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Don't Run Away, My Chief Secretary

Don't Run Away, My Chief Secretary



She loved him fervently for seven years, so much so that she willingly gave up her future just to be with him. When she was involved in a car accident, bleeding heavily, her call for help was cruelly disconnected by him as he was with another woman. Her heart felt as if it was being sliced by a knife. In the hospital, she realized that this woman's face bore some resemblance to her. Only then she realized that he had been using her as a replacement all along. She confronted him, "Why won't you marry me?" However, he replied, "Our relationship was nothing but a game of physical attraction without emotional connection." In the end, her heart became cold and lifeless. She decided to leave him, leaving him in a state of disarray. Full of regret, he grabbed her wrist, "Please come back to me. If you're willing to return, we'll get married immediately." She smiled, "Sorry, I'm not interested in marriage."

"Miss Su, you're pregnant."

Su Qian was somewhat dazed as she took the pregnancy test report from the doctor.

Unconsciously, she touched her flat belly, wholeheartedly thankful for the birthday present gifted by the heavens.

She had planned to propose to Bo Han Chuan once his business meeting was over, expecting him to spend her birthday with her.

Now, learning that she was pregnant, she was even more determined to marry Bo Han Chuan.

At this moment, Su Qian suddenly recalled the scene from three years ago when Bo Han Chuan saved her.

She was cornered by a bad person in an alley, and Bo Han Chuan, who just happened to pass by, got injured in order to save her. To show her gratitude, she took the initiative to take care of him until he recovered.

Afterwards, they spent more and more time together, until one time, they accidentally became intimate after drinking.

After that happened, Bo Han Chuan asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend, but he made it clear that he would not marry her.

Without a second thought, she accepted.

This was because even before he saved her, she had been secretly in love with him for four whole years.

Since then, she had been the beautiful and capable secretary by Bo Han Chuan’s side during the day, and his obedient bed partner at night.

She believed that Bo Han Chuan loved her.

She thought the reason why he had not married her was due to his deep-seated fear of marriage, influenced by his own family background.

But now that she was expecting their child, they would form a beautiful and blissful family. In the days to come, she would take even greater care of him.

Thinking of this, she couldn't wait to leave the hospital, eager to share the good news with Bo Han-Chuan!

After getting in the car, Su Qian prepared to head to the restaurant she had arranged with Bo Han-Chuan.

Inside a private room of the restaurant, she had meticulously prepared a proposal scene.

At this moment, the only thing on her mind was picturing how Bo Han-Chuan would react to a proposal and what his response would be after finding out she was pregnant?

Bo Han-Chuan, who loved her so much, would surely be thrilled about their child, wouldn't he?

Just as she was lost in her blissful daydream, the sudden ring of her phone brought her back to reality.

Seeing that it was Bo Han-Chuan calling, she answered happily, "Han Chuan, are you there yet?"

"Gu Yunjing is trying to commit suicide again, her emotions are extremely unstable, and I can't get away - I won't be able to accompany you today."

Bo Han-Chuan's low voice came through the phone.



Before Su Qian could finish her words, the call was hastily ended.

Gu Yunjing was Bo Han-Chuan's 'unattainable love'. She had returned to the country less than a month ago and had attempted suicide multiple times.

Every time Bo Han-Chuan heard about it, he would rush to Gu Yunjing's side, even on this special day.

Furious, Su Qian stomped on the accelerator, driving fast down the road.

She was well aware that Gu Yunjing was just putting on a performance, but Bo Hanchuan always believed it to be true.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Distracted, she didn’t notice a stray cat suddenly darting onto the road.

Seeing that she was about to hit it, Su Qian promptly hit the brakes and made a sharp turn. However, the car ended up colliding with a tree on the side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, a nest of intense pain radiated from her lower abdomen.

Then, she felt a warm flow trickling down her thighs.

Upon looking down, Su Qian’s light-colored pants had been dyed red with blood.

A sense of foreboding immediately rose in her heart, she quickly dialed Bo Hanchuan's phone.

As soon as the call was answered, she cried out for help, "Hanchuan, my stomach hurts so much, I had a car accident, can you come pick me up please?"

Bo Hanchuan sounded impatient, “Su Qian, now is not the time to throw a tantrum.”

Looking at the continuous flow of blood from her body, Su Qian said anxiously, “Hanchuan, I’m not lying, I really had a car accident, my stomach hurts so much, can you come find me please?”

Before she could finish speaking, Bo Hanchuan's cold voice came through the phone, “Five minutes ago when you called, you were perfectly fine. Now you've had a car accident so quickly?"

"Su Qian!" A cold masculine voice sounded from the phone.

“Su Qian, Gu Yunjing is now lying in the hospital, her life is at stake, I really don’t have the mood to play games with you right now.”

Upon hearing this, Su Qian’s face froze.

A few seconds passed before she regained her senses.

She gave a bitter smile, her small face pale.

"So, you think I'm making unreasonable trouble and lying to you?"

"Isn't that the case?"

His tone, laced with impatience and a chill, cut Su Qian to the quick.

Her fist clenched around the phone as she yelled out a curse, "Bo Han Chuan, you're such a jerk!"

Cold sweat beaded on Su Qian's forehead as a sharp pain clenched at her. She tried to dial for an ambulance, but found that her strength was failing her.

Her consciousness was slipping.

She glanced out the car window and saw what appeared to be a passerby not too far away. She tried to call out, "Help..."

But before she could even finish, her world blacked out and she lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she found herself lying on a hospital bed.

Her best friend, Zhao Mu Xue, stood at her bedside looking extremely worried.

Seeing that she had woken up, Zhao Mu Xue hurriedly asked with concern, "Qian Qian, how do you feel? Does it still hurt?"

Su Qian stared blankly and said, "Wasn't I in the car? How did I get to the hospital?"

After a few seconds of hesitation, Zhao Mu Xue explained, "A good Samaritan brought you to the hospital."

"The doctor said that your uterine lining was already thin. Coupled with being too active during pregnancy and a car accident, it caused a miscarriage and heavy bleeding."


Upon hearing this, Su Qian widened her eyes in surprise.

So, she and Bo Hanchuan's child was gone?

Even though she clearly understood that she could no longer marry and have children with Bo Hanchuan, that was still her child with Bo Hanchuan.

Upon this thought, tears of sorrow and reluctance began to fall from her eyes.

Seeing her heartache, Zhao Muxue reached out and held her in her arms, softly comforting her.

"Qianqian, don't be sad. You just had surgery, and the doctor said you need to rest and recuperate."

"When you're fully recovered, I'll introduce you to a bunch of handsome guys, just to irritate that scumbag Bo Hanchuan to death. "

"Bo Hanchuan, that bastard, not only did he stand idly by while you were suffering, he also cheated. Isn't he afraid of being struck by lightning during storms?"

Upon hearing these words, Su Qian only felt a feeling of a thousand arrows piercing her heart, and the pain was unbearable.

Thinking of the child she had lost in miscarriage and the man she had loved for seven years, she buried herself in Zhao Muxue's arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

After a long while, her emotions were vented, and she gradually calmed down.

After some time, Zhao Muxue opened her mouth again, “Bo Hanchuan is in the hospital right now."

"When you were in surgery, I discovered that Bo Hanchuan was accompanying Gu Yunjing on the fourth floor. I immediately grabbed your phone and called him, but that scumbag refused to answer."

Upon hearing this, Su Qian closed her eyes in pain.

"Mu Xue, take me to see him."

"Qianqian, you've just had surgery and need to rest. It's better not to find that despicable man, in case you anger yourself at the sight of him."

"There are some things that I need to see for myself before I can really let go."

Zhao Mu Xue was unable to talk her out of it and resignedly led Su Qian to the fourth floor.

The moment Su Qian got to the door of the ward, she saw Bo Han Chuan in the room, coaxing Gu Yun Jing to take her medicine with a gentle voice.

Bo Han Chuan's tender tone and gaze had Su Qian's heart in knots.

She took a closer look at Gu Yun Jing's face and was taken aback. She realized that Gu Yun Jing actually bore a resemblance to her.

All of a sudden, she understood everything.

With a desolate smile, she turned to Zhao Mu Xue and said, "I've given up. Let's go back."