
Let’s Read The Word

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Secrets And Promises

Secrets And Promises

Author:Sylvia E.



Jon Valentine is a girl everyone looks upto, a girl of brain and beauty. She's the student body president with the best swimming record at school. She's loving, she's caring and she is like a voice to all the students. That is until she's labelled a slut with a std, her boyfriend humiliates her and breaks up with her in front of the whole school, her friends spread around false rumours about her and these aren't even her biggest problems. The biggest problem she's facing is learning the identity of mafia boss Osric Siegel, the head of the Siegel family, who is posing as the weak nerd, Oliver Davies, at her school.

I could feel the excitement when I woke up in the morning and the first thing I did was put on some music and dance my way into the bathroom. I pulled my bright red hair in a high pony tail and put in my contacts coating my golde. hazel colored pupils.

Of course my mom got mad at me for doing that but I'm choosing to not ruin my mind today. Even my mom's yelling won't ruin my mood because today's the day!

I decided to not eat and walk to school today because the weather was good and I still haven't completely digested last night's dinner. The sun was finally peeking his head out today. We're sun deprived people, it's rare to see the sun because the weather here is always drab and dry with freezing cold. But when the day is beginning with the sun's warmth I'm sure nothing can go wrong!

But luckily I made it in time for the first period.

I settled in my seat, as I took out my notebook and my pen. My eyes roamed around the room and made contact with him.

He just awkwardly smiled and waved at me and then put his focus on his notebook.

Oliver Davies. The tall kid hiding under the layers of sweaters with his curly hair neatly done and a pair of glasses covering his innocent looking dark eyes. Now he might come off a little nerdy. Well, he is a bit nerdy if we look at the social labelling standards, the proof of it is his teen titans backpack. The batman symbol sticker on his sweater and the stack of dc comics in his locker room. He is kind of cute though and he is actually really fun to talk to, but I haven't talked to him lately. We've had awkward smiles and waves thrown at each other once in a while.

The reason for all the awkwardness is Oliver confessed to having a crush on me and asked me out. Now if he had asked me this two months ago I would've said yes because I actually kind of like him too but I'm currently dating someone so there was no way I could've just said yes.

It's actually a pity that I didn't go out with him. I'm sure it would've been fun because we always have so much to talk about, we have so many things in common, there's a reason why I know he has his locker filled with dc comics and not just some superhero comics.

The teacher walked in the class and in a few seconds the ring for the first period to start went off.

I just have to get through the homeroom and then I can excuse myself to watch over the preparations for the dance.

I have a feeling, nothing can go wrong today.


I honestly can't believe this happened to me! Everything went fine, everything was going fine why they would do something like this to me. I want to scream and punch someone in the face.

I paced down the hallway almost stumbling on my heels, I supported my body against the lockers and tried to take off my sandals but struggled with getting the buckle off.

They're my friends! Why would they do this? Was a guy really that important to them? And that guy wasn't even a good one was an asshole! I can't believe I was dating a douche like him.

I grunted in frustration as I stomped my foot on the floor, the impact was much more than I could take. A wince left my throat as I felt the electric pain run through my whole leg. Tears bordered my eyes as I sat down on the floor sobbed my heart out.

I hate this school. I hate these people. I just want to get out of this place and never come back!

"Jon?" I heard the little nervous voice say as I looked up and met his nervous dark eyes.

Great! Now I have someone who can pity me and it has to be him!

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked.

I wiped my face realising my makeup must be melting off my face. I just nodded because I knew my voice won't come out without breaking.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" He asked.

I smiled politely at him and shook my head in a 'no'.

"Are you sure?" He asked, scratching his head. "I know you came with Jane and… after what happened you… wouldn't want to go with her." His voice was low.

I let out a long sigh and nodded again. I cleared my throat. "I just don't want to go home this early. My parents would start asking me questions and I really don't want to tell them that my friends have been spreading rumors about me having a std and the guy I call my boyfriend just humiliated me in front of the whole school by 'exposing' how much of a 'slut' I am. God! I just want to dig a hole and stay in there forever."

"Why?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Why would you want that? Those people are assholes and none of the things they said were true."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because they're just saying those things, they have no proof of that, if that's how things are then I can say I run a mafia gang and I have henchmen who would break their bones if they bully me." He said and I laughed a little.

"Fuck whatever they say, I know you. I know who you are and I know that you wouldn't hurt anyone whom you care about. I never understood why you would ever surround yourself with such friends and get in a relationship with a person who would believe any shit he hears about you." He let out a breath.

"Jon, you're the most amazing person I know and they're just jealous of you and how much you're capable of, people like them can not stand seeing anyone better than them."

"You're just being nice because you have a crush on me." I said looking away from him wiping my eyes using my arms now.

"Well… umm.. Yeah. But the reason I have.. a crush… on you is because you're an amazing human being and.. You make things beautiful for others around you."

I let out a little laugh as I covered my face with both of my hands and leaned my head against the locker door.

I sniffed and looked up at him. "I've hurt my foot."I told him and he smiled as he nodded.

He sat down on the floor and reached out to my feet. He carefully unbuckled the sandals.

" You're stupid." I said and he looked up at me in confusion. "There are other girls at the school too and some good ones who really like you and you're here helping the girl who rejected you."

He let out a small chuckle as he took off my shoes and placed them aside. His eyes met mine as he looked right into mine. I swear this guy has the most innocent looking eyes, hiding behind the thick wall of his glasses.

"If you're thinking I'm trying to gain the good guy points by being here, you're wrong. I've accepted that you're not interested in me but I really can't just pretend I don't care about you. You're still the student body president who has helped my robotics club from shutting, even beat up my bullies and helped me feel comfortable in this school when I first arrived here. I don't know about you but I do consider you a friend." He said standing up and picked up my heels in one hand. He held his hand towards me as I smiled and accepted it.

" I consider you a friend too." I said standing up.

" Good. Can you walk?" He asked.

" I think I can walk slowly." I replied.

"Wait here. I'll bring my car over." He stopped by the stair railing and I held on to it. I nodded and he left me there.

The night was too quiet. There was no sound out here. No crickets, no wind, no leaves rustling, just the bright moon shining and complete silence. It's about eight o'clock and how quiet it is right now. It makes me really uncomfortable. It's creepy in a way.

Just then I heard a car parking in front of me. It was a chevrolet. To my surprise, it was Oliver who came out of the car. Of course, he went to get his car but I didn't know he drove this car.

He walked up to me and helped me down the stairs leading me to his car. He helped me settle in and walked around the car to get in the driver's seat.

He took off his glasses and placed them aside. I looked at him in confusion and asked, "Don't you need that to see?"

"Oh. Not really. These are fake. I just wear them because I like wearing glasses." He shrugged as he took of his sweater.

He pulled off the brown sweater and then the gray one, his neatly done curly hair messed up lightly. The way his shirt embraced him, revealed an athletic body.

Wait… is he hot outside of school?

"What kind of look are you trying to achieve in school?" I asked as he put the sweaters in the backseat and started to drive the car.

He laughed softly and shook his head. "I'm not trying to achieve any look, I wear the sweaters because I hate cold weather and this town is cursed with freezing breezes throughout the year and the glasses are a part of my aesthetics."

"If you go to school looking like this I bet you'll have girls standing in a line to get a glimpse." I said as I reached into my bag and took out my phone.

He laughed again nervously. No matter how he looked, that laugh was still the same. Nervous and a bit doubtful.

"Would you?" He asked.


"Would you wait in line to get a glimpse?" He asked.

I smiled and turned on my phone's camera. "I don't have to." I said as I quickly clicked a picture of him.

He laughed, it was a bit bulkier than his usual one and sounded even genuine. He kept his eyes on the road.

"I'll make this viral." I told him and he shook his head.

"You can stare at it all you want but don't post it online. I won't feel comfortable." He replied. "Should I turn left or right?"

"Oh." I looked ahead and told him to turn left then I told him my address which I completely forgot to mention before.

"Can I ask why won't you feel comfortable?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I like how people look at me in school. I don't want attention. I've never craved it." He said and I nodded my head as I looked out the window.

"There are wipes in the dashboard if you want to clean up your face." He said and I suddenly realised my makeup must have melted off my face due to all the crying.

I opened the dashboard and took out the wipes. I turned my phone's camera on and yikes. Whatever this guy found attractive in me must have faded after seeing me like this.

While I was busy cleaning up my face. I noticed from the corner of my eye that he was texting someone.

"Don't text and drive. You know that's how accidents happen."I say and he smiled nodding his head he put his phone back in his pocket.

I felt a change in his mood for a second. I don't know but I could tell from his body language, he was tense. He was holding onto the steering wheel too tight. His eyes were shifting from the road to the rear view mirror again and again.

"Everything okay?" I asked as I looked in the side mirror hoping to see whatever it was that got him all tense.

"Don't look!" He said abruptly, making me almost jump from my seat. "Just sit still. We can't let them get suspicious."

"Who?" I asked.

"We're being followed." He said.

"Followed by who?" I asked.

He bit his lip as if hesitant for a second and then spoke, "It could be someone trying to rob us or it could be nothing."

"I should call my dad. He's a cop." I said as I turned my phone's screen on but he snatched it from me.

"There's no need . I've already called for help." He said as his eyes moved to the rear view mirror once again and back at the road.

"What is happening, Oliver?" I asked.

"I can't explain right now."He replied.

"Give my phone back this instant." I said keeping my voice firm.

"I'm sorry, I can't." He replied.

After playing the whole scenario in my head, I still couldn't come up with a logical explanation so I took a deep breath and said, "I have an emergency button in my bag which will alert any and every cop in the area. I will press it unless you tell me what is going on and who is following us." I bluffed.

I'm pretty sure he knew it was a bluff but he didn't want to gamble at the moment so he sighed.

"I can't tell you for your own safety." He said.

"I'll press the button for my 'own safety'." I said and I saw his jaw clenching.

"Why today of all days?" He murmured.

"I have pepper spray too, you know." I said.

"They're Anslow's people." He replied and my brows bumped in confusion.

Anslow. That name sounded familiar. Of course it did. Anslow is one of the notorious crime families from the east part of the town.

It took me a moment to realize but I got it, my eyes widened in surprise and I asked, "Grant Anslow?" I asked and he nodded. "How in the fuck you're involved with Grant Anslow?"

He stepped on the accelerator as the car sped away on the road.

"Oliver! Answer me! "

That was that, before I could ask him anything else our car was hit from behind leading us off the road and into a tree nearby.

I wasn't wearing a seatbelt which led to me hitting my head on the dashboard and just before I lost my consciousness, I heard a word. No, it was a name. I think whoever was driving the car behind us said it.

"Osric Siegel." That name sounded so familiar to me but before I could think about it I lost complete consciousness