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The Billionaire's Secret Admirer

The Billionaire's Secret Admirer

Author:Keziah Agbor



The twist between the two brothers and two frineds who are madly inlove with the ones that their hearts have chosen. It will go to the next level whoch will be hatred, as Lucas will not want to accept that Ariana and his elder brother are in a relationship. He thinks that Carlos is using his afluence on her which is totally wrong. But will this situation be fixed? Clara, Ariana's friend who loves Lucas, but he only sees her as a substitute Real life event together with some books i have read and really love.

The weather was cold, a perfect condition for the customers at the Top Café to flood the mini shop for their cup of extra creamy coffee. The temperature was set to a warm level to allow in-house customers to remain comfortable as they enjoyed their orders. But the air suddenly turned cold for Ariana Lewis when her green eyes met with the one man that had been driving her insane for weeks now, Carlos Stephan.

She had stalked his social media page and she practically knew everything about him. All that was left was for him to notice her too and they would have a happy ending.

"You know, if you keep drooling like that, he's going to think you are crazy!" Clara whispered to her.

Ariana straightened her face but the smile was still evident on her as her green eyes remained fixed on the tall man approaching them.

"He probably already thinks I am crazy Clara! Oh my God!" She squeaked discreetly as she noticed he was getting closer. "How does my dress look?"

Clara rolled her eyes as she handed a fresh cup of coffee to a waiting customer in front of her. "You are wearing the café's uniform Aria, there is nothing to adjust!" She whispered to her best friend.

"Hold it, here he comes!" Ariana shushed her friend as the man they spoke of got closer to the stand.

The closer he got, the more Ariana felt her breath hitch closer to her throat. Her knees were getting weak and she clutched the counter firmly to avoid collapsing. The way his broad shoulders stayed solid even as he moved was causing butterflies to grow and erupt deep within her stomach. His dark hair was something she dreamt of burying her fingers in. Looking at his gray eyes was another thing entirely and Ariana resolved to close her eyes and take deep breaths to calm herself.

"Good morning, may I have one cup and a doughnut express please," he said?

He was so polite, Ariana felt like he was teasing her. She smiled sweetly and opened her mouth to reply but Clara beat her to it.

"Of course sir!" She said and Ariana's green orbs poured open in shock.

He was not standing in front of her as she had imagined. He was standing by Clara... As always.

Ariana narrowed her eyes and peeled her café uniform off her neck. She had enough of Carlos ignoring her for weeks now. She would take charge of the situation and he had no choice but to accept her offer.

"Carlos!" She called and for reason, the entire café went silent as everyone turned to stare at the redhead that was raising her voice to the president of the Stephan's Group.

Carlos turned a raised brow to the girl and for a moment he was certain she had addressed a different Carlos and not him.

Even Clara was shocked as she paused by the coffee machine with her cup in hand. They hadn't discussed this so she didn't know what Ariana was up to. Unlike the customers in the shop, she wasn't worried about Ariana offending a man as important as Carlos Stephan, Clara was worried that Ariana would cause a scene and blow her r. Not many people knew who exactly Ariana was.

"I am talking to you, Carlos Stephan!" She said fiercely. "You and I need to talk! And it's very important!" She spat in a low dangerous voice.

Clara finished pouring the coffee Carlos had ordered in a hurry and picked up a freshly baked doughnut as she rushed to the front to try and calm her best friend.

She got to the front and her blue eyes peeked up to see what Carlos's expression read. His face was in a tight line and he looked that his ears were blocked for he wasn't even bulging by the noise Ariana had made.

Clara turned to Ariana and her best friend's expression was like a unicorn on fire. Ariana was fuming and there was trouble written all over her features. Her green eyes were narrowed into tiny beads that sparkled as she glared at Carlos. It was a very bad sign

"Here you go Sir," Clara said quickly handing the order to Carlos. The faster he left the Café the sooner the whole thing would end.

"Carlos, you do not want the deal Lewis Enterprise is handling to get canceled do you?" A devilish smirk appeared on Ariana's face as Carlos turned his stony face to her —for the first time.

Clara felt her heart drop to the floor. There was no way people close by didn't catch that. And once that name was mentioned the resemblance was hard to miss. Everyone would know that Ariana Lewis was the only child of the multi-billionaire, Cappa Lewis of the Lewis Enterprise. Their good free days were over.

"What are you doing?" Clara whispered harshly to her.

"You are Mr. Lewis's daughter aren't you?" Carlos asked in an oddly calm voice.

Clara face palmed herself. It was over now. Their cover was blown they'll have to find a new place to work freely from now on.

Ariana flashed Carlos a toothy smile as she finally saw a spark of recognition in his gray eyes. She wished the change in his eyes could have been for something else other than him seeing the eye color she inherited from her father, nevertheless, she would make do with this victory.

"Yes, I am Ariana Lewis," she announced stretching her hands to him. "May we have that conversation I asked for earlier?"

Carlos took out a fifty-dollar bill from his pocket and placed it on the counter with his free hand while the other held his order firmly. "I believe whatever conversation I may need to have will be with your father and not you, Miss Ariana."

"What?" Ariana blurted in shock.

"Do have a nice day." He turned around and started his sexy walk out of the café leaving Ariana in shock.