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Anna Bel

Anna Bel

Author:Anna Bel



Ugly But Beautiful {The Beauty That's Within} By Authoress Gem Synopsis Tricia Brooks is a 18 years old girl with an amazing and beautiful heart. Though she knows nothing about her family she still stand still amongst others when it comes to kindness. 'Though she's always maltreated by her step mother and step sister she was determined to fight it till the end because deep down she knows that after the storm the sun will definitely comes out. Tricia also as a predicament. She's ugly, like very ugly that when she passes by everybody runs away or throw things at her. But what the point of beauty without character?..... These brings us to Katherine Brooks, Tricia step sister. A girl with a diamond skin that glows even in the darkest night, her black hair that is as silky and smooth as a baby's blanket. 'But with no heart, no home training or respect, even with all those asset she was blessed with one thing she envied the most was Tricia's structure her smooth tanned skin, with long brown glass hair. 'Her hips was another killer structure, her firm breast and glossy pink lips. But sadly an ugly face, that not even make-up can conceal. 'Such an irony of life... But what happens when Tricia was thrown into the house at midnight when everywhere was thirsty for blood but she was rescued by a woman who took her in and sponsored her to one of the best schools in San Francisco. Unluckily she jammed her stepsister there with 4 handsome devils. Here is the interesting part. 'What happens when Tricia always get into trouble with the 4 devils of Golden High?. And also get humiliated by her stepsister at any given opportunity. 'Will our heroine find her termed dead mother; or will ill luck always pursue her. Let's find out in this story of both fame, power, beauty and wealth.

Tricia pov

My heart ached as I heard her footsteps getting closer and closer, my heart jumped when ever she takes a step.

I rose up from the cold floor I was laying on and faced the door with an heavy heart. What does she want again? Why always coming to my room to torment me.

Now this early I'm gonna be receiving a dose of her wickedness just because I woke up late and forgot to prepare her meal.

It was never my fault, she made me slept late and now am gonna still pay for her mistake.

This is one of the days I wish I met my supposed dead mom she always rant about.

The door burst open revealing an angry Sonia - my step mother. But for an angry face she does seem happy to be in my room right. Well am not surprised I just gave her a free ticket to beat the h*ll outta me - great.


Well. Isn't the ungrateful b**ch. So because I gave you shelter in my house after the death of your wayward mother and the death of my love struck husband. You still have the guts to starve me and my beautiful daughter!", She yelled at me.

Do you think you can kill me like you did to your mother?!", She went further. 

Tears rolled down my eyes as I stared at her without uttering anything, I dared not.

Well. Since you want to turn yourself into a liability in this house I'd help you out", She said calmly now but I could still see the mischievous smile on her lips which sent shivers down my spine.

No food for you for three days, now get your a$$ up and get out of this room before I change my mind and descend on you.

And when I get ready I want to see the table already set with meals on them and the whole house glittering not even a spec of dirt should be seen if not you're not only doomed but i'd make sure I make you more ugly than you are!", She yelled while I took to my heels heading straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


I took the tray already filled with fruits and placed it on my head ready to go out and hawk them.

Not like we ain't rich my stepmom says I must work for the food I eat at home. Not like I eat much but I know in a month I eat at least twenty days out of the whole of thirty one or thirty days.

I watched Katherine with well ironed uniform and pretty bag pack. I watched as Sonia gave her daughter a warm hug. This made me feel cold inside because if I had a mother or a father maybe just maybe my life would be less complicated.

I dried my face not wanting to cry before entering the street. I kinda heard it's bad luck.



With a mask on my face to cover my ugly face. I walked down from street to street searching for people who are hungry for fruits.

Cause I know if I don't sell this fruits till the tray is empty then I should just get a cane cause I'd be dead after Sonia is done with me.

As I walked down the street, I saw a little girl searching inside the dustbin for something to eat I guess cause she looked tattered like really messed up.

Oh. Poor girl, she must be so hungry. What can I do to help such a little being like her, even I need help. If I take few of the remaining fruits from my tray and give it to her will Sonia know?.

Well. That woman is a witch I know she has counted everything and would know even if it's one that got missing without me providing the money.

I was still staring at the girl as she drank from the left over water thrown away by the owner of the dustbin. The way she drank from it you'd think she hasn't seen water before.

An idea struck me when I saw a plate beside the dustbin. I think that would be a perfect plan. I moved closer to the little girl which I guess won't be less than 12 years.


What do you want?", She lashed out immediately earning a cough from me. Am trying to help someone and she's being rude. 

Hey. I mean no harm, I just saw the way you where going about and I felt I should offer you some fruits", I said stretching a bunch of bananas to her. Even before my hands got close she has already snatch them and started devouring them.

I took some apples and bananas as well and we sat and devoured everything together.

Thanks", She said after she had finished eating the bananas.

Her face is no longer grumpy in fact she's kinda cute, a very beautiful kid at that.

You're welcome. But where are your parents?", I inquired and her face dropped immediately. That's when I got the message that she was alone.

The poor thing burst into tears immediately.

I pulled her close to me and rest her head on my chest as I comfort her in the little way I could since that's all I can offer because of this big mouth of mine.

I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories. I was just being inquisitive don't listen to my big mouth, I'm so sorry", I cooed as I stroke her hair in a comforting manner.

This big mouth of mine won't be the end of me one day.

I watched her trying to think of any other way to calm her down since my words might have hit deep inside her. Poor thing might have gone through hell.

Orphanages where suppose to care for kids?. Why didn't they see a little girl take good care of her.