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His Slave Is A Hidden Alpha

His Slave Is A Hidden Alpha

Author:Audrey Bailey



**NOVEL ONLY FOR 18+ AGE**If you are not into Adult and Mature Werewolf/Hot Erotica then please don't open this book. They began by deceiving each other. The girl was an Alpha with superb healing powers, yet she had to become the most humble slave. He is the Alpha heir of the most powerful wolf pack, yet he is willing to be an ordinary assistant by her side. He opened his arms and wanted to welcome the one he loved so much. However, the girl plunges her dagger into the heart of her enemy, and she has to get back what belongs to her.

Charlotte's POV

"Hey man, look what I found, there's a hotter girl here!"

The two werewolves in front of me let go of the shivering, crying girl in their hands and slowly closed in on me.

I sighed, the trouble I couldn't avoid was still coming.

"Bastards, do you think that bullying a weak girl is a good thing to brag about?"

I slowly adjusted my breathing, holding my sharp dagger cautiously in my hand as I stared dead on at the two werewolves in front of me.

Their bloodshot eyes revealed undisguised cruelty and lust.

"Look at this chick's pretty face, I really want to bite it hard!" The werewolf on the left casually used his sleeve to wipe the corners of his mouth with disgusting saliva.

"Look at her tight little ass, maybe she's still a virgin!"

"Go to hell, you guys!" Anger made my body tremble slightly.

I swore I would never let either of their filthy hands touch a single part of my body.

"Did you do that on purpose to get my attention?" The werewolf on my right roughly grabbed my hair with his hand before yanking me to his face.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands!" I snatched back my hair, which turned them on even more.

I looked at these two obscene ugly faces that gave off a gusty stench, and I wanted to stomp them under my feet so hard right away.

I moved my wrist, five years of training, I never thought it would come in handy today.

When the werewolf on the left stretched out his dirty smelly arm to touch my face, I pulled out a sharp dagger that I had prepared and stabbed his neck viciously.

The moment the dagger met with the werewolf's neck, his carotid artery directly broke into two, and the warm and fishy liquid splashed out from it.

If I didn't have a cleanliness fetish to dodge in time, the dirty liquid would have been on my face.

I nimbly jumped to the side, and the badly wounded werewolf covered his neck, his eyes full of pain, and moaned in a low voice to his remaining companion.

It didn't take long for the guy to lose his breath and fall to the ground.

Another werewolf watched his companion fall and roared into wolf form, biting viciously toward my neck.

I ducked low and the angry werewolf pounced.

My dodge made him even angrier, and he opened his abyss-like mouth to reveal his sharp fangs inside.

He made more vicious moves, almost every bite aimed at snapping my head off.

I was a werewolf who couldn't awaken the wolf, and without the shelter of the wolf, I couldn't be consistently agile and fast.


My hand holding the dagger trembled slightly, the long fight made me a little tired.

But the wolf in front of me didn't look tired at all, and was still attacking me fiercely.

I gradually felt that I could not resist the fierce werewolf and inadvertently slipped under my feet, and the fierce werewolf seized this weakness and bit me directly on the neck.

I closed my eyes, and just at the moment when the sharp fangs were about to snap my neck, my heart stopped beating in this instant.


I heard the werewolf let out a wail, then his front paws flinched and his expression fell to the ground in pain.

I took this opportunity to roll to the side, and when I saw that the werewolf was unable to stand at this point, I raised my dagger, injected my entire body's strength into my hand, and stabbed it directly into the werewolf's neck.

The werewolf curled up on the ground, twitched a few times and stopped moving.

I kneeled next to the werewolf's corpse and gasped for air. I used all my strength to kill this guy.

The result was that I now had no strength to move until my brain resumed normal thinking and functioning, and I braced myself to stand up.

The fight was over and a black glass bead on the ground attracted my attention, it was something unfamiliar.

I looked up, looked around, and a black-haired figure disappeared into the forest.

Who was that?

I wanted to go after it, but then I remembered the dying girl in the bushes, and I immediately turned back to prepare to rescue her.

I found her on the ground, her breathing was very faint and her vital signs were about to disappear.

"Charlotte, you must never let anyone, especially a werewolf, know that you have the ability to heal life with the power of plants."

Thinking of my departed mother's warning, my hand stopped in mid-air as I tried to cast my power.

The climate at the Wind Pack border was cloudy and uncertain.

A short while later, a thick white mist began to rise.

I couldn't help but shiver as the moist, cold fog dug into my neck.

I gave the girl who had fainted from her injuries a simple bandage and then packed my things.

I picked up the unconscious girl and let her arm rest on my neck.

We both trudged toward Wind Pack, which is where I was going.

As we trudged forward, there was a sudden rustling of footsteps in the fog ahead of us.

My heart was in my throat, and I clutched my dagger in my empty hand.

A patrol of soldiers in shining armor stood not far from me, led by a werewolf soldier who aimed his spear at my heart.

"This is Wind Pack. who are you? What are you doing here?"

The werewolf soldier's words sent me into a painful memory.

Who am I?

I was a wretch without a wolf.

A madman named Charlotte Watson who only wanted revenge for my mother.

Five years ago, when I was 13 years old, my mother Kayla was murdered.

In order to investigate the truth, I decided to return to the Wind Pack, the wolf pack where we had lived, to investigate the truth.

Kayla arranged everything for me before she died. She asked the mystery man to take me to the human world and left a letter for me.

I found some secrets about my body in her letter: heat fever, the ability to use plants to heal life, etc., but not the cause of her death.

Although she warned me not to find out the truth about her passing, I had to know about it.

For this reason, I did not slack off on any day.

I spent every day in the human world exercising my body and learning a lot of useful things: Eastern martial arts, archery, Western taekwondo, karate, marksmanship, and so on.

In order to enter the wolf pack without being discovered this time, I specially formulated a kind of transformation medicine and intended to return to Wind Pack again with a new identity to investigate the truth.

Everything is going well, except that up to now, I haven't awakened my wolf ......

"Hey! This lady, what are you doing? Please answer my question!"

The Wind Pack guards raised their weapons and pulled me out of my memories at the top of their voices.

They never learned to be gentle with women, they had scolded me and my mother so fiercely once upon a time, and now that I was back, they still treated women with this same fierce look.

Slowly, cautiously, I raised my hand and pushed the unconscious girl in front of these guards.

"My name is Ally, this unconscious girl I unintentionally met, she is badly injured, please save her."

I pretended to be very sad and continued to say to the guards, "We were attacked by hooligans, this girl was scared by the hooligans and fainted, she also suffered a lot of injuries, please have pity on us!"

I lowered my head, and my voice kept trembling as I spoke.

When the guard's came forward to check, I deliberately grabbed his sleeve and tried to make myself look very helpless and pitiful.

When the guard saw how miserable the girl and I were, his questioning tone was much softer.

"You guys wait for a while, I need to communicate with my superiors."

"Thank you guys, I knew that you would be able to solve everything effectively, the people of Wind Pack are really a special blessing to have you."

The two Wind Pack guards conferred in low voices, and finally one of them said to me, "We don't have the authority to let you go, nor can we confirm that what you are saying now is true. But for the sake of your companion who is seriously injured, we will take you to a doctor first. So you will still have to come with us."

I nodded to them, "Okay, I agree to all your arrangements."

I obediently followed behind the guards and stepped into Wind Pack territory. I wasn't able to walk very fast because I was still holding the unconscious girl.

Just the moment my feet entered Wind Pack, a mellow, clear voice came into my ears.

"Charlotte, welcome back to the werewolf world!"

I looked around incredulously, struggling to find the source of the voice.

The voice seemed to be coming from my head?

I couldn't believe it, but the next second I felt a change in my body.

My body began to get hot and I felt heat radiating from every pore of my skin.

My eyes widened and my body suddenly froze in place.

Then the voice in my head sounded again, and this time she said to me with a hint of relief.

"Charlotte, welcome back to the world where you belong."

My wolf finally ...... appeared?