**Kyla's Pov**
"Hi I'm Kyla Malik. I'm seventeen and I go to Lockwood high. " I introduced myself in front of the camera putting on my best fake smile.
"Cut!" Riley yelled with a massive glare shot directly at me.
"What did I do wrong this time? We've shot it almost ten times. I'm hungry Riley." I whined, pouting my lips.
"We're going to do it over and over again until you sound convincing."
She said in a firm tone. I knew better than to argue with her.
"Ugh!" I groaned but she simply chuckled.
Okay , like I said I'm Kyla Malik and the annoying girl in front of me is my best friend, Riley. We've been friends since kindergarten when she stole my lunch. Funny right.
We were currently shooting a reality video as she called it and apparently, I'm not being real enough. I told her before hand that I'm a very boring person. She picked the wrong girl for the job. I can't sound "real" over a camera or say fun things to get people hyped. It's just not me sadly.
"I'm coming over to your place tonight. We're going over it again until. .." She stopped talking, her mouth fell open, her gaze was fixed on something, someone.
"Hey Juliet. You're gaping." I snapped my fingers teasing her.
"Can you blame me, he's so dreamy." She cooed playing her hands on both sides of her face.
The dreamy guy is Stein. He goes to our school but he's a fuck boy by nature. It's rumoured that he's slept with at least ten girls in Lockwood high. I dont blame him or them.
Him because they practically throw themselves at his feet and them because he's really cute. Too bad I don't do boys unlike Riley she's had a crush on him since forever and I wonder when it'll end
"There's a party later today, we're going."
"You know my answer every week, I'm not. I would rather Lay in bed and watch Netflix all night than watch young teens drink themselves to stupor."
"That's why this week I'm not asking. I'll be at your house by eight pm. We're going."
"Yeah , goodluck with that." I rolled my eyes and we went back to our food or at least I did, Riley was still gushing over Stein and giving me the creeps.
After lunch, we each went back to our separate classes with small talks until the closing bell sounded. I didn't have a car yet, my dad always said I was too young. Riley takes me to school and back and it's fun riding with her.
She dropped me off at my house, deciding to offer some words of wisdom.
"I'll be back by eight pm. Look pretty." I rolled my eyes making a mental list of all the movies I would watch before falling as sleep. I'm not going to a party and even Riley can't convince me otherwise.
I found the hidden key under the door mat gaining access to my house.
I lived with my relatives here in California as my parents were way up in Texas. My aunt and uncle treated me like their own child maybe it's because they didn't have any.
I locked the door behind me, placed the keys on the counter and walked to my room for a refreshing bath.
When I was done, I picked up my phone and scrolled through my watch lists.
The moment the clock struck right pm, my phone rang and Riley was calling.
**Hey babe. I chirped eager to go back to watching "The kissing booth."**
** I'll be at your house in ten minutes. Be ready before then. I snorted as she hung up going back to my movie.**
True to her words, she arrived shortly after ten minutes.
"You're not dressed!" She exclaimed, I was too busy staring at her . Riley looked really pretty, I mean she doesn't even have to try her skin is flawless.
"Why aren't you dressed!" She added in a high pitched tone.
"Because am not going. I told I don't want to."
"Kyla you can't keep doing this. This is highschool where we'll have the best years of our lives. You have to live it to the fullest. Yes you're scared of being judged but that shouldn't stop you from doing things. You might be a bookworm but as your friend I can tell you I love Being around you. But since you want to drown yourself in movies, I hope you have fun. I'm off. "
Guilt stabs me straight in my heart. She played with my emotions and she's damn good
"Wait." I said sucking in a harsh breath.
"Come help me pick out my clothes."
She dashed towards me, hugging me tightly.
"Let's do this."
"Don't go over board please."
"I'll try my best." She grinned flashing her white teeth. By try her best she meant, get ready because when I done, you won't recognize yourself.
Woah! I'm so excited to begin this book. Always feel free to drop a comment and a review. I'll be updating daily. Much love, C