
Let’s Read The Word

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Just a smile, is a story about Jin Ae and Marc Ramos. Marc Romas is sadist, who has refused to smile or associate with anyone since he lost his parents and nanny to a dangerous assassin. While Jin Ae, a desperate young lady, who always dream of attending Empire High school which is a school meant for the rich and not for a commoner like her.

  [When love melt your cold heart]

  Chapter 1

  Shin mansion

  omma ,[mom ], am sorry.

  Sorry you say. She said and scoffed.

  It wasn't intentional, Jiso pushed me first. I said sobbing.

  How dare you hit my daughter, after all I have done for you.

  omma, but am still your daughter.

  Get out of my house. She yelled.

  omma, am sorry. I plead crying.

  Am not your mother, you daughter of a slut. She flared.

  omma I know you're angry, please don't say that.

  She is not your mother, bitch... Leave our house.

  Jiso. I called.

  Am not your mother, leave this house before I do something crazy.

  If you're not my mother, then who the hell is my mother. I screamed with tears sliding down my eyes.

  Ask your stupid father. She snarled.

  Appa is not stupid. I yelled.

  How dare you yell at my mom, you bitch. Jiso scream and slapped me.

  Did you just slap me. I asked with my fist clenched together.

  Yes bitch, what will you do about that.

  This. I said and slap her back.

  What the fuck. She snarled.

  How dare you slap my daughter.

  omma, she slapped me first.

  What if she did. She yelled and hit me.


  Get out of my house. She said and walk back inside with her daughter, who is the cause of my misfortune.

  I couldn't take it, what just happened. I thought with tears pouring out of my eyes.... I ran out of the house barefoot, not listening to the gossip the neighbors were saying, all that I could think of, was to run and run until all my sorrows is gone.

  Where will I go from here, ever since Appa left for his military work, Omma and Jiso has made my life a living hell.

  And now, she has finally succeeded in chasing me out of the house.... I was still crying and running, when a car almost hit me.

  What the fuck. The driver screamed and pull the brake.

  Do you want to die. He yelled.

  Am sorry. I said crying.

  Are you hurt.

  No, am not.

  Sir, we have to go. The driver said.

  A min. He said and step out of the car.

  The moment I saw his face, I almost lost balance of myself... He was looking handsomely dashing, is that even a word. I thought and smiled.

  Hello angel.

  Hi. I said smiling like a girl, who just saw her favorite candy.

  What are you doing, running barefoot.

  It nothing sir.

  How can it be nothing, angel tell me what wrong.

  The way his lips moves, whenever he call me angel, made me have butterfly in my stomach.

  Sir, it nothing.

  Why. He asked smiling, which display his cute dimple.

  You know. I said playing with my fingers.

  Because am a stranger.

  Hmm. I hummed and bow my head down, not able to look into his face.

  What if I tell you my name, will you still consider me a stranger.

  Sir, I have to go.... Am late for work. I said trying to escape for him.

  Then tell me your name. He pleaded.

  I don't tell strangers my name. I screamed and ran away before he could stop me.

  Hey angel, wait up . He screamed to my hearing.

  Oppa, when I see you again, I promise to tell you my name. I yelled and ran out of sight.

  What a angel. He thought and went back into the car and drove off.

  ~ Jin Ae ~

  Jin Ae, you're late, my boss shouted. The moment I entered into the restaurant.

  Am sorry sir.

  And why are you on barefoot. He asked.

  Sir, it nothing.

  Jin Ae, did your mom chase you out of the house.

  No boss. I said fake smiling.

  Okay, go change your clothes.... We have so many customers to attend to.

  On it boss. I said and ran into the changing room, only to see my best friend.

  Hello Han di.

  Jin Ae, you came late again.

  Sorry unni.

  No need to apologize, get dressed and come Join me in the kitchen.

  Okay, unni can you borrow me, one of your shoes.

  Check my locker. She said and walk out.

  Thank goodness, she didn't asked why I needed to borrow her shoes. I thought and dressed up quickly, I was about walking out, when I bump into someone.


  To be continued.