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Sawdust and Berries

Sawdust and Berries

Author:Mel Bossa


Realistic Urban

To others, Liam Stokes is a confirmed bachelor, content with his job as a foreman and satisfied with his quiet life. Liam's friends and family don't suspect that under his calm surface a storm is gathering.<br><br>Liam has had it with living a lie, but can't summon the courage to come out as gay until faith takes charge of that. One morning, his back gives out and Liam is forced into getting a massage.<br><br>Inked and pierced, Kieran is a young massage therapist with a healing touch and audacious smile. From the moment he sets his hands on Liam, Liam knows this will be unstoppable. But as their relationship evolves, both men are surprised at how much they have in common despite their age difference.<br><br>Could this be more than a physical connection? And if so, how far can they take this love before someone else tries to end it?

The sun blazed in a naked blue sky, and by noon, Liam had lost the ability to formulate a clear thought.

He hated working downtown sites. The noise, traffic, and flow of clueless pedestrians made him edgy.

Liam adjusted his hardhat and wiped his face with the back of his hand. Netty was walking to him through the chaos. Sweat poured down Liam’s face, but Netty wasn’t even a bit shiny.

“There’s no way we’re making the deadline right?” Netty asked, handing him their most precious tool: a bottle of spring water, nice and chill.

In his twenty years of experience in the construction business, Liam had worked with women at one time or another, but none of them had ever looked like Netty Hernandez. She was extremely attractive and didn’t seem to mind the looks she drew everywhere she went on site. She even wore a pinkhardhat over her jet back hair.

Liam raised the water bottle to his chapped lips and shook his head. “Deadline? No, I don’t think so.”

She shrugged. “There goes my camping trip.”

“You camp?” He was a bit surprised. He’d figured she was more of the hotel type.

Netty grinned and slapped his arm. “What? You didn’t think that a girl like me—”

“Didn’t say that.” Liam took a swill of the cold water. He then poured the rest of it into his hands and splashed his face. He could almost feel his skin steam. The water trickled down his neck, slowly dripping into his white muscle shirt. He noticed how Netty’s sharp eyes followed those drops. And she moistened her lips.

She’s trouble. Lots and lots of trouble.

Netty Hernandez was like a new pair of dress shoes: easy to get into, but impossible to pull off at the end of a long night.

“How’s your back, boss?” Her dark eyes kept straying to his mouth.

He’d been up all night trying to find a comfortable position, and after washing down a cocktail of anti-inflammatory pills with the bottom of a gin bottle, he’d finally passed out. This morning, the pain was back with a vengeance. Choosing to ignore her question, Liam walked off to the pile of broken beams the boys were fussing over like hens.

He stopped by the men, who appeared to be piling on minutes, more than actual work. “What are you guys doing?” Liam couldn’t help noticing the bite in his own voice. He wasn’t his usual patient self lately.

“We’re making some space,” one of the bolder guys replied.

“What? What is this? A playground? You gonna jump rope here? Do you know how far behind we are?” He was getting himself worked up.

It’s this crazy heat. I’m losing my mind.

“But this is what we were told to do,” the new guy said, apparently oblivious to the dangerous glare in Liam’s eye.

Liam drew closer to the men. His voice rose above the site’s drilling noise. “Leave it! Okay? Are you garbage men? I want you to go over there and actually work. You know, for instance, you can start by following the instructions on that fancy little thing we like to call a work plan—”

“Hey Liam.” Netty was at his side, gently tugging on his forearm.

“What? I’m busy.”

“I see that.” Her eyes shifted to the nervous faces before them. “Listen,” she said under her breath, “I don’t think they got it right from Ted, you know? Maybe there was some confusion. I’m just saying, let’s not behead anyone before lunch.”

Liam glanced over at the two men. Their mouths hung low and their faces were covered with sweat. “Shit,” he said softly. “I lost it there for a minute.” He took a step back. “Wow. Look, I’m sorry. Move ‘em over there, then take five.”

When the relieved men had scattered, Netty whistled. “Jeez, Liam.” She raised an inquisitive brow. “I’ve never seen you like that.”

Liam’s gaze was still swooping the premises for slackers. “I know, I haven’t been sleeping. And we’re so off track. I need to talk to Ted. Where is he anyway?”

“He’s with the structural engineer. But I can call him.”

“No. Never mind. I’ll take care of this…Netty look, thanks for stepping in there.”

“Liam, did you call Time Out, the massage place I told you about?”

But Liam was already walking away, trying to conceal a faint limp.

“You need to call this girl! She’s amazing. I’m telling you—three sessions with Leona and you’re gonna feel like Superman. Liam!”

* * * *

It was lateafternoon and the site was still buzzing with ear-splitting noise.

In the trailer office, Liam was at his improvised desk, watching Ted doodle some necessary last minute changes on a coffee stained pad. The sun had finally backed off a little, giving him some thinking space.