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Destination Of Two Sect

Destination Of Two Sect

Author:Black smile



Between demonic and righteous sect encounter a love destination. The female lead and male lead encounter a lot of trouble. In their tenth lifetime, they get together and remember everything. their destination becomes a lot of trouble for those who want to rule the world. Separation. sacrifice and love made a true love.

A multiverse is a hypothetical universe is a group of finite and infinite universes containing everything's that exists and non exists such as power, energy, time, and the physical laws and contents described them.

Our story happens outside a universe called Deiyin.

once upon a time, there is two types of sect, one called the righteous sect and the other one called the demonic sect.

The righteous sect leader was a master of star formation his name is Eram. His is wife called Furan who was a famous poison master. They have a daughter who is beautiful and born with a fairys bone.

fairy bone--born to rule the world

.Her name is "Luoyr" and three years old. they are lived in star valley.

On the other hand, a Demonic sect leader called Disha, who won't rule the world, His power is mysterious. He had a beautiful wife who is kind as much as cruel. They had a son who is born with Yang energy

demonic yang energy powerful as fairys energy

called "Redyao" but he is cursed with love. When he was five years old he got the serious poison. The poison is called "Tears".He can't live under 20. They are lived on a mountain named yang.

Now our story began.....

Today is our little sect leader Luoyr's birthday. We invite many people, must be careful. Demons are everywhere.


sect leader second hand is Zilin. he is master at swords

Yes, sect leader.

Did everyone come?

Are you mean Eran master? he did not come.

Eran is the brother of the sect leader, a master at taichi kungfu

When did I tell about Eran master?

Sect leader but I know you want to.

You, Day by Day become daring.

No, No I dare not.

Brother, are you missing me?

Come here, where are you gone?

I was in my room preparing a gift for our little sect leader. Talk about little one where is she?

Luyao with her mother.

Brother, I have something to do.

ok, go.

Master... it's


Eran master.

What happened with Eran master...?

He looks different . Maybe I am overthinking.

Now you understand?

He looks disconnected.

Maybe he cultivation a lot.


Zilin, do you think I am a good sect leader?

Master, of course, you are a good sect leader. Every time you hold justice for people.A lot of people were saved by you.

Don't try to flatter me.

I dare not. You also saved me and my little brother. A lifetime I owe you.

Ok, Ok. where is your madam?

Madam did not come. She is going to pick medicine at the valley.

What? where is Luoyr?

Little madam.

Master ,master ,bad news,master

What happened?

Little madam is missing?

what? Search everywhere, do not ignore any place.

Bad news, bad news.

What happened again?

Demon attacked.

At herbal valley:

Mother, where are we going?

We are going to pick herbs. Just stand here do not go anywhere.

Ok, mother

Butterfly, Woah. wait for me, I come

Little Luoyr want to catch a butterfly, so she ran to catch a butterfly.

Wait, wait for me. I can't run anymore.

The butterfly stops and turns into a beautiful boy.

Wow, Little Luoyr look at him without blinking.

Hey, hey?

Woah, you are so beautiful.

Who are you? why are want to catch me?

Do not misunderstand, I don't want to catch you but butterfly .who are you? You are a demon!!

You did not fear me when I turn into a boy?

Why? My mom said they're a lot of things that exist in this world we don't know. If we fear, we didn't know anything. So I don't fear. I want to see everything.

What is your name?

My name is Luoyr. What is your name? Do you want to friend me?

Friend! I can't friend with you?


You will harm me.

Stupid I don't harm you. Why did I harm you .you didn't harm me.

You are right. ok, take this.

what is it?

This is my heart bracelet . For you as a friendship between us.

you want to my friends. Then I need to give you something. what do you want?

I don't want anything.

No, No wait I have something. oh, my hairpin! Take this hairpin.

I am not a girl, I don't want a hairpin.

This is not an ordinary hairpin. My father said, it helps from danger and also recovery health. It's can change.

Ok.then I take it but how do I wear it?

I turn it's into a bracelet, Now you can wear it.

Ok. My name is Ryan. Remember this.

Why are you here?

I want to pick some herbs for myself.

For you? What happened to you?

I am poisoned and I can't live under 20.

You are poisoned? Wait, my mother can save you she is great.

Your mother doesn't want to save me.

Why? my mother treats everyone equally? she saved you, wait for me. mother, mother!

Mother, why are you lying here, get up. we need to save someone.

Luer, run run.

mother..your stomach. It's bleeding.

Runaway doesn't come. run

mother, what I do?

Don't cry.rrrruuuunnnnnn

I can't run without you...mother!

Father!! why are you here? You killed mother! No, Noooooo


The attack between demon and star valley. The strong attack of star valley makes the demon turn back. Star valley lost a lot of people. The sect leader's daughter and wife missing, they are nowhere to be found. Sect leader gets heavily injured. The key of star formation also missing. Sect leader kept it a secret. The main reason of attack was key. A lot of disciples get Hurt.

Did you find them?

No, we only found it.

Found what?

A basket and little madam shoes.


Don't get anxious, brother. They will be found.

How I can't get anxious, Zilin?

This Demonic sect !! I will destroy them.

But master I don't understand how they can enter the valley with this much security?

Zilin, investigate this matter.

Brother,I will find out but you need to rest now

Zilin, Now I only can trust you.