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Beautiful Love

Beautiful Love

Author:Kemi Sola



BEAUTIFUL LOVE Synopsis Tracy is just the regular type of girl. Sweet, cute and obedient. But everything changed after the sudden death of her Parents. She changed! She went Full-Time- Bitch. She became the arrogant, picky and possessive type. She gets whatever she wants. What happens when a guy suddenly shows up in her life. And guess what! She wants him! But this guy happen to have some hatred for her because of her bullying life style. He seem to hate her right from the moment he knew her. Will things go well for her? Will Tracy have him? Will she do anything to get him?.. Even change her lifestyle?

  " Mom! I want that cake! " 8 years old Tracy cried.

  " Tracy, I bought one for you yesterday and you haven't finished it. Now you want another? " That was her father.

  " Mommm! " Tracy cried making a baby face.

  Her parents laughed.

  " You're so adorable. Fine! I'll get it for you " Her mom said and went to get it.

  While her father stoop in front of her.

  " We'll give you everything you want sweetie. Everything. Just be a good girl always. Okay?? "

  Tracy smiled at him

  " I will father "

  " And always remember that you are a boss! " Her mother said when she got to them and handed her the cake.

  " Here you go sweetie"

  " Yipeee! " Tracy exclaimed excitedly

  " What are you going to say sweetie? " Her Father asked.

  " Thank you dad. Thank you mom. You both are the best. " Tracy said and hugged them.

  They both laughed. Her mom pat her hair while she smiled sweetly.

  That's what you get by being the only child of a rich family. Tracy is just a 8 year old girl but get whatever she want. Whatever. She got all the love, attention and affection of her parents.

  She has literally all the things a 18 years old girl would die to have when it comes to material things.

  She has more than she can use. Whenever she needs something, she just have to point at it.

  You think she's a spoilt kid? No. She's just being loved. By her parents.

  " Be a boss! " Her parents always tell her.

  " Well, I can't wait to get big and be a freaking boss.

  I'm gon' in be control. Control! " 8 years old Tracy thought.

  " Let's go baby " Her mom said and held her hand.

  Tracy watched as her father packed all the stuffs she'd wanted, which he bought and walked towards the car.

  Her father started the car and they head home. It's was about 5 minutes drive from there.

  Tracy brought out some of the toys her father had bought.

  " Wow! Pretty! "

  " I like this one. Father look at it " She said excitedly.

  " Don't disturb your father Tracy. He's driving " Her Mother warned.

  " But I want him to look at it. " Tracy said.

  " Tracy.. " Her mom called. But it sounded more like a warning voice.

  " Father.. " Tracy said near tears.

  She really hate it when she is being ignored.

  " Stop Tracy. Let him concentrate on driving. He will take a look at it when we get home. Be patient. " Her mother said

  " No! " She thought.

  She don't like that idea.

  She started throwing tantrum to have her father's attention.

  Seconds later she heard him giggle

  " Okay. Okay. Let me look at it sweetie"

  His hands were still on the steering as he turned to look back at her.

  " Isn't it cute? " she asked smiling

  " Wow! It's really cute. Just like you princess" He said smiling too

  " Really? "

  " Of cause baby"

  " Father can you... "

  She stopped talking when she heard a sound.

  They heard the sound of an incoming car horning loudly. Her father turned to look back at the road but guess it was just too late already.

  The cars collided. Tracy turned her head to look outside the car. And she saw the car that jolted with theirs. She also saw a boy in the car. In white shirt.

  Tracy bumped her head as their car drove endlessly to an unknown destination. Her father had lost control of the vehicle. Tracy could hear her mother screaming. Everything was loud. Very loud.

  The car kept moving and collided with everything that was at the way until it finally came to a stop.

  Everything became silent...her mother's screaming.., her father shouting " Jesus.."

  Only the sound of the car horn could be heard. It didn't stop. It was too loud.

  Tracy opened her eyes. She wasn't in the car anymore. She was on the ground. She was beside the car but all the doors were opened. She saw a picture on the ground near to her. It is a picture of her family. Her father, mother and herself.

  She looked towards her father seat. He was there but he wasn't moving and there was blood all over his body.

  " Father! " She gasp at the sight.

  She wanted to run to him but she couldn't get up from the ground.

  Her body felt heavy.

  ' Why? Why can't I move?? ' she thought to her self.

  " Father! " She called faintly.

  ' Why can't i run to him? What's happening? ' Were the thoughts that filled her mind.

  The noise became louder.

  ' Can someone please stop that noise. It's making my head hurt. My head hurts. A lot. It's... '

  She couldn't finish as she suddenly closed her eyes and she passed out.


  Tracy opened her eyes. Her head still hurts but it was unlike before.

  ' Where am I? '

  She look around and saw children of her age on the bed. She looked up and say a sign. " Children Ward "


  She got up from the bed slowly and walked to a doctor.

  " where are my parents? " she asked the doctor. She need them! She need her parent right now.

  The doctor looked at her with pity and sadness written all over her face

  She held her hand and took her to a room. She opened the door and they walked in. Tracy saw some human-like bodies covered with clothes. It covered their faces too.

  ' Why am I here? ' She thought to herself

  " Aunty where are my parents?. They ain't here" She said and turned to the Doctor.

  The doctor took a deep breath and walked towards the beds. She uncovered one, and Tracy could see her mother's face.

  ' Mother? Why is mom sleeping with her body fully covered.? '

  The doctor went to the next bed and uncovered the person.

  It was her father. His clothes were still stained in blood.

  " Why are they asleep aunty? " Tracy asked the doctor.

  " I don't know how you're gonna take this but.. But your parents are deeply asleep and it's likely they never wake up"

  " What? I've never heard such thing before. Why won't they wake up? " She asked already crying.

  If they sleep that much, who's gonna take care of her. Who's gonna look after her. Who's gonna give her all the love and affection they have showed her?. They need to wake up.

  " Your parents are dead " the Doctor said. Dropping the explosive bomb.

  " What do you mean by dead aunty? They are just sleeping. I need to wake them up. " Tracy said and ignored what the doctor said. They weren't dead. She was sure of it.

  " Mom! Wake up. Let's go home " Tracy said weeping and tapping her mother gently.

  She didn't responded. Tracy looked at the doctor and she was sobbing silently.

  She turned towards her Father.

  " Father stop sleeping already. Let's go home" She cried but he didn't even move.

  She started shaking his body. " Father! Wake up! Get up! Mother please let's go home. I don't like it here. Please " She cried aloud.

  Tracy fell to the ground and weep.

  No! They can't be dead. They ain't dead.

  " Wake up! Wake up!! " She kept shouting at them. The doctor walked towards her and held her. She was crying too. She wanted to take Tracy out of the room but Tracy kept yelling at her to leave her but the Doctor didn't.

  She successfully took Tracy out of the room despite her struggles.

  Tracy stood out side the room crying.

  ' My parents are dead! Who's gonna take care of me? Who's gonna give me things I want.? Who's gonna love me the way my family did.? ' The questions kept coming in her mind.

  She looked around at the hospital and saw a boy. He seemed around her age or a year older than she is.

  ' I've seen him somewhere.

  Where could that be? Oh! The white shirt guy. Yes. The boy in the car. The car that collided with my parents car. The same car that caused their death. It's his fault and whoever was driving that car. It's their fault my parents are dead. I hate him. ' She said within her.

  She started walking angrily towards him but she was stopped by the Doctor.

  " Where are you going? You can't roam around alone. Follow me" The Doctor said and held her hand. She started walking in an opposite direction.

  Tracy looked at her other hand. She was holding her family picture firmly.

  " Mom. Dad " She said sadly within her. She looked back at the boy.

  " It is his fault my parents are now dead. Right??

  " Wait till I get big and be a boss. " she said as the Doctor took her away.