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Too Soft To Hold Down(Fated Love)

Too Soft To Hold Down(Fated Love)




Tamara Quinn, a sickle cell anaemia patient who wants to experience how to have an intimate relationship with someone since her time to live is very limited by the word of her doctor.But unfortunate to her she finds love in a gangster, Maxwell Quaver, whom she knows nothing much what will happen when she finds out the guy she's in love with is ruthless gangster...

Mavwell returned back from his usual operation with his gang;Teddy,Sily and Zigi.These guys has been his partner in crime since he settled in the country.They all lived in a big mansion which Maxwell recently bought, he had wanted to settle with his grandparents but he thought it wise to get a new house.

Since it was a hectic day for them,they flopped in the couch ,"This is the most stressful mission we have ever carried out", Maxwell said as he place his car keys on the table beside the couch.

"So who is next on our list now", Zigi asked

"Are u seriously for real, how can ask such a question after we just got from one", Teddy said as he turns to Maxwell who has now gotten himself a glass of whiskey."You guys shouldn't be thinking about another mission for now and since we have finally closed the chapter for this mission i have decided we go to the club tonight", he said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Max is right, let's take off stress for the rest will come later", Sily added

They disappeared yo their rooms to get ready for the night.

Tamara visited her friend,Xandy to inform her about the decision she has taken,"i have finally decided to experience the other side of the world",she told Xandy

Xandy, who was surprised about her friend's sudden decision because she has been pleading with her to enjoy her life since her days are numbered but Tamara never gave her an answer, so she became shocked when Tamara said that.

"I'm really happy you are ready to open your wings and fly...but are you sure you wanna do this"

"Yes, I have thought about it sometime and this is my conclusion but please I don't want Aunty Camela to know about this... you know how she reacts when it comes to these things".

"Rest assured and besides what are friend's for anyway, let's go get you something to wear for this evening".

Tamara marveled at the comment Xandy made;she knows exactly what she's getting herself into but she has no choice but to enjoy life before she dies.

She got home after her shopping with Xandy,"My dear, you went for shopping", Aunty Camela asked

"Yes, Aunty... Xandy has invited me to a party so went to get a dress",she lied

"Tamara... Tamara"

"Yes, Aunty i know you don't actually like my company with Xandy but I want this i want experience different things in life"

"I know you are tired of staying low-key, but my dear I'm just worried about you and what..."

"You don't have to be worried about me and besides I'm going to die anyways.All we need now is a miracle for heaven"

"Oh my baby...",she cupped her face with her hands in comfort

"Believe me, Aunty,i can handle this", she smiled

Aunty Camela nodded in relief but still feeling worried about her child.

The four guys arrived at the club, the busiest one in the city,As they always do ,they always catch the attention of people everywhere they go because how can anyone resist such handsome gentlemen;as they entered their VIP place has already been reserved for them as they occupied their seat elegantly...

"Wow!... this place is crazy!... Max,how did you do it",Zigi said leaning into the chair

"I'm Maxwell Quaver what do you expect...get yourself anything you want because tonight all bills on me"

They burst into laugher

"Did you notice how we caught everyone's attention, not only the ladies but the gents too",Sily said

"Let's enjoy while the night is still young... cheers!!"

They chorused after him

Xandy picked up Tamara from her house as they head to the club;Tamara never thought Xandy will be bringing her to a crowded place like this...

"So all these people are here just for fun"she asked

"Okay now let's go inside and have fun but before that are u sure u are ready for this?"

"Yes I am... let's go now"

Xandy managed to get a seat for herself and Tamara;she tells her to stay put as she goes to the counter for some drinks.She was left alone at the which made her scrutinize the place wondering if all these people also have their own problem or is someone going through what she's going through but she was brought back when Xandy returned with two glasses of less acholic drink which she thinks will be good for Tamara to drink.

Hours passed and Tamara was left alone at the table again after Xandy stepped out to receive an urgent call.A guy approached Tamara, he tried to offer her some drink if she will accept his company but Tamara refused his offer which made the guy upset and tried to do it forcefully.At that moment,the four guys had been watching what was happening from upstairs so when they noticed how the guy was behaving towards the lady, they walked to the scene.

"If she says she won't go, u don't have to force her", Maxwell protested angrily

"Who are you?", the guy said

"Walk out quietly,if you don't want to feel these bullets inside you",Teddy whispered to him as he pointed a gun to the guy from the back.

Without hesitation, the guy hurriedly walked out.They all turned to Tamara who was quietly watching what was going on,"where's your friend",Sily asked

"She's out for an urgent call",she answered innocently

Teddy gently whispered to her,"this place is not meant for innocentials like you, I mean you Angel-like people don't belong here".

The guys finished with Tamara and was about getting to their seat when they heard the fire alarm;Tamara sat there as people scream and run for their lives.

As everyone was rushing out, Maxwell who was also rushing out spotted Tamara still on her seat so he told his guys to get his car ready.

Maxwell went to Tamara's rescue but she was reluctant in going with him but he forcefully took her into his arms as they hied out of the place.

The next morning, Tamara woke up in Xandy's room;she sat up on the bed as the scenes from last night replayed in her head...

"I'm glad you are awake now,oh I'm sorry for what happened last night"

"So is that why your face is like that, the most important thing now is that I'm perfectly fine now"

"Emmm...who was that guy who brought you?Do you know him"

"No I don't but he and friends saved me from some rascal guy who tried misbehaving with me"

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you"

"As you can see I'm fine now"

Tamara got dressed up quickly when she saw the missed calls from her Aunty.

Maxwell assigned Teddy to get him information about the girl he saved last night;he also assigned Zigi to go and check up on her if she's okay...

"But Max, I don't think what you want us to do is important and besides she was in good shape when we left her at her friend's house", Teddy said

"You will do what I have asked you to do!...I want to get the feedback before noon", Maxwell said angrily

Zigi whispered to Teddy,"you know what happens when he gets angry so stop what you doing and just do what he wants.."

They walked out of the house