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Brooklyn's Finest Mafia

Brooklyn's Finest Mafia

Author:Angel Trace



Her life never meant anything. She was a mistake..Then the day came.The three of them bought the battered Angel. Saving her from death. Giving her the will to live another day... Changing her life and theirs forever. Drama and Revenge to ease her pain....

My life wasn't like most people. Yes I did go to school, but I couldn't do my homework like many. I did what I could do to get passing grades. But I was there servant. I would cook and clean after them. I was never treated like I was their child.

Everyday I was told. I was their worst mistake. I should of never been born. I should of died that day on the operating table. My parents never needed a fifth child. They already had three girls and one son.

I never knew my real father. The only one I ever knew was my stepfather. He wasn't a nice guy. He would use me as his punching bag. He would only hit me where no one could see. Bruises plastered across my flesh. Hidden underneath my clothes. Living with the pain. He always left me on the floor gasping for air. Tears and blood mixed with every drip from my lip. Purple, blue and black laid across my ribs. Hurting, trying to breath without anyone noticing.

I prayed every night to God to take this pain away. Let me walk among the Angels. To be one of his children. I couldn't do anything about this pain. They are my parents. The only one I have. There were days. Where I wanted to let people know how I was treated, but in my mind. Who would believe me. It was one against Six. I was nothing to no one in my parents eyes.

Days turned into years. Passing by all alone. Sitting there on my bed hungry, but knowning that I want be eating tonight. Every Friday they would go out drinking and I would be locked in here until he comes back. Then he would come in here. I hate him with a passion. Another bruise painted on my already battered body. Tears fall knowning this is my life. I will always be alone. Just a punching bag. No one to hold me, to love me or even care about me. I gave up. I don't scream anymore. When he beats me.

I just sat there staring at the wall. When the door burst open. He stumbled in drunk with his belt wrapped around his hand. I looked up through teary eyes. When he swung his belt at my face. Hitting me hard leaving the imprint of the belt across my cheek. I fell over holding my face. He didn't care.

* He kept on beating me; everywhere. I laid there bitting my bottom lip until it drew blood. I couldn't make a sound. If I did he would slice me with a knife. I've been cut several times by him.

Pulling out his knife. Then opening it. He slides it along my cheek; slicing it open. Blood started dripping down my chin. He smirked and said, "No man will ever want to lay with you. After I'm done with you." He grabs my shirt fixing to cut it open. When my mother walked in. She was always beautiful with her long brown wavy hair. I envy her of her beauty. I would never be as beautiful as her. My life was to look battered and bruised. No guy in this world would ever want to give me their love. I don't deserve no one's love. I'm meant to be alone.

She lays her hand gently on his shoulder and said, "Honey, we need to get going. She needs to be there tonight. He groans mumbling, I just wanted to paint her red, then put salt in her wounds. Just to listen to her scream. Oh how I love hearing her cries. Music to my ear's. They both laugh."

He lets go of my shirt, making me fall onto the floor. He steps back and says, "Get up trash. We need to go and finally get rid of our mistake."

I slowly grab a hold of the bed pulling myself up. My whole body ached from the bruises and cuts across my flesh. Tears falling down my cheeks. They weren't sad tears they were happy. I was finally going to leave this place. Any other place would be better then this hell I live in now. I stumbled down the hall trying to stay standing up. My ankles were purple and blue they hurt so bad. I didn't care. I pushed myself down the hall ready to leave. I made it to the livingroom. There they all stood. No tears in their eyes just big smiles. A part of me was hoping that one of them cared but I was totally wrong. No one cared about me. I was alone in this world. This proved it. I was to be a nobody. My life was never meant to be important. I stopped and looked up to my mother and she just laughed at me. Mothers never suppose to do that to their children. I guess that's why I'm not her child. I'm an object that can be sold to get them money. I looked down and walked passed them out the door towards the car. I stood by the door waiting on my step dad to open the door.

He came out laughing with my mother holding plastic. He knocked me down on the ground, then stepped on my left hand. I heard bones cracking in my hand. I hit his ankle. When he turned around kicking me in my stomach. I rolled up in a ball. holding my left hand. It hurt so bad. Then he snatched me up. Throwing me on the plastic that covered the backseat. He didnit want me messing up his car. He didn't care if he broke my hand. I was just an object to him. I laid there closing my eyes, as they got in driving off.

Solo's pov..

My day was busy from our new shipment at the docks and then meeting with our suppliers. Then making sure my guys was doing their jobs. Four jobs being took care of by my guy's. Setting up everything making sure it runs smoothly. It runs like this everyday. I love doing this. I grew up in this life. I was in the same places as my guys. You have to prove your self or you'll be swimming with the fishes. You have good guys and bad guys. You have to see who u can trust because there can be rats in your family. They're two guys I trust with my life. They are my left and right hand. Negan is my oldest friend. I meet him when I was young and then there is Loki. He was another friend Negan and I met doing a job for my uncle. He was locked up in a cell. He was hungry and beat half to death.

We took him under our wing. Training him and These guys are my brothers. Not from blood. I trust their advice on things I'm not sure about.Today we ran in two small problems . It's okay because my two brothers took care of it.

Now it's time for my guys to get drunk and laid. They deserve it. Plus in four days we have a big heist. We'll be busy for the next few days. Checking out the place making sure we know what we are going to face when we get there. Right now it's our fun time.

The three of us put on our suits and got into our car. We headed to our club called, " Paradise".

We pulled around to the back getting out. Joe was holding the door for us. It was crowded and wild. Naked ladies everywhere. I smiled knowing that I was going to get laid and drunk. We walked in and people got out of our way. We headed over to the bar. We took a seat. I tapped on the bar. The bartender hurried to us carrying a bottle of Jack and three shot glasses. He sat it down poured us a drink. We killed it and I motioned him to keep it coming.

When out of my left eye. I saw this woman dancing with this guy. She was moving her body to the music. I watched her in her tight red dress until the misic stopped.

The both of them walked up to the bar. She ordered a fruit drink and he ordered a cheap drink. They were standing there talking about there daugther. I was fixing to leave when he said, "Richard said, he would put her in the underground auction tomorrow at 12pm. He said, We would get a bonus if she was beaten. That's no problem. Angel will be perfect. Then they both laughed and headed towards the front."

I sat there holding my shot glass, breaking it. My angry grew thinking about what those ass holes said about their own daughter. How could someone do this. I needed to find out where this auction is being held. I don't know why but I needed to get this girl. I pulled out my phone. I dailed my guy. He's my hacker. The best one out there. He knows how to get it done and quickly.

I gave him everything I heard. He replied, "No problem boss. I'll have it to you in less than an hour." I got up making myself towards the vip section. Negan and Loki followed close behind. I pushed open the double doors. There were bight lights, women on there knees and drinks being served. I walked over to my chair and sat down. I motioned to my guys to have fun.

Negan walked over to the bar sitting down ordering a drink. Loki walked over to the couch that had two girls sitting on it. I looked up and there was this woman walking towards me with long blonde hair down here shoulders she was tan. Her body had curves. That i wanted to run my hands down. She straddled me. Running her hot tongue up my neck. Making me rise in my pants. I kissed her on her neck. Hearing her moan under my lips. I pushed her up. She stood up and I got up taking her hand. I walked to my office. Locking the door behind me. I lean her over the arm of the chair. I took it out pushing it in her tight ass. Thrusting hard in and out. She was gripping the back of the sofa as I gave it to her rough. She screamed loud. I pulled out shooting it on her ass. She looked back and smiled.

When my phone rung. I motioned her out of my office. She got up and left closing the door behind her. I buttoned up my pants. Sitting down in my chair. I answered and Friendly told me everthing I needed to hear. I wrote down the address and put it in my pocket. Sitting back in my chair.

I heard a knock at the door. I yelled, "Come in." In walked my guys. Both had smiles on their face. Knowing what they had done. We just sat there talking about what tomorrow will bring us. I went over every details about the auction we are planning on attending. I told my guys I didn't care we were buying that girl called Angel. We needed to rescue her. They both agreed. We had bought many girls and gave them jobs at our clubs, businesses, restaurants and even doing jobs my guys can't do. Seducting guys. We drank some more and talked more. Hours passed quickly. It was time to go home and get some rest we had an auction to get to. We got up and headed out to our car. Joe was waiting by the car. He opened our car. We got in. He got in taking us to my penthouse. We walked in over to the elevator. We didn't care people watching us.We had fun. We got in going to the top floor. We stood against the back watching people come in and out.Until the door opened up on our floor. We stumbled out down to my door. I took out my key card. Swiping it across the scanner. The door opens up. We went in shutting the door behind us. We all headed to our rooms.

I opened my door. Taking off my clothes throwing them on the floor getting in bed. Pulling the covers over me. Falling asleep. Thinking about what the girl is going to look like.

Meanwhile I laid in the back seat holding my left hand. Listening to them talk about what they were going to do with the money they were getting from me. Then they wished I would be bought by a guy that would torture me until I die.

I wanted to ask them what I did for them to hate me like they do. I knew they would hit me again. I just couldn't take another slap or punch. I already couldn't move. My body felt like it would break into. Right now I really didn't care. I wanted to die, but im not lucky of enough to. I closed my eyes waiting on the car to stop. We drove several more miles, until we stopped. I tried to push myself up but I couldn't. When the door came open. He grabbed me by my hair. Snatching me out the car. I fell onto the pavement. Hurting my left hand more from trying to catch myself. I bit my lip, making it bleed again, To make sure I didn't scream. He pulled me to my feet. He pushed me to the doors. I was shaking. Scared. I've never been anywhere except at there house. Reality hit me in the face. I was actually being sold like cattle. I looked around there were woman everywhere. Some were brusied but nothing like me. People looked at me with disgusting looks. I looked down to the ground feeling ashamed at myself. Things were running through my mind. Why am I here. Why do they hate me so much. When I felt him push me forward. I walked up more until I ran into a desk. I looked up and there was a woman with grayish black hair pulled into a bun with a dark blue dress on. She tapped her pencil on the desk chewing gum. She said name, age, sex, and the reason. My parents told them everything. When she got up and pulled me over to another line and screamed out, "Here's the battered Angel".

She told me stand there and a guy will come and get me. I stood there until a tall guy with black hair grabbed my arm pulling me over to a room. He opened the door pushing me in locking the door behind me. I fell on the floor. I slowly tried to push myself up, but i couldn't. When I felt a pair of hands on the both side of me. They helped me up. they helped me over to the wall. I slide down it to the floor. I leaned back looking around at all the different faces. It was all girls of different ages. The two girls said, "Hey who are you. I looked at them and said, "Im Angel."