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In Love With The Babysitter

In Love With The Babysitter




Jade's parents are going on holiday. She thought she had the whole house to herself but little did she know,her father asked his business partner to look after her. Perrie is her father best friend and very loyal to him but will that stop her to fall in love with his daughter?

  Jade's P.O.V

  "Jade" A deep familiar voice starts calling my name. I finally woke up after a few calls from the deep voice. Turns out my Dad was calling me,trying to get me to wake my ass off for school. I woke up with messy hair and went to take a shower. When I was doing my makeup,my dad yell at me to hurry up as we got guest.

  "Guest at this hour?" I thought to myself.After my makeup is done,I chose to wear my special outfit which is a pink crop top and a pink jacket to go with it and slightly dark pink skirt for the day cause my gut tells me that this guest is special.

  I went down to the dining room to get some of my mam delicious pancakes.When I got down I notice a feminine voice,I never really pay any attention her voice but I know it's sound familiar.

  I got down to the dining room door and when I step foot in the room,I stood there frozen like ice.It is a blond woman,she looks very beautiful.My eyes can't stop staring at her even when I wanted to.She had a denim jacket on and a long white dress underneath.She look like a model that just came from a photoshoot,her ocean blue eyes got me lost in them,her gorgeous long blonde wavy hair makes her even more attractive.Whenever she smiles, a dimple on the left side of her cheeks will show and just lights up the room.

  I snapped back to reality when my mam wave her hand in front of me whilst another hand holding my plate of pancake.I grab a chair and sat down in front of the blonde haired woman.I tilt my head down to resist myself from staring this beautiful lady. I ate my pancakes when suddenly a angelic voice start speaking.

  Perrie P.O.V

  When her father told me that she's a shy and beautiful girl,I've never thought she was THAT damn beautiful.When she first step foot in the room,the room just brightens up with positive vibes.I'm a very confident person but when she came right in,I just got so nervous.Her outfits looks so nice on her,she have a chestnut brown hair and a little light brown highlight in the front of her hair.Her brown eye are so mesmerising that made my whole world reflect on them.In those seconds of staring into her eyes,I got so distracted by her beauty,I forgotten there are other people in this room.Her lip shape as a small heart,made it look so kissable.

  She walk to my direction and took a seat in front of me,head tilted down,bet it was cause she's a shy person.I smile by her cuteness and try to start a conversation with her. "Hi,you've must be Jade. I'm Perrie Edwards,your dad business buddy." She look up from her plate and looks at me with a smile.

  "H-Hi...." She said stuttering.I blush by her adorable smile. Her dad then started talking to Jade. "Jade,this might be a bit of a suprise but Perrie here,is here to um....take care of you.

  Jade P.O.V

  I became shock,almost choked on my pancake when I heard about it. That gorgey hun is taking care of me. Don't get me wrong,she's beautiful and all mature but the question is why does my dad need to ask someone to take care of me when I can take care of myself. "DAD!! Why bother someone else when I can take care of myself" I say in a angry yet low tone.

  "Don't you trust me,dad?" I said in a sad voice and a pouty face,hoping to make him feel a little guilt. "No honey,I trust you,but I don't want you to be all alone in this big house" He said in a sympathetic tone. I nodded as he was just looking out for me and I'm a little glad he chose this gorgeous woman to look after me.

  As my parents are in the car,about to go to their vacation, me and Perrie stood beside the car to say goodbye. "Jade,please behave while we're gone" my mam says. "When did I ever be disobedient" I said jokingly and we all laugh.

  "Jade,be a dear and show Perrie where she'll be staying,please" my mam says in a sweet tone. I reply to her with an ok. I got a kiss from them before they drove off.

  Perrie P.O.V

  Jade is so adorable and obedient for a teenager. She's so sweet around her parents. After they drove off,Jade turn to the side,looking at my eyes. I did the same.We both gaze at each other eyes for a second and she started talking.

  "I'll show you your room now before I head to school" She said in a nice way. I nodded and we began the tour. She'd showed me around the house as we were heading to my room. My room was beside Jade's and there's a balcony in my room that's besides to her but there's a gap in between.

  After the tour,Jade grabbed her bag and her stuff to get ready for school. Just as Jade was walking out the door,I yell and ask her if she needed a ride to school. She shake her head and said that she was meeting her friends while on the way to school and so I nodded and watching her go out the door. Something tells me that this is going to be an interesting ride.