
Let’s Read The Word

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CEO Hunts Down Wife

CEO Hunts Down Wife



Her boyfriend, whom she deeply loved for four years, betrayed her. She was livid. After their breakup, she drowned her sorrows in a bar and offered herself to a stranger. She coolly left some money and departed the next morning, oblivious to the fact that she was already carrying a tiny life in her belly. Five years breezed by. She lived contentedly with her son until she stumbled upon the man from that fateful night. Terrified, she tried to flee but he was relentless in his pursuit, even attempting to tie her down with a marriage contract. However, it was revealed that he still held feelings for another woman. Determined, she walked away and severed these impure attachments! Furious, Zhang Xiaoxian snapped, "Mr. Yan, please stay away from me and my son!" Yan Zhonghua raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Son? You can't possibly have had a son all by yourself."

S City.

Hidden by verdant trees within a villa district, a rather unassuming and quaint mansion gradually reveals its silhouette under the dawn light.

Seventh, eighth, ninth... Zhang Xiaoxian just returned home from a dear friend's house, happily counting the steps as she ascends the staircase.

Her slightly curled, chestnut hair hangs down to her waist, her face is wholesome and attractive, complemented by her stunning figure. Most importantly, she has a pair of extremely bright, lively eyes that outshine everything around her.

Eleventh, there she is.

At the bedroom door on the second floor, Zhang Xiaoxian habitually stretches out her hand to twist the handle, only to find it locked from the inside.

Dou Bin never locks his doors... She finds it strange and begins to rummage through her handbag. After some effort, she finally locates the key.

The key slides into the keyhole. Click, the door opens.

Just as the exhilarated Zhang Xiaoxian is about to step inside, the lewd conversation emanating from within freezes her in her tracks.

A woman's voice, dripping with sensuality punctuated by occasional gasps, says, “You brought me here. Are you sure your little girlfriend won't discover us... Ah, be gentle."

The man's voice that follows nearly petrifies Zhang Xiaoxian on the spot, “She’s attending a friend's gathering. She won't be back this early." The statement seems to be accompanied by a slap, "Little vixen, relax."

Then, from within, the interrupted murmurs of a woman's moan and a man's heavy breathing began again…

It was clear that they were engaging in some morning activities.

Zhang Xiaoxian stood dumbfounded for what seemed like an eternity. She felt all her blood rushing to her head.

Dou Bin, the man she had deeply loved and dated for four years, was having an affair?!

From their conversation, it was obvious this wasn't the first time. Surprisingly, Dou Bin showed no remorse for his actions.

Could it be that all the sweet nothings he had whispered to her before were lies?

Feeling betrayed and angered, Zhang Xiaoxian moved towards the room. Sure enough, she saw a man and a woman naked on the bed, engaged in an act that made her blush.

This man dared to bring other women back for a romp!

Seeing the bed sheets she had diligently washed and changed being utterly defiled under their violations, Zhang Xiaoxian's nails dug into her palms in anger. On the verge of exploding, she shouted, "What are you doing?"

The woman on the bed gave a start, only noticing the unexpected visitor now, quickly hiding her head under the covers.

Yet Dou Bin acted as if he hadn't seen Zhang Xiaoxian at all, lightly patting the woman's face, "What are you hiding for?" He said this while continuing his motions.

Only after grunting, releasing inside the woman, did he slowly got up, casually drying off with a bath towel in front of Zhang Xiaoxian.

"Can't you make some noise when you walk? I will surely have a heart attack from shock due to you one day." Dou Bin grumbled with a disgusted look on his face.

He was already bored with this woman and saw no need to play the good guy role anymore.

Faced with Dou Bin's naked body, Zhang Xiaoxian, flustered and angry, turned her back on him, "Put on your clothes!"

Dou Bin slowly got dressed, and snapping his fingers nonchalantly he delivered the final ultimatum, "Woman, leave my room right now. We're over."

"What?" A surge of anger overwhelmed Zhang Xiaoxian, as she pointed towards the woman on the bed, "Don't you think you owe me an explanation? Who is she?!"

She had thought Dou Bin would apologize sincerely, telling her it was a one-time mishap, but he simply disdained to explain.

Was their four-year relationship going to end just like that?

Dou Bin chuckled as he looked at the woman, "She? She's my girlfriend."

Feeling like she was about to explode with anger, Zhang Xiaoxian pointed at her nose and asked, "Then what about me?"

Dou Bin looked at her as if it were the most normal thing in the world, "You're also my girlfriend."

A loud slap resounded, it landed clearly on Dou Bin's face.

"Scumbag!" Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes shot daggers, almost flaying Dou Bin alive.

He could actually be proud of playing different women at the same time? Zhang Xiaoxian felt a wave of nausea surge up.

On top of that, did she seem the same type as the woman wearing black fishnet stockings?

The slap didn't seem to provoke any crisis in Dou Bin. He crossed his arms and watched Zhang Xiaoxian leisurely. "I'm giving you ten minutes to pack your things, or else your luggage will all end up in the trash can". He glanced at his watch, "Oh, and take those pieces of junk you gave me with you."

After living together for two years, Zhang Xiaoxian had moved all her luggage to his place. However, he actually said the gifts she gave him were junk?

Zhang Xiaoxian nearly laughed out in fury, "The luggage that had been used while living with a scumbag like you, I don't even want it. Throwing them in the trash suits your character well."

"You!" Dou Bin was furious, his hand raised to hit her.

Zhang Xiaoxian was already making her way outside swiftly, "As for the things I gave you, once they're in your hands, they also become trash, so you deal with them."

With that, she threw the key to the room at his feet forcefully. "Dou Bin, I hope we never see each other again!"

Her head held high, her back straight, only when she stepped out of Dou's house did she allow tears to fall freely onto her clothes, like a string of fallen pearls.

How could she not be heartbroken, he was the man she had devoted four years to. However, Zhang Xiaoxian was the type to never admit defeat, even if she had to swallow blood, she'd keep her broken teeth.

She hailed a taxi, "Let's go anywhere away from here."