
Let’s Read The Word

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Abandon the Whole World for You

Abandon the Whole World for You



Samuel was a four-year-old boy. He owned IQ that was higher than 130, his brain worked way more intelligent than other kids of his age. One day he was kidnapped by a CEO named Sebastian to his mansion because Sebastian suspected Samuel kidnapped his daughter Chichi. Samuel and Chichi were classmates at kindergarten. Chichi went missing ever since she finished her school that day. Samuel was the last one that was seen to be with Chichi from the surveillance footage. Samuel told him that he put Chichi in a suitcase and sent her away to some strange place. Sebastian wanted to murder him for that. Then Samuel's mother Scarlett broke in to look for her son. Sebastian didn't expect Scarlett was the woman he raped four years ago. Then Samuel was his...

Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and heavy rain poured down.

In the dark rainy night, a girl with a weak figure tumbled on the road like a ghost, donning a dull and dazed look on her face.

The girl was barefooted, her clothes were in a mess, and her two fair thighs were exposed.

A bright red bloodstain slowly flowed down along the bottom of her thigh, but it was quickly washed away by the rain... 

It was apparent that the girl might have been brutally assaulted.

Her whole body had been soaked in rain.

All of a sudden, she stopped and slowly raised her head, only to find that a car was approaching.

There was no hope of survival on her face, only a touch of desperation and sadness.

Instead of dodging the approaching car, she closed her eyes to the glare of the dazzling headlights.


The girl's body was sent flying before it fell into the cold night.


Four years later.

Sunrise Manor was located on the top of a steep mountain.

Surrounded by green fields, it was like a thousand-year-old castle hidden in the forest, with a strong sense of mystery.

In the main building, there was a dimly lit room with a smoky and eerie atmosphere.

Sebastian, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly put out the burning cigar in his hand into the ashtray.

Thick smoke and dust enveloped his handsome and perfect face.

His cold demeanor seemed to be more arrogant than that of the noble deities in the western murals.

Through the smoke, a little boy, about three or four years old, was sitting opposite him.

The little boy was extremely charming, with red lips, white teeth, sharp eyebrows, and beautiful eyes. There was a hint of childishness on his cute face. There was no doubt that he was a very handsome boy.

This boy, at this moment, pulled a long face, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

His big black eyes blinked from time to time. In his eyes, in addition to the purity of children, there was also a hint of stubbornness and maturity that was obviously beyond his age.

Those gazes really startled Sebastian.

There were not many people in the world who dared to lock gazes at him for such a long time. This was quite an interesting little guy.

"Your name is Samuel Hughes, and you're three and a half years old. You're studying in Victoria Aristocrat Kindergarten, and you're Chelsea's best friend in the class. Am I right?"

Sebastian pursed his lips. He didn't sound like he was talking to a child at all.


Samuel was not afraid at all as he nodded in response. After that, he flashed a harmless and innocent smile at Sebastian.

"OK! Samuel, you are the last person to see Chelsea. Tell me, where is she?"

"How do I know where Chichi is?" Samuel looked innocent.

Chichi was Chelsea's nickname.

"Kiddo, do you know what kind of punishment a child who lies will receive?"

Sebastian's face darkened slightly.

"But uncle, do you know how despicable it is to scare a child?"

The little guy looked at Sebastian with a calm and confident face. He was calmly defying Sebastian's authority.

"Despicable? Then tell me, what should I do to you?"

"Anyway, you can't torture a child! Besides, I don't know! You brought me here and my mommy will be worried sick if she can't find me. Uncle, you must be very anxious because you can't find Chichi, but you don't even let my mom find me. Don't you think it's a little unreasonable?"

Samuel's big sparkly eyes, which were as big as black grapes, darted around cheekily.

Sebastian's fingers kept tapping on the armrest of the sofa.

"Samuel, listen, it's no good to oppose me! You are a smart child. You should understand whether you should take the initiative to cooperate with me or not. You know, there are few things in this world that I can't afford. Tell me, is there anything you would like?  Do you need my help to realize it?"

This little scoundrel was a tough opponent to crack. None of Sebastian's men could defeat him. If it were an ordinary child, he would have peed his pants out of fright being intimidated by such a terrifying scene.

"Uncle, my house is not as big as your house, but my family is also very rich. My family can satisfy all my needs!"

Samuel remained unmoved.

This brat!

Sebastian was even more furious.

"Believe it or not, I will smack your little buttock if you insist on being stubborn..."

"Child abuse is against the law! Uncle, you can't beat me. In case you are taken away by the police, who will go to find Chichi? Also, uncle, think about it. If human traffickers lured Chichi, she would be spanked just like me. It's very pitiful. Your Chichi is a prized treasure, but I am also my family's treasure..."

Samuel's description was very interesting and compelling.

This was practically pouring salt on Sebastian's injury.

Blowing a fuse was probably the best description of Sebastian at this moment.

As a nine-foot-tall man, he had seen all kinds of opponents in the business circle, but now, he was dumbfounded by a little kid's words.

What kind of parents gave birth to such a mischievous child?

He really wanted to see them.