
Let’s Read The Word

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Entangled With A Baby

Entangled With A Baby

Author:Veity Cart



“You don’t get to break my heart the way you did and still stand here to tell me how to heal!” Laura exclaimed in anguish, confronting her fiancé. King. When a 23 year old Laura Ferguson who doubles as a housekeeper for her Billionaire boss, Kingston McGorritth and a cafe attendant gets faced with the challenge of raising money for a dire heart surgery, she accepts a proposal from Mr McGorritth to be his personal assistant for a day. That one day affair led to her getting pregnant for him. What Laura didn’t know was that she and this pregnancy was his miracle. He proposed a marriage of convenience for them both, but their union would untangle a web of secret and lies. As both their pasts collide will she end up regretting crossing paths with King? Be ready to hold your breath as you read on to find out!

“Mum, Starry meet my girlfriend.” King nervously introduced his mother and to Laura as they entered the hospital room where she was admitted.

Your girlfriend ??? Laura exclaimed inwardly.

“Your girlfriend?” This time around it was the doctor shooting him a quizzical look.

“I never knew you had a girlfriend. In fact you never mentioned.” Dr Narcos cheerily added.

Laura’s whole head was spiraling out of control.

This cannot be happening. Not with everyone here! He’s going to find out I’m pregnant. laura thought.

Few hours ago she was rushed into the hospital after she collapsed in his house, the doctor was about speaking to them as it seemed like there was a problem when King’s Mother and Grandad walked in. Apparently they were to come visit him that morning but since he called to say he was at the hospital for an emergency, they decided to meet him at the hospital instead.

She hurriedly turned to look at her Uncle sitting by the side of her bed with a scowled expression. “Dad, I have no idea what he’s talking about.” Laura shook her head hard.

Her cousin Maddie who sat by the other side of the bed just couldn’t mask her amusement. She cleared her throat and got up to greet them quickly as she extended her hand.

“Hello, I’m Maddie. Her cousin. And that’s my dad, her uncle.” she smiled and pointed at the man talking in hushed tones with Laura.

Maddie gave Laura a pinch under the cover prompting her to say something.

“Oh uhm hi good morning Mrs McGorritth…” Laura forced a casual tone before casting a warning glance at her cousin.

King’s mother walked up to her on the bed and cuts her off immediately “Darling, we’ve seen you around the house a few times Yes?” She turned to Starry, for a confirmation who in turn eagerly nodded.

“And please call me Lana, It’s so nice officially meeting you. But not in this state of course.” King’s mum added with a grin.

King who had been pacing the room began to speak, a little breathless this time. “So, Doctor? You were about saying?. Can you make this quick I have somewhere to be.”

Laura couldn’t help but stare at him with wet eyes.

“You said miss Ferguson here is your girlfriend and well..?” The doctor asked again more cautiously. King gave an off hand shrug before interrupting “And the point?” He whipped out his phone to end a disturbing call.

The doctor looking totally baffled turned to ask Laura who immediately pretended to feign similar nonchalance with a little shrug.

“Great. Since everyone is here then, this should be a cause for celebration.” Dr Narcos said with a silvery laugh.


Laura, practically expiring out and trying to stay calm began to cough out loud as she reached for Maddie with pleading eyes.

“Uhmm Doc, can we not do this now?. Maybe later? Maybe never?” Maddie interjected in a rush.

“Oh? With the situation of things I actually do think now’s the best time.” he insisted.

“Is she sick? Dying?” King echoed impatiently.

“Dying? No not at all.” Dr. Narcos chuckled as he stepped forward to pick up his stethoscope on the table.

“On the contrary. Laura is pregnant.” The words came tumbling out.

There was a pregnant silence.

The doctor was the first to speak, his face creased with excitement “Congratulations to you both.”

He walked over to where King stood stiffened by the door to give him a pat on the shoulder— “And king, I’m so happy for you. Here comes your silver lining at last.” He said.

King shot Laura a doubtful look.

Why did she have to faint this morning.

Before leaving, Dr. Narcos spoke for another twenty minutes as he wanted to address Laura on the risk her fibroid could pose to her and the pregnancy. All semblance of nonchalance vanished from Laura as she began to wail internally.

And the man in question has been acting cold towards me ever since that night. I’m beyond fucked. laura agonized.

Dabbing the sweats all over her face her uncle, Dave asked gently “Lau, are you just going to stay quiet?”

Laura who was momentarily speechless, fighting the lump in her throat and the tears that threatened to pour down, she stole a glance at King as he dragged his Mum and Grandad to the other side of the room to talk.

She couldn’t quite make out what they were arguing about but it was getting heated and King seemed to be clenching his fists and his jaw rather too hard. His grandad, Starry kept on trying to get him to calm down but he wasn’t having any of it.

And just before his mum could stop him, he stomped out of the room not even bothering to give Laura a look.


“Lulu you don’t have to cry. Please don’t cry my honey.” Maddie pleaded as she moved closer to her, wiping the tears that were now falling freely.

“I’m so sorry dad. I’m so sorry. I— it wasn’t supposed to end like this— I’m sorry.“ Facing Dave who couldn’t mask his perturbed look any longer, Laura managed to say with her cracking voice.

Tightening his arm around her, Dave replied encouragingly “I’m not all that mad at you Lulu, we’ll find a way around all this. I’ll talk to him.”

“My darling, please please stop crying.” Lana rushed over to Laura, wiping the tears on her cheeks.

“You have no idea how much of a blessing this is to him. I don’t even see why you should be sad.” She said with a polite smile.

“Laura, I think it’s best I officially welcome you to the family.” Starry’s mouth curved into a smile as he spoke.


“Well if it’s that much of a good thing, why did he have to react like a mad cow?” Maddie snarred as she countered.

“He couldn’t even say a thing. He just stomped out like a mad cow.” She added.

Way to go Madds. Way to go.

“Darling, I know the girlfriend stunt he pulled earlier on was fake. So I don’t expect you to play the part. I love you already Laura, you really have no need to be worried.” Lana assured.

“And for the fibroid?..”

“I uhmm always knew I had it.” Laura admitted as she began to sit up on the bed.

“Dr. Narcos has been a long time family doctor, so you’re in safe hands.” Lana commented.

“It’s just .. Lu, I think we should have told him earlier on.” Maddie worried.

“You both were already aware of the pregnancy?” Dave demanded almost angrily.

Laura could only offer an affirming nod before the door swung open and a fuming King walked in.

“You knew? You knew about this?” King exclaimed as he hopped with frustration.

He gave a low laugh before finding more words “So you were going to keep this away from me? And then what? Blackmail me?”

Stunned at the hurtful accusation Laura yelled back at him— “Blackmail you???”

“Well why didn’t you say anything for the past one week! Instead of pulling that dramatic stunt at my house. Are you that desperate?”

“Like telling you would have changed anything?” She asked arguably, challenging him to dispute the fact in the presence of everyone.


“And for fuck sake! I slumped! I fainted! I collapsed! I didn’t pull any stunt.” she barked back not being able to hold her tears any longer.

King took a long pause glaring hard at her, his eyes piercing deep into her blue eyes contemplating if he should apologize for the unruly behavior since they had sex. At some point he chastised himself for being unfair but his mind always somehow drifted back to what he heard.

Even at that, right now he just wanted to hold her tight, kiss her face and comfort her in the most loving way he could.

“Right.” He said before walking out again. Slamming the door.