
Let’s Read The Word

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Cute Baby: Come on, Daddy

Cute Baby: Come on, Daddy



In Joy's eyes, Lu Qinghao is her childhood sweetheart, her crafty boss, and... the man she could never forget in her lifetime. However, in Lu Qinghao's eyes, Joy is only his personal assistant and... the future sister-in-law. But how did this personal assistant end up in his room? "Joy, why didn't you accept Lu Zihao's marriage proposal? Who are you thinking about? You've been by my side all these years—" "Anyway, it won't be you, Lu Qinghao. I will never put myself in a position where I'm eager while you're indifferent!" "Then this time, it's my turn to chase you!" "..." And so the proud man's full force came to light, wishing he could spoil Joy to the heavens! Until one day when he awkwardly planned to move into her house, he shockingly found out— this damn woman actually has a four-year-old son? And the kid looks just like him? It seems, it's time to get her into his household registration! Later on, Joy realized that Lu Qinghao had another identity for her, the most childish yet clingy husband in history!

In the darkness of the room, Joey felt her mouth being sealed by a pair of chilly lips.

"Lu Qinghao! I’m Joey—”

Just as she had mustered up enough breath to resist, the man took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, silencing her in the process.

"Mmm! Mmm!" Joey began to struggle; she couldn’t make a sound.

His large hand suddenly clamped down on the back of her head in a fierce grip, refusing to let her escape.

Amid her struggles and resistance, she was scooped up by him and thrown onto the large bed.

Joey felt a touch of fear. She tried hard to push him away but he wouldn’t budge.

Not knowing what to do, she could only call out his name, "Lu Qinghao! Wake up!”

Just when she was struggling, she heard his deep voice call out, "Duan-duan…”

Shocked Joey’s eyes brimmed with tears.

"Duan-duan, is that you…” The sound of Lu Qinghao’s voice became affectionate.

He had mistaken her for someone else.

She didn’t want to be someone’s replacement!

Dodging his kiss, Joey pleaded, “Lu Qinghao, let go of me, I’m not Duan-duan, I’m Joey——”

Ignoring her plea, the man covered her mouth again, starting to tear at her clothes, within seconds, he stripped away the last barrier from her body…

"Ding-a-ling..." The sudden jingle of a mobile phone abruptly jolted Joey from a nightmarish slumber.

She broke out in a cold sweat, her head aching as though it would split apart, her face taking on a pallid hue.

Surprisingly, she had the same dream again. Five years had passed and yet, she was still unable to completely escape from that frenzied night.

She picked up her phone and saw the name "Big Devil" flashing on the screen. Glancing at the time, it was only six in the morning, she let out a sigh and answered the call.

"Mr. Lu..."

"Joey, my head is killing me! Get me some hangover remedy, and bring it to the presidential suite at Huasheng Hotel..." Having said that, he abruptly hung up, not caring that it wasn't even office hours yet!

Joey gave a wry smile. When has this "Big Devil" ever considered other's feelings?

Especially towards her; he was particularly harsh.

Joey drew open the curtain, it was late daybreak during winter, the moon was still hanging outside!

She hastily freshened up, efficiently changed into a long sheepskin coat, and disappeared into the cold night.

Reaching the entrance of the presidential suite at Huasheng Hotel, Joey took a deep breath. Last night, she personally drove Lu Qinghao and the popular actress Qin Xue to this room. At that time, Lu Qinghao was drunkenly saying that he would take good care of Qin Xue.

At that time, Joey wasn't surprised anymore, after all the years, she had seen much of Lu Qinghao's playboy disposition.

But why isn't he letting Qin Xue serve him early this morning? Instead, he called her over.

Looking at the bag of medicine in her hand, Joey couldn't help but laugh at her own sarcasm.

In Lu Qinghao's world, ever since they were kids, Joey had always been his little follower, and his little maid. How could he possibly bother his precious Qin Xue?

"If you happen to see anything you shouldn't, just look the other way, Joey!"

Thinking this, Joey used her card to open the door of the presidential suite, cautiously stepping inside.

However, before she had a chance to turn on the light, a firm yet burning body pressed against her. That familiar scent, she knew who it was without having to look.

His raspy moan trickled from the nape of her neck, brimming with scorching heat:

"Why did it take you so long to get here...I… am about to die of restlessness…"

"Lu Qinghao!" Joey steadied her nerves and quickly pushed him off!

Does this jerk even realize? In front of him, she has never had any resistance! Especially now that they—

"Woman, can't you be gentler to me? Why so physical?" Lu Qinghao tried to hold his ground, gripping Joey's slender waist as he looked at her with lustful, pitiful eyes.

His face was flushed; Joey reached up and touched his forehead – it was burning!

Was he running a fever?

It must be when he isn’t in his right mind, that he would treat her like this, right? If he was in his senses, he would have been ordering her around!

Closing her eyes briefly, Joey steeled herself, assisting Lu Qinghao to the couch to lie down.

With his eyes closed, Lu Qinghao reveled in the personalized attention. It was indeed strange, considering Joey was usually so professional and formal in her black business attire and A-line skirts, displaying no feminine charm. Her hair was always meticulously tied back in a strict bun, and those damn black-framed glasses she wore on her face!

However, it was this seemingly boring woman who diligently served as his personal assistant for four years.

He suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the busily working woman in front of him. Everyone in both Lu and Joey's families knew about the long-distance love she chased years ago. When he went abroad to study five years ago, she followed him tenaciously but a year later, she returned home alone, and Lu Qinghao did not come back.

So, in the end, he still failed, didn't he? As the thought crossed his mind, he unconsciously hardened his gaze at the woman.

Joy opened the medicine box, took out a fever reducer, poured a cup of warm water, and handed it over to Lu Qinghao.

Lu Qinghao was as still as a statue but shamelessly opened his mouth, "I don't have any strength in my hands, Joy, you feed me."

"......" Joy was momentarily stunned, was Lu Qinghao... acting cute towards her?

How could it be? He was just enslaving her. Wherever there was Joy, there was Lu Qinghao's servitude, always making her do all the work.

Joy didn't waste words with him, she pinched a pill and stuffed it into his mouth. When Lu Qinghao closed his mouth, his lips brushed on her fingertips lightly, it burnt like a fire!

Joy quickly withdrew her hand, her small face turned red and she looked away.

"What about the water? You want to kill me with the bitterness?”


Lu Qinghao was used to being taken care of by Joy, it had even become somewhat a matter of course for him. Thus, every time he faced Joy, he always felt a little bit overbearing.

After taking the medicine, Joy couldn't help but ask,

"Where's Qin Xue? Weren't you with her last night? Why didn't she stay to take care of you?"

Only after she asked did she regret it. Why was there always a hint of sourness faintly discernable in her tone?

Joy, after so many years, you're still unable to keep your emotions in check!

"You think just any woman can make it onto this young master's bed? I'm rather picky!"

Lu Qinghao seemed unconcerned, he swallowed his medicine and stood up, starting to take off his clothes in front of Qiao Yi.

Hearing this, an unsettling feeling of affection began to rise within Qiao Yi.

"What... What are you doing taking off your clothes?" She looked up and to her surprise, the man began undressing; this easily brought to mind the night from five years ago.

"Changing clothes, do you want me to go to the office in my pajamas?"

She was left speechless. Nevertheless, could he not change his clothes in a different room? Does this guy not understand the concept of modesty at all?