
Let’s Read The Word

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Devil CEO's Tender Embrace

Devil CEO's Tender Embrace




A meticulously crafted trap leads Isabella Shaw into the domain of the devilish tycoon, Leon Blackwood. He is ruthless and cold, yet he launches a sweet plunder only for her. She, pure as snow, is reluctantly drawn into this storm of love. "Sign this contract, and you will become mine," Leon Blackwood's eyes flash with a hint of cunning. What he desires is not just her body, but her heart as well. Isabella Shaw clenches her fists, facing this man who controls everything, how can she protect her dignity and freedom? As night falls and the city lights come on, in Leon Blackwood's mansion, their contest has just begun. Intertwined with love and hate, who will be the one to laugh last in this game?

The towering white gates loomed above, exuding a sense of grandeur that symbolized unshakable power and status. Leon Blackwood's private estate, tucked away in Los Angeles' most exclusive neighborhood, was renowned for its secrecy and opulence. A lush, green lawn stretched out in front of the gates, while a classical-style fountain shimmered in the fading light of sunset, casting a dreamlike glow that seemed to cut this place off from the rest of the world.

Isabella Shaw stood outside the estate, the evening breeze gently sweeping through her hair. But inside, a storm was raging. Her mother's safety, the crumbling of her family's fortune—everything weighed heavily on her, suffocating her with its burden. She raised her hand, hesitating for a moment before finally knocking on the grand white door, a symbol of absolute power.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The heavy sound of her knocks seemed to echo in her chest.

"Come in," a cold, authoritative voice called out from behind the door, its deep timbre laced with an undeniable dominance. It was Leon Blackwood.

Isabella took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The moment she stepped inside, she was met with an overwhelming sense of luxury and indifference. The grand foyer was adorned with gleaming black-and-white marble floors, and an enormous crystal chandelier bathed the room in light. Leon Blackwood stood by a mahogany desk, his tall, refined figure exuding elegance, yet his eyes were filled with a dangerous, icy intensity.

Her heart sank. This was the man responsible for her family's downfall—the ruthless avenger who had shown no mercy.

"Isabella Shaw," Leon's voice seemed to echo from a distant place, cold and indifferent, yet charged with a terrifying authority, "you've finally arrived."

Isabella forced herself to remain calm, fighting back the terror gnawing at her insides. She lifted her gaze to meet his cold, unfeeling eyes. "Mr. Blackwood, I've come to negotiate. If you release my mother, I am willing to do anything you ask."

A slight, mocking smile tugged at the corner of Leon's mouth. He tilted his head ever so slightly, a flicker of contempt flashing in his eyes. "Anything? You must be mistaken, Isabella. You're in no position to negotiate with me." His voice, low and steely, cut through the air with a chilling precision, mercilessly crushing any remnants of her pride.

Her heart raced wildly in her chest. She knew how dire her situation was, and she understood the depth of Leon's hatred and disdain for her. Gritting her teeth, Isabella swallowed her humiliation and whispered, "Yes, I have no right to negotiate. But please, give me a chance. If you let my mother go, I'm willing to pay any price."

Leon clicked his tongue in mock disapproval, his movements deliberate as he straightened and walked toward her. His long fingers rhythmically tapped against the desk as he approached, his gaze sharp and unyielding. "So, are you begging me now, Isabella? Or are you trying to order me?"

He stopped inches away from her, so close that she could feel the chill radiating from him. Instinctively, she took a step back, but Leon was quicker. He reached out, his fingertips brushing against her chin, forcing her to lift her head and meet his piercing eyes.

Those eyes, deep as the night sky, were cold and merciless, looking at her like a hunter gazing upon its captured prey.

"Answer me," he said, his voice dropping lower, laced with danger.

"I... I'm begging you." Isabella forced the words out through gritted teeth, her hands clenched into fists. Her pride had been trampled underfoot, but at this moment, she had no room left for defiance.

Leon's lips curled into a cruel smile. He leaned down, his mouth almost brushing her ear as he whispered, "Begging me? Good. Then you'd better act like it."

He turned and walked to a nearby cabinet, pulling out a delicate crystal glass. Pouring a small amount of amber liquid into it, he slowly made his way back to her, holding the glass out toward her.

"Drink it," he commanded, his voice cold and unwavering.

Isabella frowned. She wasn't used to drinking, and every instinct told her to be wary of anything this man gave her.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Leon's voice was taunting now, laced with mockery. "If you can't even do this, what makes you think I'll spare your mother?"

Her eyes darted to the glass. A shiver ran through her, but she had no choice. For her mother's sake, she steeled herself, grabbed the glass, and downed the liquid in one swift motion.

The burn of the alcohol hit her throat instantly, igniting a fire that spread through her chest. But that wasn't the worst of it. Before long, a strange heat began to rise from deep inside her, like flames licking at her skin, spreading uncontrollably through her entire body.

"You... what did you give me?" Isabella's breath grew rapid, her face flushed with heat, her body betraying her as a feverish warmth consumed her.

Leon stood nearby, watching her coldly, his expression one of detached amusement. "An aphrodisiac," he said casually, as though commenting on the weather.

The color drained from Isabella's face, her chest heaving as the drug coursed through her veins. Every inch of her skin felt like it was on fire, her nerves raw and ablaze.

At that moment, the door behind her opened again. Three men dressed in black, their muscular frames filling the room, stepped inside. Their eyes gleamed with barely concealed lust, their intentions clear.

"Take care of her," Leon ordered them, turning away to sit down at a nearby chair. He picked up a small camcorder from the table and pointed it directly at Isabella.

"What... what are you going to do?" Isabella's voice trembled with terror as the full weight of the situation hit her. Her body shook uncontrollably. "No... please, don't!"

A cruel smile tugged at the corner of Leon's lips. "This video will be all over the internet tomorrow. Isabella Shaw, the world will soon see you for the whore you are."

For a moment, it felt as if Isabella's heart stopped. A wave of hopelessness crashed over her, so powerful it nearly knocked her off her feet. The heat in her body was unbearable, her vision starting to blur. But one thing was crystal clear—she couldn't give in.

The men were closing in now, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"No, stay away!" Isabella screamed, stumbling backward. Her legs had grown weak, and she could barely stand. She struggled desperately, trying to escape, but the aphrodisiac had drained her strength, leaving her body powerless.

One of the men reached out, roughly grabbing her arm, while his other hand started to unbutton her clothes.

"Let me go!" Isabella fought against him with everything she had left, but her energy was quickly fading.

Leon remained seated, watching the scene with cold detachment, as if it were nothing more than a meaningless performance. He had no interest in her suffering or her fight for freedom—only the satisfaction of his revenge mattered.

At that moment, Isabella's hand accidentally brushed against a glass on the table. In a surge of panic, she grabbed it and, with the last bit of strength she could summon, hurled it at the man in front of her.

The glass shattered upon impact, shards flying in all directions. One sharp piece sliced across Isabella's wrist, and blood immediately began to flow, dripping onto the pristine white carpet below.

The men froze, stunned, staring at her in disbelief.

"If you come any closer, I'll die right here in front of you!" Isabella shouted, clutching the bloody shard of glass tightly, pressing it against her own throat.

Leon stood up slowly, amusement and disdain flickering in his eyes. He approached her with a graceful, almost leisurely stride, as if the whole scene were a trivial joke. There was no urgency in him, no fear—just the quiet, creeping menace of someone who knew he was in control.

"Do you really think this will scare me?" His voice was low, chilling like a gust of winter wind. "Isabella, you've underestimated me."

Her wrist continued to bleed, the bright red of her blood stark against the pale skin of her arm. The crimson stain spread across the carpet beneath her, a sharp contrast to her increasingly pale face. But Isabella didn't loosen her grip on the shard. If anything, she pressed it closer to her skin, drawing a thin line of blood along her throat, daring him to come closer.

"If you move, I'll kill myself," she said, her voice trembling, but her eyes filled with resolve.

Leon paused, his eyes locked on hers, as though weighing the depth of her determination. The cruel smile still lingered on his face, but the icy glint in his eyes grew darker, colder.

"Do you honestly think I'll let you die that easily?" he sneered, his voice filled with derision.

Isabella didn't respond. Her breathing was ragged, the effects of the drug still wreaking havoc on her body, sending waves of unbearable heat through her. Her vision blurred, and the glass shard felt heavier in her hand, her fingers trembling from the strain. But she couldn't afford to falter. She knew that the moment she let her guard down, she would be utterly destroyed.

Leon saw the weakness in her, and his smile deepened. Then, with a sudden, casual wave of his hand, he signaled the three men to back off.

"Leave," he commanded, his voice sharp and commanding, brooking no argument.

The men exchanged glances, clearly reluctant but aware that Leon's orders were absolute. Without a word, they stepped back and exited the room, leaving the two of them alone.

The room was silent, leaving only Isabella and Leon. The air felt thick, oppressive, as if it could suffocate her. Leon slowly approached, but this time his movements were unhurried, deliberate, carrying a kind of taunting calmness. He stood over her, looking down as though she were prey, about to be caught in his grasp.

"You won't do it." His voice was like a dark spell, echoing in her ears.

"You won't die," he continued, a hint of amusement flickering in his gaze. "Because you know what will happen to your mother if you do."

Isabella's breath hitched, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Leon's words struck her deepest fears, unleashing a wave of terror and helplessness. For a brief moment, her grip on the glass shard faltered, but she quickly tightened her hold again, her knuckles white with strain.

"You're in no position to threaten me." His voice was low, yet filled with an irresistible force. "The only thing you have left is yourself, and even that is no longer yours to control."

Her body trembled, and her vision began to blur. She knew she was reaching her limit—the burning heat inside her threatened to consume her completely. Her legs wobbled, barely holding her upright, but she refused to collapse.

"I... I won't let you win," she murmured, her voice barely audible but full of defiance.

Leon's eyes darkened, his expression growing more intense. He leaned in close, so near she could feel his breath on her skin, the faint scent of whiskey in the air. He reached out, grasping her wrist where she held the shard of glass. His touch wasn't forceful, but it was firm enough to show her she had no chance of breaking free.

"You know," his voice was icy and calm, "I never intended to let you die easily, Isabella. I have plenty of patience for you."

His grip on her wrist tightened, and though blood still trickled from her wound, she held onto the shard as tightly as she could. Her strength was fading fast, her vision growing hazy, but even in her weakened state, she refused to let go. She wouldn't surrender.

Leon's eyes gleamed with amusement as he watched her stubborn defiance. His lips curled into a mocking smile.

"Good," he said, his tone holding a hint of twisted approval. "That's exactly what I expected."

Without warning, he ripped the glass shard from her hand, his movements so swift that Isabella barely had time to react. The shard fell to the floor with a sharp, shattering sound, and her body, weakened from blood loss and the effects of the drug, swayed unsteadily.

Suddenly, Leon's arm shot out, wrapping firmly around her waist, pulling her against him. His grip was possessive, strong, leaving no room for her to fight back. His embrace seemed almost tender, yet it was laced with control, a reminder that she had no power to resist him.

"You belong to me now," he whispered, his voice dripping with authority and danger.

Isabella struggled, but her strength had long since abandoned her. She was helpless as Leon lifted her effortlessly, carrying her deeper into the room. Her consciousness began to fade, the world around her blurring and dimming as she was overcome by exhaustion.

But just before everything went dark, she heard Leon's low voice murmur in her ear, chilling her to the bone.

"Your resistance only makes this more entertaining."

Leon laid her down on the large, soft bed, her body sinking into the mattress. Her vision blurred completely, and even breathing became a challenge as the darkness consumed her.

Standing over her, Leon gazed down at her pale but still defiant face, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes.

"Stop fighting, Isabella. You can't escape me," he said softly, his tone deceptively gentle.

He bent down, his long fingers tracing her cheek with an unsettling mixture of tenderness and cruelty. His eyes remained cold, but his touch was filled with an unsettling intimacy, as if he relished the control he had over her.

Isabella wanted to resist, wanted to pull away, but her body was no longer hers to command. The drug had ravaged her, leaving her unable to move as the burning heat tore through her. Her mind drifted into the dark, her consciousness slipping away.

And in the final moment before she lost herself completely, she heard Leon's voice once more, echoing in her mind, a promise laced with terrifying certainty.

"From this moment on, your life belongs to me."