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My Fiance is a Vampire

My Fiance is a Vampire

Author:Shahara Lilan



Would you marry a very hot, mouth-watering and handsome vampire who trapped you in his big mansion just so he could have you all to himself?

Chapter 1

"Class dismissed," I said once the loud ringing of the bell signaled that the time was over.

It was as if my students, who had withered vegetables before, came back to life and were almost asleep. I can't blame them though. Not every students have the interests in history.

they hurried out of the classroom while I was arranging my things. I will go through the faculty first before buying something to eat. My things are there.

The Del Santos University was a very huge one. Their facilities here are complete, the students are capable and most of all the salary is good. So I was very happy when I was accepted here as a professor.

I reached the faculty room and started organizing my things when someone knocked in my table. I smiled to see Sir Dustine.

My fellow teacher.

"Oh Sir. What do you need?" My kind question to him.

I'm not the type of person who is very serious in life, strict and consistent. I'm always happy and contented. So Sometimes they call me happy because they say I'm very happy, either outside or inside the university.

"Are you free later Ms. Santiago. Let's just eat outside.I'm free, " he said.

I think for awhile trying to recall if I had something important to do. When I remember there is nothing. I agreed.

Nothing wrong.

"All right. Just wait for me later. See you Ms. Santiago," he winked causing me to laugh.

I was just shaken when he left the room.


I glanced at my watch and saw that it was five o'clock in the afternoon. I waited for ten minutes for Dustine but he was still not there.

"What could have happened there? The ground is already covered," I whispered to myself.

It's not because that person is late to meet the conversation. even in his meetings, events and subjects.

He is always on time. So it's surprising that he hasn't come out yet, even though he's the one who fixed me up.

The surroundings are quiet because there are no students. Other teachers have gone home. I was just late because I did a lot afterwards.

I looked behind me when I heard a crack. I frowned.

"There are no ghosts on campus. What is that?" I whispered curiously to myself.

Even though I am a history teacher. I don"t believe in such stories. the ghosts, ghosts or vampires that people used to fear are not true.

"Dustine is that you?" I shout.

I heard footsteps in the winding hallway so I stopped walking. Maybe that's him.

i instantly smile when someone came into my view but that smile dropped when I saw how tall he was and what he was wearing.

I'm backwards.

"Who are you? How did you get inside campus!" I asked a series of questions.

But no words came out of his mouth. he remained bent over so I could not see his face. He was wearing a white shoes, black jeans, black shirt, black denim jacket and black cap. All black except for his shoes which further accentuated his hybridity.

Just in his posture and height. The former is manly. you don't have to see its face to be said to be handsome.

But wait? how did he get here?

"Brother, do you need anything?" I stopped midway when he raised his head and I almost forgot how to breathe when his face took it away. I stared into his blue eyes as bright as the sky.

"Yeah I needed not something but someone. I need you my lady," I was dumbfounded at him as he held out his hands in front of me, "Come with me Emery,"

I looked at him like he was insane.

"Are you okay? Why would I come with you? and then who are you? "

A mysterious smile appeared in his lips that almost made my panty drop. Mischief was dancing in his eyes as if he was planning something.

"I'm your fiancé, my lady. Come with me," he muttered

I backed away when he started to step closer to me. I was starting to get nervous. Damn! It's crazy. It's a pity he's still handsome.

Where is Dustine?

"S-Stay away from me! If you don't want to get hurt!" I threaten to him.

"You can't hurt me, my lady. And he's not coming so don't expect him," he said.

"W-what did you do to him?" I narrowed my eyes at him

he just smile mysteriously. His eyes brightening.

"N-no! I'm not coming with you!" I shouted while running

I just ran until I reached the elevator. I went in there and hit the first floor. I leaned to the side and touched part of my heart.

"That's crazy! when else did I have a fiancé? What could he have done to Dustine. God!" I shoved my cellphone in my pocket and dialed Dustine's number. Later what happened there. Just a few rings, he answered immediately.

"Dustine! Where are you? Are you okay?" I'm worried to him.

I'm okay Ms. Santiago. I'm sorry I didn't go. I had an emergency earlier. I'm really sorry

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I've been waiting for you here!" I'm almost going to be harassed by crazy handsome because of you!

I'm sorry but I sent you a message one hour ago

I was stunned. I forgot to check my phone earlier. Hays. It's my fault. I still regret it.

I said goodbye to him then turned off the call. I walked quickly from the elevator to the parking lot. I just took a deep breath when I got in the car.

What a day! who is that man? His face was familiar but I can't remember where I saw him.

After a few minutes, I reached my one storey house which was 40 minutes away from university. I tiredly got out of the car and headed for the door.

I unlocked the door and went inside. I turned on the light then bent down to remove my heels. When I looked up, I almost sat down in shock when I saw the man earlier sitting comfortably on my sofa.

He smiled again when he saw me and stand up. I raised my hand and shouted at him to stop.

"H-how come you're here?" I didn't know what to say

What the hell!

He held out his hand to me again which I just stared at.

"Come with me, Emery. Don't force me to take you home,"

To be continued...