul power. Soul power is the proof of higher lifeforms, whether they belong to the beast tribe, dragon tribe, human tribe, or even the most mysterious Asura tribe, all have their unique soul power inherent to their race.

Humans are the most intelligent beings, containing the most diverse types of soul power. Some are tools, some are things, or beasts.

The Soul Realm; one of the three thousand continents, the vast continent.

The vast continent, the southern soul continent; the Blood Red Forest.

Under a century-old Moon Ruin tree, a pale-looking young man is lying at the foot of the tree. His robe is shattered, a mess, and he is currently unconscious, with his life hanging in the balance.

He looks to be around seventeen years old, has a pair of upright sword brows, a complexion as white and smooth as jade, like a refined scholar. His slightly high nose gave him a somewhat heroic look.

Suddenly, a ball of light broke open in the space above the young man, a brilliant ray of light passed through the void and shone on the young man. His injuries quickly recovered.

At the same time, the young man suddenly opened his eyes, in his left and right hands he was still holding a pack of spicy strips and a bottle of vitamin functional drink that was half drunk.

“What the hell, what's going on, wasn't I watching a Japanese action romance movie? How did I end up in this wild place?"

The boy was totally puzzled. He got up and looked around, confusion and bewilderment in his eyes intensifying. He muttered to himself, "Wait, what kind of plant is this…."

He walked over to a red flower. The flower was as big as a basin, all over in bright red color, with a height of more than a meter, and there were many gorgeous and beautiful red thorns densely distributed on the surface of the flower.

“Wait, what in the world is this?"

The young man spun around on the spot, finding everything here, including his clothes, all unknown to him.

"Did I freaking time-travel?"

After a long while, the young man had to confirm one fact. He sat on the ground, showing a shocked expression of questioning life.

【Ding, The Ultimate Soul Fighting System is currently binding with host Ling Yan......10%......30%......】

Suddenly, just as Ling Yan began to question life, an icy, emotionless mechanical voice echoed in his mind. An uncontrollable progress bar window popped up in his mind, displaying the loading of "binding host."

Furthermore, the mechanical voice continued:【Ding, currently retrieving host’s body memory and loading system functions......0.1%......0.2%......】

The next moment, numerous memory fragments poured into his mind. Ling Yan began to touch this brand-new world!

He learned about the basic history of the vast mainland and matters related to Soul Fighting and more.

The source of the soul is an initial energy force of life. Ever since the birth of the human race, various Soul Fighters have been produced, with their talents differentiated by colors: grey, white, yellow, green, blue, purple, and orange, divided into eight ranks.

Each rank is further divided into nine grades, with the first grade being the worst and the ninth grade being the best.

So far, Ling Yan knows that levels of Soul Fighting powers are divided into several ranks: Soul Fighters, Soul Fighting Masters, Soul Spirits, Soul Sects, Soul Kings, Soul Emperors.

Each rank is divided into nine segments. At the age of ten, humans begin to awaken their Soul Fighting powers, absorbing the spirit qi of heaven and earth and cultivating their soul fights. They can reveal their soul body and become Soul Fighters.

When Soul Fighting power transforms into Soul Fighting element, they become Soul Fighting Masters.

The transformation of the Soul Fighting element into a liquid state gives rise to Soul Spirits.

A Soul Spirit that transforms into a Soul Sect begins to awaken a destiny-associated Soul Fighting divine power and can then be called a Soul Sect. They become a sect-level powerhouse and can establish their own school or sect. Even in any kingdom, they would receive treatment on par with high-ranking nobility.

As for higher ranks like Soul Kings and Soul Emperors, Ling Yan temporarily has no information.

His current body, also called Ling Yan, is an orphan. He was once adopted as a son by an elder of a great sect and once possessed a green rank, eight-grade Soul Fight, known as the Mysterious Jiao Soul Fight.

The potential of a green-rank Soul Fight means a probability of breaking through to the legendary realm of the Soul King. While a grade eight has a fifty-eight percent chance, and let alone, it is the Mysterious Jiao Soul Fight that has both strong offensive and defensive powers.

Before, Ling Yan used to be the top prodigy of the sect; not even sixteen years old, and he had already become a nine-stage soul fighter, a feat only achieved by two others in the sect's history.

The sect is self-proclaimed as: the Free and Unrestrained Sect.

However, the current Ling Yan has come to truly understand the real face of the Free and Unrestrained Sect. In reality, it's a stronghold of a significant power. On the surface, they adopt orphans; In practice, they unearth these individuals' potentials and then send them to the powerful force behind them.

That powerful force is the source of everything. One day, the Free and Unrestrained Sect announced a bestowed marriage for Ling Yan. A group from the sect went with Ling Yan to fetch the bride, who happened to be a young girl named Xue Yan, hidden behind the behemoth force backing the sect.

After the wedding, the high-level members of the Free and Unrestrained Sect arranged for Ling Yan to live within that powerful force. In less than a year, Ling Yan lost himself in passion, deeply in love with Xue Yan, but his cultivation strength was in decline, from a nine stages soul fighter to a four stages soul practitioner.

In the end, Ling Yan discovered that his soul power had been sucked almost seventy percent dry by his beloved Xue Yan. Even his mysterious soul, the Jiao spirit, had been stolen right from him!

From beginning to end, Ling Yan was living in a deception, a conspiracy, his life was a wedding gown for others!

By the time Ling Yan discovered all this, it was already too late. On the final night, he was literally sucked dry of his soul power by Xue Yan, dead for sure. To cover up, Xue Yan then dumped Ling Yan's body in the Blood Forest.

"Damn, I actually crossed over. I should eat a spicy stick to calm down..."

Upon recalling these memories, Ling Yan's mind was disturbed for a long time. As a hardcore foodie, he did not forget to eat at this moment. To calm his emotions, he quickly opened the package of spicy sticks in his hand and bit a few.

"Hmm? Holy shit! How is this so delicious?!"

Ling Yan was astonished to find that the spicy sticks he was eating were completely unlike any he had tasted before. The moment he bit into it, flavorful spices exploded in his mouth. The delicious taste was better than any snack, even any food, Ling Yan had eaten before!

He felt a warm current spreading through his whole body. He couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy it, as if his whole body was being massaged by a soft current, inside and out, it felt so good!!


Two long streams of breath flowed out of Ling Yan's nostrils. He couldn't help but praise, consumed the spicy sticks as quickly as he could, then took a sip of the Red Bull vitamin drink he had in his hand.

Even the drink itself was unlike anything he had ever tasted before, with its aroma permeating a mile away, seeping deep into the heart and soul. The subtle sweet and sour taste was like the first kiss of young love, urging one to yearn for more. As a result, Ling Yan finished his drink in one go.

After consuming half a can of Red Bull and a bag of spicy snack, Ling Yan felt as though some sort of change was silently taking place deep within his body.

Simultaneously, Ling Yan could feel his body starting to heat up, as if every bone and muscle was hosting a fervent flame that was bursting inside him.

"What is going on..."

Just when Ling Yan was puzzled, a violent gale, as furious and destructive as a passing typhoon, came blasting at him, nearly blowing him away!

Not far away, a giant figure could be spotted, standing about five meters tall covered with a shining layer of scales, sturdy limbs like jade pillars, and a head resembling a vicious alligator. Walking on all fours, it exuded a destructive force that knocked down many trees in its path, and attacked Ling Yan without mercy!

In front of the beast were three stunningly beautiful figures, each a woman of approximately twenty years old, exceptionally attractive, each with their unique charms. They were no less than any of the characters Ling Yan had seen in many romance films from the island country!

Seeing Ling Yan, their eyes lit up, with one of them quickly crying out; "Friend, we are from Shuiyu Palace. If you help us, our elders will certainly reward you handsomely!"

"Damn, a real-life Godzilla!?"

Ling Yan quickly fled when he saw the situation unfolding. Being an earthling, he thought quite highly of himself for managing not to panic at the sight of this monstrous creature, let alone play the hero trying to save these women!

"Sis, he is just our age, why would we hope for his help? That thing is a Rank III beast, even a soul spirit-level fighter would need to be careful!"

"He was able to make it this deep into the Red Blood Forest. He must surely be someone competent, what a pity..."

"It is better to rely on ourselves than to rely on others... huh, sis, is the red blood crocodile not chasing us anymore?"

As the three women were discussing their life-and-death situation, they noticed that the red blood crocodile had stopped chasing them and was instead, chasing Ling Yan. This left them utterly baffled.

"Damn it, what the heck? Why is it chasing me?!"

The moment he became the target of the Blood red Crocodile, Ling Yan felt a sudden terror seize his heart, those pair of savage and greedy animal eyes instilled in him a primal sense of fear.

He subconsciously spurred his inner energy, running with all his strength, the warmth within him intensifying, as if he was about to burst into flame!

Upon sprinting forward, Ling Yan accidentally knocked down a few trees, his stride covering a distance of over twenty meters. With every step, the ground underneath him seemed to crack like a block of tofu. The great display of power led the three women beside him to cover their lips in astonishment.

"What incredible physical strength!"

"Have... Have I become a superman?!"

Ling Yan could hardly believe his eyes when he looked at his own body, the feeling of unprecedented heat started to surge once again, his boiling blood seemed to be erupting like a volcano!


The burning heat throughout his body made Ling Yan yell out a heart-wrenching scream, the Blood red Crocodile, viewing this as an opportunity, sped up its crawl towards Ling Yan, reaching him before he could react!

"Be careful!" The three women screamed in unison.

At this moment, Ling Yan looked no less than a madman, his eyes were blood-red, his raging blood energy kept surging from within him, making his short hair dance in the wind. With his tunic flapping in the wind, he looked like a devil descending to the world.

With a roar that echoed through the valley, Ling Yan, like a monstrous beast of the primitive ages, fearlessly swung his fist towards the Blood red Crocodile.

The punch was powerful, like a ferocious bull bellowing with rage. A terrifying hurricane quickly swept across the land, and his extraordinary strength erupted in layers, projecting an energy as if the stars were imploding.

The greedy, ferocious eyes of the Blood red Crocodile transformed in that instant, radiating fear, the supreme brute force blew it away!

"What a domineering strength. I didn't feel any fluctuations of Douhun power in this man. He just relied on the sheer physical strength to forcefully contend with a third-order soul beast, and even repelled it!"

The female disciple, who was in the lead from Shuiyu Palace, said in a full shock.

The RedBlood Croc was knocked down with a single blow, crushing a large area of the forest in its path. Its blood-basin-sized pupils glanced at Ling Yan in fear and hurriedly turned over and scrambled away, completely disregarding the three women nearby.

A large amount of crimson fog rose up from Ling Yan's body. Following that, his eyes lost their witnesses, and he collapsed to the ground. Right before he passed out, he vaguely saw those three good-looking women rushing towards him.


The night; outside of the RedMoon Forest.

The bonfire was burning. Two tents were set up near the outside of the forest, and the three tall, beautiful women were whispering to each other.

"Elder Sister, Senior Sister, what kind of person do you think he is? He doesn't have any Douhun power in his whole body, but he can enter the inner parts of RedBlood forest and possess such a strong force to repel the RedBlood Croc..."

"I surmise, perhaps some hidden powerhouses have let their disciples out for worldly experience. It seems to me that he has no control over his own power whatsoever."